Karyotypic Studies on Three Hybrids and Their Parents in Magnoliaceae A New Combination of Parakmeria (Magnoliaceae) from Vietnam Studies on Community Characteristics of Michelia chapensis in Yejingbei, Zengcheng, Guangzhou Taxonomic revision of the genus Parakmeria Hu & Cheng (Magnoliaceae) Two New Species of Yulania Spach from Sichuan Province of China Notes on the Type of Michelia tonkinensis (Magnoliaceae) from Vietnam Manglietia lucida (Magnoliaceae),A Newly Recorded Species for Vietnam Studies on Microsporogenesis and Development of Male Gametophyte in Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun Comparative Investigation of Vessel Elements in the Secondary Xylem of Liriodendron CHROMOSOME NUMBERS OF SOME SPECIES IN THE FAMILY MAGNOLIACEAE IN YUNNAN OF CHINA Advances in bioactive studying and applying of Magnoliaceae plants in recent five years Two new species of Yulania from China A Synopsis of the Magnoliaceae in Jiangxi Province NEW DATA FOR MAGNOLIACEAE PLANTS IN YUNNAN PROVINCE OF CHINA, THAILAND AND VIETNAM Comparative Anatomical Studies on the Wood Rays of Sixty-Six Species in Nine Genera of Magnoliaceae in China Spiral Thickenings of Vessel Elements in Magnoliaceae in China WOONYOUNGIA LAW——A NEW GENUS OF MAGNOLIACEAE FROM CHINA SOME NOTES ON MAGNOLIACEAE FROM CHINA A CLADISTIC ANALYSIS OF MAGNOLIACEAE A new species of Magnolia(Magnoliaceae) from Hubei, China The Crossing Result of Magnoliaceae A Cytological Study on the Cytology of Michelia figo (Magnoliaceae) Taxonomic Notes on the Genus Kmeria (Pierre) Dandy (Magnoliaceae) Geographical Distribution of Magnoliaceae Plants in China Morphological and developing characteristics of the young leaves in dormant buds of Magnolia grandiflora A PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF MAGNOLIACEAE Studies of microsporogenesis and male gametophyte formation of Michelia guangxiensis Study on the Technical of Cutting Propagation of Tender Branch for Broad-leaf Tree Species Studies on the Leaf Cuticle of Three Chinese Endemic Genera in Magnoliaceae THE ORIGIN,EVOLUTION AND PHYTOGEOGRAPHY OF MAGNOLIACEAE A new species of Magnolia(Magnoliaceae)from Guangxi, China Pollen Morphology of 16 Species of the Genus Michelia in Magnoliaceae Floristic analysis of Magnoliaceae in Jiangxi A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS MICHELIA L.(MAGNOLIACEAE) FROM CHINA ANATOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF SECONDARY XYLEM OF MAGNOLIACEAE IN CHINA Comparative studies on leaf structure and oil cells of the Magnoliaceae in China Chalazal region morphology on the endotesta of Magnoliaceous seeds and its systematic significance Anatomy and ontogeny of unisexual flowers in dioecious Woonyoungia septentrionalis (Dandy) Law (Magnoliaceae) Materials for Chinese Magnoliaceae A karyomorphological study of 40 species in 11 genera of the Magnoliaceae from China A Preliminary Study on the Taxonomy of the Family Magnoliaceae STUDY ON COLD HARDINESS OF EVERGREEN MAGNOLIACEAE Michelia mannii (Magnoliaceae),A Newly Recorded Species from Vietnam A New Species of Michelia (Magnoliaceae) from Zhejiang The Determination of Nuclear DNA Content (2Cvalue) on Some Representative Genus and Species of Magnoliaceae Chromosome Numbers of Some Species in the Family Magnoliaceae in China A Preliminary Study on the Taxonomy of the Family Magnoliaceae The utility of trnL intron and trnL-trnF IGS in phylogenetic analysis of Magnoliaceae Genome differentiation in Magonoliaceae as revealed from meiotic pairing in interspecific and intergeneric hybrids Floral organogenesis of Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun Pollen Morphology of Five Species of Manglietia (Magnoliaceae) Anther Development in Sinomanglietia glauca (Magnoliaceae) A New Species of Magnoliaceae from China Notes on Magnoliaceae A CLADISTIC ANALYSIS OF MAGNOLIACEAE PROPAGATION OF MAGNOLIACEAE PLANTS BY GRAFTING EX SITU CONSERVATION OF MAGNOLIACEAE INCLUDING ITS RARE AND ENDANGERED SPECIES NOTES RELATING TO FLORA OF HUNAN Ⅰ.MAGNOLIACEAE, ILLICIACEAE, SCHISANDRACEAE,LAURACEAE, CALLITRICHACEAE Studies on the Cold Resistance of Four Magnoliaceae Species in Guizhou Province Sesquiterpenoids from Michelia lacei and Their Chemotaxonomic Significance The Cross-Compatibility of Magnoliaceae The Chemical Constituents of Parakmeria yunnanensis Karyotype Analysis of Some Species of Magnolia in China A NEW SPECIES OF MANGLIETIA (MAGNOLIACEAE) FROM SE YUNNAN IN CHINA Taxonomic revision of the Magnoliaceae from Jiangxi Province ANATOMY OF THE LEAVES AND FREEZING HARDINESS OF THIRTEEN SPECIES OF MAGNOLIACEAE A New Proposal on Generic Division of the Chinese Magnoliaceae Leaf architecture of subtribe Micheliinae (Magnoliaceae) from China and its taxonomic significance A synonym of Manglietia kwangtungensis (Merr.) Dandy (Magnoliaceae) The utility of matK gene in the phylogenetic analysis of the genus Magnolia Chromosome numbers of 13 taxa and 12 crossing combinations in Magnoliaceae Karyotype Comparison Between Genera in Magnoliaceae Comparison of leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in eight broad-leaved tree species The Determination of Nuclear DNA Content (2Cvalue) on Some Representative Genus and Species of Magnoliaceae Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of the Essential Oils of Five Magnoliaceae Species from South China Two New Species of Yulania Spach from Hubei Province of China Floral Organogenesis of Kmeria septentrionalis(Magnoliaceae) Component of Volatile Oils in 10 Chinese Species of Yulania Genus and Its Phylogenetic Implication Karyotypical Studies on Michelia chapensis Dandy (Magnoliaceae) Notes on Yulania Spach

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