On Cordaites neimengensis sp. nov from Lower Permian of Zhungeerqi, Inner Mongolia, China Effects of coal dust and temperature on CO2 emission in two soil types in Shanxi Province Classification and ordination of grassland landscape in the Shanxi Plateau Preliminary investigation on the moths diversity in Manghe Rhesus Monkeys National Nature Reserve in Shanxi Study on niche of population of Ulmus lamellosa in the south area of Shanxi province The study of diversity in Shenweigou of Guandi Mountain,Shanxi province A New Species of Fresh-Water Red Algae—Audouinella heterospora from China Studies on the Flora of Seed Plants in Pangquangou Nature Reserve,Shanxi Province FLORA OF SPERMATOPHYTES AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS IN SHUO COUNTY,SHANXI PROVINCE A PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS ON THE FLORA OF TAIYUAN REGIONS IN SHANXI PROVINCE ON NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE POLLEN OF HONEY SOURCE PLANTS FROM SHANXI STUDIES ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMUNITY OF HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L. SUBSP. SINENSIS SCRUB AND ITS REASONABLE UTILIZATION IN SHANXI PROVINCE Analysis on the Floristic Characteristics of Wild Seed Plants in the Zhongtiao Mountains,Shanxi Discovery of Paratingia and Paratingiostachya from the Shanxi Formation of the Early Early Permian in the Wuda Area of Inner Mongolia, China A New Variety of Anemone exlgua Maxim. Application of grey multiple object state decision-making in afforestation of northwest Shanxi General Survey and Analysis of Crop Germplasm Resources in Drought Area of Shanxi Province Study on sap flow in forest of Quercus liaotungensis and Populus davidiana by using the TDP method Comparisons of Leaf Traits among Different Functional Types of Plant from Huoshan Mountain in the Shanxi Province Studies on Bryoflora and Distribution Features in Shanxi Province,North China Discovery and Significance of the Genus Caulopteris from the Wuda Area of Inner Mongolia Study on the Slope Vegetation-SoiI Environmental Change in Shanxia Reservoir Area and Its Land Utilization Plant Regeneration from Protoplast Culture of Musa AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang A new species of Oedogonium (Oedogoniales, Chlorophyta) from Shanxi, China Studies on flora diversity of the seed plants in Heng Mountain nature reseave,Shanxi Spatial Patterns and Successions of Vegetation in Shanxi Resource and Floristic Characteristics of the Key Protection Wild Plants in Shanxi Plant Regeneration from Protoplast Culture of Musa AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang Analysis on the flora of seed plants alongside Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion Project, Shanxi INVESTIGATION OF TAXUS MAIREI ON MANGHE FOREST REGION OF YANGCHENG COUNTY IN SHANXI PROVINCE A STUDY ON THE NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF WETLAND VEGETATIONS IN LULIANG PREFECTURE, SHANXI Comprehensive evaluation of low-temperature tolerance in soybean cultivars of different eco-types at seedling stage in Shanxi Province Ecological regionalization of wheat cultivation in Shanxi Province of China Species and distribution characteristics of entomogenous fungi in Shanxi Province Phosphorus accumulation characteristics and loss risk in vegetable garden soils of Shanxi Province Emergy comparison for different agro-ecological regions in Shanxi Province Quantitative classification and ordination of shrub species and communities in a loess landscape of western Shanxi The simulation study of the rehabilitation of ecological environments and the sustainable developments of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry in the loess hilly regions in Shanxi Province, Shaanxi Province and Ningxia Automous Region Patterns of dominant populations of wetland vegetation in Sanggan River Watershed, Shanxi ANALYSIS ON THE FLORA OF SEED PLANTS IN MANGHE NATURE RESERVE, SHANXI ON THE FLORA OF SEED PLANTS IN LISHAN MOUNTAINS, SHANXI PROVINCE STUDY ON DIVERSITY OF VASCULAR PLANT OF WETLAND IN SHANXI ON THE FLORA OF SEED PLANTS IN GUANDI MOUNTAINS,SHANXI New Fern Records from Shanxi Province,North China A Study on Plant Species Diversity of Bothriochloa ischaemum Communities in Southeast Shanxi Province Flora of Wild Seed Plants in Yundingshan Nature Reserve in Shanxi A new species of the genus Camellia from Guangdong, China Two New Species of Compsopogon (Rhodophyta) from Shanxi and Guangxi, China Studies on the Epidermal Structure of Tingia carbonica A New Genus and Species—Cycadostrobilus paleozoicus Zhu of Cycadaceae from the Permian of China THE PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON THE PTERIDOPHYTE FLORA AND DISTRIBUTIVE FEATURES OF SHANXI Thestudy of niche on main species of forestcommunity in Shanxi Huoshan Mt. Quantitative distribution and character analysis of Sinorchizobium fredii in Shanxi Province ISSR analysis of genetic diversity of germplasm resources of Bothriochloa ischaemum in Shanxi Herbaceous Plant Species Diversity and Regeneration in Shrub Gaps in Huoshan Mountain of Shanxi Province A STUDY ON PHYSOKERMES SHANXIENSIS TANG (HOMOPTERA: COCCOIDEA: COCCIDAE) Variation characteristics of agricultural heat resource and its effect on agriculture in Shanxi Province, China. Land use change dynamics and driving forces of the vulnerable ecological region in northwestern Shanxi Province, China. Some Newly Recorded Vascular Plants from Shanxi Variation of protein subunits of soybean germplasms of different eco-types in Shanxi The aroma components from the flowers of Camellia renshanxiangiae by HS-SPME Study on the Resources of Entomogenous Fungi in Pangquangou National Nature Reserve The Study on the Flora and Resources of the Virgin Forest in Hungou,Zhongtiaoshan,Shanxi Analysis of the Floristic Composition of Seed Plants in the Fenhe Source Development and security of follow-up industries in returned farmland to forest/grass lands in Western Region of Shanxi Province Water Consumption Characteristics of Black Locust and Pitch Pine Plantation in Western Shanxi Evaluation of forest ecosystem services based on biomass in Shanxi Province A taxonomic study of freshwater red algae from Shanxi Province,North China A STUDY ON GREGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION AND POPULATION VARIATION LAW OF LARIX PRINCIPIS-RUPPRECHTII MAYR NATURAL FOREST IN SHANXI Population Patterns of Dominant Species in an Elaeagnus mollis Community, Shanxi Analysis of Relationships Between Patterns of Vegetation and Soil in Shanxi Plateau Division of Successional Phase in The Platycladus orientalis Forest in the South Loess Plateau of the Northern shanxi Province Analysis of Relationships between Vegetation and Climate in Shanxi Plateau The Main Characteristics of the Vegetation and its Impact on the Soil Essence in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shanxi Province Studies on the Ecological Geographic Distribution and Synecological Characteristics of Elaeagnus Mollis Sorub in Shanxi Province A Preliminary Studies on the Biomass of Spodiopogon sibiricus Community on Woodland of Loess Plateau in North Shanxi Province Classification of plant functional types and spatial pattern in Shanxi Province Quantitative evaluation on the influence of environmental factors on timber production of Pinus tabulaeformis Classification and ordination of subalpine meadows in Wutai Mountains by artificial neural network methods VERTICAL ZONES OF BRYOPHYTES IN GUANCEN MOUNTAINS FOREST AREA IN SHANXI PROVINCE