摘 要 :描述了木兰科玉兰属两新种,湖北玉兰(Yulania verrucata D. L. Fu,T. B. Zhao et S. S. Chen, sp. nov.)和楔叶玉兰(Y.cuneatofolia T. B. Chao, Z. X. Chen et D. L. Fu,sp. nov.)。湖北玉兰的独特特征是:枝、叶背面、叶柄、托叶、花梗和果梗均无毛;幼枝皮孔疣状突起,棕色,狭长椭圆体形。楔叶玉兰的独特特征是:叶楔形;花被片皱曲。
Abstract:Two new species of the genus Yulania Spach of Magnoliaceae were described from Hubei Province of China. They are Yulania verrucata D. L. Fu,T. B. Zhao et S. S. Chen, sp. nov. and Y.cuneatofolia T. B. Chao, Z. X. Chen et D. L. Fu,sp. nov.. The main particular distinguishing features of Y.verrucata are that the branches, leaf backs, petioles, stipules and the pedicels of flower and fruit are glabrous and the lenticels are narrow, brown and verruciform ellipsoids on twigs. Those of Y.cuneatofolia are that the leaves are cuneiform and the petals are rugate.