摘 要 :比较了安龙花(Dyschoriste sinica H. S. Lo)的模式标本与距药花属(Dyschoriste Nees)和马蓝属(Strobilanthes Bl.)部分种类的花粉和花的特征后,支持将安龙花转移到马蓝属,组合为Strobilanthes sinica (H. S. Lo) Y. F. Deng。安龙花隶属于马蓝属黄猄草群,它与日本马蓝(Strobilanthes japonica (Thunb.) Miq.)近似,但区别在于它的匍匐习性,叶矩圆状椭圆形,近无柄,花单生叶腋。因此,距药花属(Dyschoriste Nees)在中国并没有分布。
Abstract:After examining the type material and comparing to some other species of Dyschoriste Nees and Strobilanthes Blume on pollen and flower morphology, it reveals that Dyschoriste sinica H. S. Lo is a member of Strobilanthes as S. sinica (H. S. Lo) Y. F. Deng. Strobilanthes sinica belongs to Championella group of Strobilanthes and is related to Strobilanthes japonica (Thunb.) Miq., but differs in its procumbent habits, oblong-elliptic, subsessile leaves and solitary flowers in leaf axils. The genus Dyschoriste is no longer distributed in China.