Study on growth and photosynthesis traits of the invasive species Coreopsis lanceolata and its co occuring species in contrasting light conditions HIGH SEDIMENT PHOSPHORUS CONCENTRATION ENHANCED INVASIVENESS OF ALTERNANTHERA PHILOXEROIDES Chilling sensitivities of three closely related plants with different invasiveness in South China Responses of invasive Chromolaena odorata and native Eupatorium heterophyllum to atmospheric CO2 enrichment Study on inhibitory effect of triterpenoid saponin from Ardisia japonica TSP02 on proliferation and metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and its mechanism What attributes correlate with invasiveness of herbaceous angiosperms in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai? COVER SHIFT AND MORPHOLOGICAL PLASTICITY OF INVASIVE ALTERNANTHERA PHILOXEROIDES ALONG A RIPARIAN ZONE IN SOUTH CHINA EFFECTS OF SOIL NITROGEN LEVELS ON MORPHOLOGY, BIOMASS ALLOCATION AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN AGERATINA ADENOPHORA AND CHROMOLEANA ODORATA Allelopathy and light acclimation characteristic for Ageratina adenophora seedlings grown in man-made communities Preliminary studies on invasive model and outbreak mechanism of exotic species, Spartiona alterniflora Loisel. Allelopathic effects of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.on seed germination and seedling growth in ten herbaceous species Attributes of plant proliferation, geographic spread and the natural communities invaded by the naturalized alien plant species Tithonia diversifolia in Yunnan,China Review on relationship between invasiveness of plants and their DNA C-value Anatomical and physiological differences of eight exotic species from Asteraceae The effects of growth and development stage on allelopathy of Eupatorium adenophorum Reproductive Adaptability of the Invasive Weed Parthenium hysterophorus L.under Different Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels THE EFFECT OF LIGHT INTENSITY ON BIOMASS ALLOCATION, LEAF MORPHOLOGY AND RELATIVE GROWTH RATE OF TWO INVASIVE PLANTS RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ALLELOPATHY AND INVASIVENESS BY EUPATORIUM ADENOPHORUM AT DIFFERENT SITES Module biomass of Ageratum conyzoides populations in different habitats Relationship between DNA C-value and invasiveness in 539 angiosperm species in China Root Meristematic Karyon Size: Possible New Index in the Evaluation of Plant Invasiveness Effects of disturbance intensity on seed germination, seedling establishment and growth of Ageratina adenophora Reproductive traits associated with invasiveness in Conyza sumatrensis Module biomass structure traits of the alien invasive Bidens frondosa population The Ecological Risks of Genetically Engineered Plants Karyotype of Chromolaena odorata and Ageratina adenophora

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