Bamboo Biodiversity and Conservation Strategies in China Community Characteristics and Conservation Strategies of Adiantum reniforme var.sinense, an Endemic Species in the Three-Gorge Reservoir Region The genetic structure of endemic plant Pteroceltis tatarinowii by ISSR markers Endangering Causes of an Endemic Plant Heptacodium miconioides in East China Analysis of AFLP Variation of the Endemic and Rare Species Psilopeganum sinense in Central China Habitat prediction for forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) in Qinling mountain range based on niche model Floristic Characteristics of the Rare and Endangered Plant Species in North Guangdong and Their Conservation Strategies The Medical Plant Resources in Baotianman, Henan Province and the Conservation Strategies Studies on the Habitat,Population Structure and Dynamics of Cycas tanqingii Current Status and Conservation Strategies of Endangered Plants from Shanghai, China RAPD analysis on genetic diversity in eight natural populations of Phoebe bournei from Fujian and Jiangxi Province, China Biodiversity and Conserva tion Stra teg ies of Ra ttan-like Bamboo in China Community Characteristics and Conservation Strategies of A Rare Species, Dipteronia dyeriana ( Aceraceae) Investigation of Germplasm Resources of the Genus Rhododendron in Baili Nature Reserve in Guizhou The Community Characteristics and Conservation Strategies of Critically Endangered Species Woonyoungia septentrionalis (Dandy) Law Using RAPD markers to detect the population genetic structure of Pseudotaxus chienii (Taxaceae), an endangered and endemic conifer in China Population Ecological Characteristics and Analysis on Endangered Cause of Ten Endangered Plant Species