作 者 :杜伟 赵秉强 林治安 袁亮 李燕婷
期 刊 :植物营养与肥料学报 2011年 17卷 6期 页码:1388-1394
Keywords:organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, organic compound phosphorus fertilizer, soil inorganic phosphorus fraction, soil phosphorus,
摘 要 :实验室培养条件下,研究了有机复混磷肥对石灰性土壤无机磷组成变化的影响。结果表明: 1)单独施用有机物料对提高土壤速效磷含量的影响不大,但施用磷肥,无论是磷酸一铵化肥还是有机复混磷肥,均显著提高了土壤速效磷含量;施用有机复混磷肥提高土壤速效磷的幅度(67.5mg/kg~80.4mg/kg)高于施用磷酸一铵化肥处理(62.3mg/kg);有机复混磷肥中有机物料的含量高低对土壤速效磷含量的影响不大。2)单独施用有机物料具有提高土壤Ca2-P含量的作用,且明显提高了Ca8-P含量,但对Al-P、Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P含量影响不大;施用无机磷肥和有机复混磷肥,显著提高了土壤Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P含量,而对Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P含量的影响很小;与磷酸一铵化学磷肥处理相比,施用有机复混磷肥对Ca2-P含量影响较小,但明显提高了Ca8-P含量,Fe-P含量也表现增加的趋势,而Al-P含量明显降低,O-P和Ca10-P含量的变化则没有明显规律;有机复混磷肥中有机物料的比例高低对土壤无机磷组成变化的影响没有表现出明显的规律性。3)施用磷肥引起速效态Ca2-P和缓效态Ca8-P的变化最大,其它形态无机磷的变化相对较小。与磷酸一铵化肥处理相比,有机复混磷肥处理Ca8-P的变异提高幅度增加,而Al-P的变异提高幅度减小,其它指标库容的变异幅度与之相近。4)施磷处理土壤速效磷含量与土壤Ca2-P、Ca8-P含量呈线性正相关,相关系数分别达到0.9888、0.9867,而Al-P、 Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P与土壤速效磷相关性不显著,磷肥施入土壤后,土壤无机磷库中Ca2-P、Ca8-P的变化对土壤速效磷含量的贡献最大。
Abstract:Effects of organic-inorganic compound phosphate fertilizer on the composing and transformation of inorganic phosphorus in lime soil was carried out under laboratory incubation condition. The results show that there are little effects on improving soil available P content through single application of small quantity of organic materials, but the soil available phosphorus contents are significantly increased under the applications of phosphate fertilizers, whether it is MAP or organic-inorganic compound phosphate fertilizer. Besides, the soil available phosphorus contents are increased by 67.5 mg/kg to 80.4 mg/kg under the applications of organic-inorganic phosphate fertilizer compared to the application of MAP (62.3 mg/kg). Moreover, there are little effects of the quantity of organic materials in organic-inorganic compound fertilizers on the soil available P. The increasing trend of Ca2-P content is found through single application of organic materials, and the Ca8-P content is significantly increased as well, while there are little changes in Al-P, Fe-P, O-P and Ca10-P contents; Applications of phosphate fertilizers, whether it is MAP or organic-inorganic compound phosphate fertilizer, improve the soil Ca2-P, Ca8-P, Al-P contents significantly, while the changes of Fe-P, O-P, Ca10-P are small. Comparing with the MAP treatment, the applications of organic-inorganic fertilizers have little affects on the content of Ca2-P, while increases the content of Ca8-P and decreases the Al-P content significantly, and there is a rising trend on Fe-P content and no obvious regularity on O-P and Ca10-P contents. Besides, there is no obvious regularity in the effect of the organic materials proportion on the composing and transformation of soil inorganic phosphorus pool. The changes in Ca2-P and Ca8-P contents are bigger than those of the other phosphorus forms through the phosphate fertilizer application. Compared with the MAP fertilizer application, the applications of organic-inorganic compound fertilizers increase Ca8-P variability and decreases Al-P variability, and there are no differences in the other indicators. Statistical analysis results show that there are positive linear correlations between soil available P and Ca2-P and Ca8-P, and the correlation coefficients reach to 0.9888, 0.9867, respectively, while there are not significant linear correlations between soil available P and Al-P, Fe-P, O-P and Ca10-P content. As a conclude, the variabilities of Ca2-P and Ca8-P pool affect the available P content most after the application of the phosphate fertilizer.
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