摘 要 :对广西罗城大黄泥常绿阔叶林进行样方调查,分析了极危植物焕镛木(Woonyoungia septentrionalis (Dandy) Law)群落的组成结构特征。1 200 m2样地内有维管植物129种,隶属57科103属,以热带属占绝对优势;优势科为樟科、壳斗科、茜草科等。群落中焕镛木为优势种,重要值最大,为35.06,其次为粗丝木、红锥,重要值分别为22.09和19.66,因此,本群落可命名为焕镛木-粗丝木-红锥群落(Woonyoungia septentrionalis Gomphandra tetrandra Castanopsis hickelii Community)。群落成层现象明显, 可分为乔木层(3亚层)、灌木层和草本层3个层次, 层间植物丰富。生活型以中、小高位芽为主,占67.18%。叶型以中、小型革质单叶为主。种群频度分布规律为A>B>C<D>E,属于A级的种类占优势,为总种数的41.09%。乔木径级以小径级为主。焕镛木是我国南亚热带常绿阔叶林中非常珍稀濒危的物种, 希望有关部门尽快在此设立保护区,以保护焕镛木的种质基因资源。
Abstract:The China endemic species Woonyoungia septentrionalis community structure was investiged at Dahuangni, Luocheng County, Guangxi Province.The results showed that there were 129 vascular plants belonging to 57 families and 103 genera in plots of 1 200 m2, which dominated by Tropical genera. The community could be named as Woonyoungia septentrionalis Gomphandra tetrandra Castanopsis hickelii Community according to species importance value. The community could be vertically divided into three layers: tree layer (including 3 sublayers), shrub layer and herb layer, and interlayer species were rich. The mesophanerophytes and microphanerophytes made up 67.18% in life form, and the mesophyll and microphyll were dominate. The frequency distribution from the Raunkiaer was A>B>C<D>E, accounted for 41.09% in class A. The structure of Woonyoungia septentrionalis populations indicated that young trees were the main component of the community. Woonyoungia septentrionalis is a critically endangered species which must be protected by in-situ conservation,and establishment nature reserve as soon as possible.