Abstract:The breeding of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cultivars adapted to soils low in available boron may have particular importance because the crop has a high boron requirement and boron deficiency is widespread in some rapeseed-planting areas. The inheritance of rapeseed (Brasstca napus L.) boron efficiency and agronomic characters in 15 F1 generations (including 6 reciprocals) crossed between different boron efficient cultivars was tested under soil culture. The results indicated that 15 F1 generations had shorter growth period and bolting early. which were close to boron-efficient parents. The responses of the 15 F1 generation to boron deficiency were consistent with boron-efficient parents. which had lower boron concentration and accumulated more dry matter per unit boron at seedling stage, and had higher relative concentration of boron in stem at bolting stage. The boron efflcient coefficient of the 15 F1 generations related to boron-efficient parents was slgnificant. It showed that the boron utilization of 15 first generations crossed between different boron efficient cultivars was boron-efficient and the character of boron-efficient nutrition is a dominant .character, and the relative high boron concentration of boron-efficient cultivars in stem at the condition of boron deficiency may be a mechanism of rapeseed boron-efficient nutrition.