Abstract:A virus was isolated from naturally infected Cucurbita moschata in Beijing. It was identified as Zucchini yellow mosaic virus by biological, serological and molecular biological tests. In order to analyzing the characterization of the 3‘ terminal sequences of the genome, the 3‘ terminal sequences were amplified by RT-PCR form total RNA of infected leaves and cloned into pMD18-T vector. The sequences were 1269 bp and contained the coat protein (CP) gene, which consisted of 837 nucleotides encoding 279 amino acids. The analysis was carried out in 30 isolates on their 760 bp segments (containing the 3‘ terminal 56 bp of NIb gene and 704 bp of CP gene), the incising site of Nib protein and CP, the mutation of the sequence which was related to aphid transmissibility, the source of hosts and terrains. The result showed that the gene types of ZYMV were not obviously related to the five factors.