摘 要 :通过~(14)CO_2示踪及碳酸酐酶活性测定表明:在缺锌的石灰性土壤上,锌作为越冬青菜——上海四季青菜(Brassica Var Cammunis Tsen TT Lee.)的基肥,能提高青菜对 CO_2的同化量,增强碳酸酐酶的活性,提高茎叶、籽粒产量,并延长采食期。
Abstract:By means of ~(14)CO_2 tracing and carbonic anhydrase activity assay,it was shown that in zinc-lacking lime soils,if zinc fertilizer is applied as base fertilizer for winter green vegetable(Shanghai Ever-green Vegetable), the assimilation capacity of CO_2,carbonic anhydrase activity,as well as the yield of stems,leaves and grains for the vegetable could be increased. The harvesting period of the vegetable could be also prolonged.