摘 要 :研究了在一个生长季节内遮荫网不同遮荫强度下对人工种植的南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var. mairei)枝叶生物量、紫杉醇含量和产量季节变化。结果表明,在遮荫网89%和46.4%遮光条件下,南方红豆杉枝叶生物量、紫杉醇含量及其产量随发育节律呈现明显的规律性季节变化。在遮荫网89%和46.4%遮光条件下,89%遮荫条件下南方红豆杉枝叶生物量在整个生长季节内都明显高于46.4%遮荫条件下南方红豆杉枝叶生物量;在遮荫网89%和46.4%遮光条件下南方红豆杉枝叶中紫杉醇含量在5月中旬、7月末和11月末都出现较高峰值,后者紫杉醇含量峰值都明显比前者紫杉醇的含量高;89%和46.4%遮荫网遮光条件下南方红豆杉枝叶中紫杉醇的产量都在11月末期时达到最高,后者明显高于前者。因此,生产实践中可采用46.4%遮荫网遮光,采收的最佳季节为11月末期。
Abstract:Seasonal dynamic of the yield of taxol in the branches and leaves of Taxus chinensis var. mairei with different shade intensities in one growth season was studied. The season change law of the biomass, the content and yield of taxol in the branches and leaves of T.chinensis var. mairei showed distinct seasonal change. The biomass of taxol in the branches and leaves of T.chinensis var. mairei shaded with shade net of 89% shade degree was higher than that shaded with shade net of 46.4% shade degree.The content of taxol in the branches and leaves of T.chinensis var. mairei shaded with shade net of 89% and 46.4% shade degree respectively, both showed higher value in May, July and November, but the higher value of 46.4% shade degree was obviously higher than that of 89% in the same period. The periods of the highest yield of taxol in the branches and leaves of T.chinensis var. mairei in one growth season are both November, but the highest yield of 46.4% shade degree was obviously higher than that of 89%.Therefore,we can choose the shade degree of 46.4% in the practical produce and the best harvest season is November.