摘 要 :粗壮光叶拟单性木兰(Magnolia nitida var. robusta)被转移到拟单性木兰属(Parakmeria),升级为种的等级。它与光叶拟单性木兰不同,特征是:长叶片,长叶柄,雌蕊短于雄蕊,花两性或雄性,被片乳白色,附属物尖 (3~3.5 mm)。
Abstract:Magnolia nitida var. robusta B. L. Chen & Nooteboom is elevated to species rank and transferred to the genus Parakmeria Hu & W. C. Cheng as Parakmeria robusta (B. L. Chen & Nooteboom) Q. N. Vu & N. H. Xia. It differs from P. nitida (W. W. Smith) Y. W. Law by having larger leaves, longer petioles, gynoecium hidden by the androecium (vs. exceeding from the androecium), flowers bisexual and male (vs. bisexual), tepals cream white (vs. yellow), and connective appendage ca. 0.3-0.5 mm (vs. 3-3.5 mm).