Abstract:The seed of Amomum maximum Roxb. comprises aril, seed coat, perisperm,endospermand embryo.The seed coat formed from outer integument can be divided into exotesta,mesotesta and endotesta. Exotesta contains only one layer of epidermal cells withthickening and lightly lignified cell wall.The mesotesta includes hypodermis,oil cell layerand pigment layer which consists of 2-5 layers of cells. Hypodermis and oil cell layer arerespectively composed of only one layer of greatly compressed cells.The endotesta consisted ofone layer of sclerotic coils, the principal mechanical layer,is extremely thick, and nearlyoccupies one to two third of the total thickness of the seed coat.The appearance of outline of the endotesta looks like wave-shaped, except that of parts‘ outline of endotesta atmicropylar and chalazal ends.A micropylar collar, an operculum and a parenchymaticpart are differentiated at micropylar end. A hypodermal cell pad,large parenchyma cellgroup,vascular bundle and pigment cell group are differentiated at chalazal end.The cellso f perisperm are full of starch grains, and the cells of endosperm,except cells of its outermost layer,are abundent in proteins and polysaccharides. Cells of embryo contain pro teins,polysaccharides and lipids.Lipid is absent in oil cells,but present in embryo cells,in cells of aril adjacent to epidermis, in exotesta cells and in cells of the outer most layerof the endosperm.Because the oil cells are without lipid, they can not be called ‘oil cell‘anymore.The term‘translucent cell‘ is suggested to use here instead of ‘oil cell‘.