摘 要 :本新种在种子形态上与云南榧Torreya yunnanensis Cheng et L.K. Fu 相似,不同在于体态为小乔木,高4~5 m,直径10~15 cm;叶较小,长(1.2)1.5~2 cm,宽2.2~3 mm,先端具短尖头,基部圆形或圆楔形,上面仅下部有2条不明显的纵槽,下面2条灰白色气孔带较宽,其宽度与中脉和绿色边带近相等;带假种皮种子倒卵球形或稀近圆球形,较小,直径1.6~2 cm(云南榧2~2.5 cm),易于区别。
Abstract:Torreya parvifolia Yi, L. Yang et Long, a new species of the Taxaceae from Sichuan, China, is described and illustracted. The new species is closely related to Torreya yunnanensis Cheng et L. K. Fu, from which it differs apparently by the shorter and smaller stem, 4~5 m high, 10~15 cm diameter; smaller leaves, (1.2)1.5~2 cm long, 2.2~3 mm broad, acute on the apex with short acumen, rotund or rotundly cuneate at the base, upper surface only below with inconspicuous 2-canaliculates, under surface with 2 stomatic bands broader grey white, nearly as width as mitrib and green side; seeds with arillate obovoid or rare nearly globose, smaller, 1.5~2 cm diameter.