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The Identity of Didissandra chishuiense


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638 第23卷热带亚热带植物学报
Didissandra chishuiense R. B. Zhang, Novon 24:
110. 2015, syn. nov. Type: China. Guizhou: Chishui
Shi, Hushi Zhen, Jinsha Cun, 28.461° N, 105.980° E,
530 m, 4 March, 2013, R. B. Zhang SBQ034 (holotype,
ZY; isotype KUN!).
Vernacular names. 金长连 Jinchanglian (Chang-
ning), 称砣草 Chentuocao (Hejiang).
Distribution. Staurogyne sichuanica is endemic
to China, occurring in Guizhou and Sichuan Provinces
(Fig. 2).
Habitat. Staurogyne sichuanica grows on moist
rocks in the valley in evergreen forest at altitude of
200–1100 m.
Phenology. Staurogyne sichuanica was observed in
flower in January to March and in fruit in April to May.
Conservation status. Staurogyne sichuanica was
considered to be Endangered (EN) by Wang & Xie[5]
based on IUCN Red List criteria and categories[6] because
it was found in less than five localities (2 localities) at
that time. Although recent years four additional localities
was found, further field investigation for searching the
species is necessary. Therefore, at present, I prefer to
access it as Data Deficient (DD).
Notes. In the protologue, two duplicates of R.
B. Zhang SBQ034 in ZY and KUN were designated
as holotype and paratype respectively. However,
according to the Art. 9.4 of ICN [7], the duplicate in
KUN is an isotype rather than a paratype and the use
of the term “paratype” for KUN duplicate is an error
to be corrected (ICN Art. 9.9).
Specimens examined. CHINA. Guizhou: Chishui
Shi, Datong, 240 m, 17 January 2011, Zhang Shoujun
11-4133 (IBSC); Chishui Shi, Hushi Zhen, Jinsha Cun,
Fig. 1 Images of type material. A: Isotype of Didissandra chishuiensis; B: Holotype of Staurogyne sichuanica.
第6期 639邓云飞:赤水漏斗苣苔(苦苣苔科)名实订正
Fig. 2 Distribution of Staurogyne sichuanica (●)
4 March 2013, R. B. Zhang SBQ034 (KUN). Sichuan:
Changning Xian, near Wanling gongshe, 560 m, 12
June 1976, Exped. Changning 42 (IBSC); Gulin Xian,
Huangjing Xiang, Bajiedong, 900 –1100 m, 28 May,
2010, PE-Gulin Exped. 0014 (PE); Hejiang Xian,
Zihuai Zhen, Longtian Cun, Ganxi, Datiexi, 900 m,
June 30, 1971, Exped. Hejiang 292 (IBSC); Hejiang
Xian, Zihuai Zhen, Xianlong Cun, Shunyangxi,
Chenglugou, 4 October 2006, Deng Yunfei & Xia
Nianhe 19248 (IBSC); Hejiang Xian, Zihuai Zhen,
Xianlong Cun, Shunyangxi, Chenglugu, 750–800 m,
15 October 2008, Deng Yunfei & Xin Haijing 20864
(IBSC); Xuyong Xian, Longfeng Xiang, Guandou
Cun, 20 April 2012, Gao Xinfen et al. HGX10320
(CDBI); Xuyong Xian, Shuiwei Zhen, Huagaoxi
Natural Reserve, 400 m, 12 March 2013, Gao Xinfen et
al. HGX11097 (CDBI); Xuyong Xian, Shuiwei Zhen,
Guangmu Cun, 900 m, 13 March 2013, Gao Xinfen
et al. HGX11184 (CDBI); Yaan Shi, Bifengxia, 24
February 2015, Zhou Xinxin s.n. (IBSC).
Acknowledgments  I am grateful to Dr. LIU En-de (KUN)
for providing the image of the isotype of Didissandra
chishuiense and Dr. YU Sheng-xiang (PE) for preparing the
distribution map, and the curators of the herbaria CDBI, IBSC,
KUN and P for their help during my visiting their herbaria.
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[5]  Wang S, Xie Y. China Species Red List, Vol. 1. Red List [M].
Beijing: High Education Press, 2004: 1–224.
[6]  IUCN. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, Version 3.1.
Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival Commission [M/OL].
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[7]  McNeill J, Barrie F R, Buck W R, et al. International Code of
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