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Analysis on the flora of seed plants alongside Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion Project, Shanxi


全 文 :第 24卷 第 1 期             植   物   研   究 2004 年 1月
Vol.24 No.1           BULLETIN OF BOTANICAL RESEARCH Jan.,  2004
刘丽艳1 张 峰1  张婉荣2
(1.山西大学生命科学与技术学院 , 太原 030006)
(2.山西芮城中学 , 芮城 044600)
摘 要 山西万家寨引黄工程从万家寨水利枢纽至太原市呼延水厂 ,全长 285.03 km 。引黄工程
沿线有种子植物 1 040种 ,隶属于422属 100科 ,其中裸子植物 3科 5属 9种;被子植物 97科 417
属1 031种(双子叶植物 79科 321属793种 ,单子叶植物 18科 96属 238种)。引黄工程沿线种子
植物属的区系成分类型多样 ,具有明显的温带色彩 。突出特征是温带成分占优势 ,达 246属 ,占总
属数的58.29%(其中北温带成分 155属 ,占总属数的 36.73%),在植物区系的组成中具有重要作
用。在引黄工程沿线种子植物种的区系成分中 ,中国特有种占绝对优势 ,达 311种 ,占总种数的
29.90%,它们是构成引黄工程沿线优势植被类型的建群种和优势种的主要成分 ,如青 、华北落
叶松 、油松 、小叶杨 、青杨 、垂柳 、旱榆和黄刺玫等。
关键词 万家寨引黄工程;种子植物;区系;山西
Analysis on the flora of seed plants alongside Wanjiazhai
Yellow River Diversion Project , Shanxi
LIU Li-Yan1 ZHANG Feng1* ZHANG Wan-Rong2
(1.School of Life Science and Technology , Shanxi University , Taiyuan 030006)
(2.Ruicheng Middle School , Ruicheng 044600)
Abstract Shanxi Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion Project(YRDP)is a large diversion project from Wan-
jiazhai , Pianguan to Huyan , Taiyuan , and its length is about 285.03 km totally.It plays an important role in
solving the problem of the absence of water resource in Taiyuan and Datong.There are 1 040 species of seed
plants alongside YRDP that is a transect 285.03×1 km2 , belonging to 422 genera and 100 families , among
which gymnosperms have 3 families , 5 genera and 9 species , and angiosperms have 97 families , 417 genera
and 1 031 species.The angiosperms are composed of dicotyledon and monocotyledon , having 79 families ,
321 genera and 793 species , and 18 families , 96 genera and 238 species , respectively.The flora of genera
has some typical characteristics of warm-temperate flora.Among them , temperate distribution elements , hav-
ing 246 genera and accounting for 58.29% in total genera , hold a significant dominant position.Moreover ,
among the floristic elements of species , endemic to China has 311 species , accounting for 29.90% in the to-
tal , and makes evidently dominant , and they are the major elements of the edificatos and dominant species of
dominant vegetation types , such as Picea vilsonii , Larix principis-rupprechtii , Pinus tabulaeformis , Populus
 第一作者简介:刘丽艳(1977-),女 ,硕士研究生 ,主要从事生态学研究。
simonii , Populus cathayana , Salix babylonica and Ulmus glaucesens.
Key words Wanjiazhai Yellow River Division Project;seed plant;flora;Shanxi
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671期             刘丽艳等:山西万家寨引黄工程沿线种子植物区系分析
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691期             刘丽艳等:山西万家寨引黄工程沿线种子植物区系分析
70       植  物  研  究                  24 卷