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Mobilization of Insoluble Iron Bound Phosphate and Effective Factors by Root Cell Walls of Chinese Fir


[目的] 以南方红壤中储量较大的难溶性铁磷为对象,研究杉木根系细胞壁活化难溶性铁磷的能力,分析林龄、根径级、以及木质部和韧皮部等不同组织部位对杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷能力的影响情况,以期为南方林区红壤潜在可利用磷素含量的研究提供理论依据。[方法] 在福建三明莘口教学林场的10年生杉木幼龄林、22年生杉木中龄林和34年生杉木老龄林中各选择3株平均木作为研究对象,按根直径<2 mm,2~5 mm,5~10 mm,10~20 mm,20~30 mm,>30 mm等6个径级进行分组,分别从不同径级根系的木质部和韧皮部中提取细胞壁,采用钼锑抗比色法测定细胞壁对难溶性铁磷活化的有效磷含量,分析比较杉木根系细胞壁活化难溶性铁磷的能力,以及根径级、组织部位及林龄等因子对杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷的影响。[结果] 杉木根系细胞壁对铁磷的活化量为17.67~497.50 mg·kg-1。根径级小于10 mm的根系,其木质部和韧皮部中细胞壁对铁磷的活化能力均高于径级大于10 mm的根系。与同一根径级木质部相比,各林龄杉木根系韧皮部的细胞壁对铁磷活化能力均较高。不同林龄杉木同一根径级的木质部和韧皮部,其提取出的细胞壁对铁磷活化能力均表现为: 老龄林 >中龄林 >幼龄林。[结论] 杉木根径级、组织部位及林龄等因子对其根系细胞壁活化铁磷的影响均较显著。总体上表现为从径级较小根系提取的细胞壁活化铁磷能力高于径级较大根系;随着林龄的增加,根系对铁磷的活化能力呈逐渐增强的趋势,且韧皮部细胞壁的活化能力明显高于木质部。这可能与细胞壁磷溶解内含物的累积及空间结构特征发育规律有关。由于根直径较小的细根生长发育较快,有利于细胞壁活性物质的形成与积累;而与木质部相比,韧皮部作为植物贮藏组织之一,其化学成分含量明显较高;林龄对根系的生长,特别是对细胞壁内果胶等主要内含物的积累具重要作用。因此,今后应对参与细胞壁合成和重组的基因和蛋白进行系统研究, 以期找出逆境胁迫下细胞壁通过释放特异性活性物质等途径的作用机制。

[Objective] Aims: The insoluble iron bound phosphate in red soil of southern China was used to study the capacity of cell wall of Chinese fir roots in mobilizing insoluble iron bound phosphate and the impact factors, including forest age, root diameter and tissue structure of Chinese fir root cell wall. This study aims at providing a theoretical basis for fully using potentially available phosphorus content in the forest red soil of southern China. [Method] Methods: In Xinkou Forest Station of Sanming in Fujian, we chose 3 average trees from different aged forests, the 10-year-old as the young forest, 22-year-old as middle-aged forest and 34-year-old as old forest of Chinese fir plantations, and classified the roots into 6 classes according to the root diameter, less than 2 mm, 2-5 mm, 5-10 mm, 10-20 mm, 20-30 mm, and more than 30 mm. The cell wall was extracted from xylem and phloem of different root classes, respectively. The phosphorus content mobilized by cell-wall from insoluble iron bound phosphate was determined by using the molybdenum antimony colorimetric method, to analyze and compare the ability of cell wall of Chinese fir root in mobilization of insoluble iron bound phosphate, and the influence factors, such as root diameter, tissue structures and forest age. [Result] The mobilizing phosphorus content by Chinese fir root cell wall from insoluble iron bound phosphate was from 17.67 mg kg-1 to 497.50 mg kg-1. The xylem and phloem cell wall of less than 10 mm diameter roots had greater ability of activating insoluble iron bound phosphate than that of the more than 10 mm diameter roots. Compared with xylem in each forest age, the phloem cell wall of the same diameter root activated more insoluble iron bound phosphate. There was difference in activating ability of insoluble iron bound phosphate among the different forest ages with the same root diameter, and the ability of cell wall in activating insoluble iron bound phosphate was as follows: old forest > middle-aged forest > young forest. [Conclusion] The factors such as root diameter, tissue structures and forest age of Chinese fir had a significantly impact on the capacity for root cell wall to activate insoluble iron bound phosphate. The smaller diameter roots had greater ability activating insoluble iron bound phosphate than the bigger roots; the older forest had greater ability in activating insoluble iron bound phosphate than the younger, and the cell wall extracted from phloem had significantly greater activation ability than that from the xylem. This would be related to the inclusions accumulation of phosphorus dissolved of the cell wall and development pattern of spatial structure. The rapid growth of fine root would conducive to the formation and accumulation of active substances of cell wall. Phloem is a storage tissue of plants, and it has a higher chemical contents compared with the xylem. The forest age especially plays an important role in accumulation of the main contents like pectin in the cell wall. Thus, it is proposed that the genes and proteins involved in cell wall synthesis and restructuring should be studied and emphasized in the future, to understand the mechanism of cell wall in mobilizing insoluble iron bound phosphate through releasing specific active substances under stress condition.

全 文 :第 51 卷 第 9 期
2 0 1 5 年 9 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 51,No. 9
Sep.,2 0 1 5
doi:10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20150908
收稿日期: 2014 - 08 - 22; 修回日期: 2015 - 02 - 01。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目 ( 31370531; 31100472 ) ;福建省自然科学基金杰青项目 ( 2014J06009 ) ; 福建省科技重大专项
* 吴鹏飞为通讯作者。福建农林大学莘口教学林场刘春华教授级高级工程师在野外调查取样中给予极大帮助,福建农林大学金山学院陈
汪 攀1,2 吴鹏飞1,2 马祥庆1,2 陈奶莲1,2 张云鹏1,2
(1. 福建农林大学林学院 福州 350002; 2. 国家林业局杉木工程技术研究中心 福州 350002)
摘 要: 【目的】以南方红壤中储量较大的难溶性铁磷为对象,研究杉木根系细胞壁活化难溶性铁磷的能力,分
区红壤潜在可利用磷素含量的研究提供理论依据。【方法】在福建三明莘口教学林场的 10 年生杉木幼龄林、22 年
生杉木中龄林和 34 年生杉木老龄林中各选择 3 株平均木作为研究对象,按根直径 < 2 mm,2 ~ 5 mm,5 ~ 10 mm,10
~ 20 mm,20 ~ 30 mm,> 30 mm 等 6 个径级进行分组,分别从不同径级根系的木质部和韧皮部中提取细胞壁,采用
为 17. 67 ~ 497. 50 mg·kg - 1。根径级小于 10 mm 的根系,其木质部和韧皮部中细胞壁对铁磷的活化能力均高于径
级大于 10 mm 的根系。与同一根径级木质部相比,各林龄杉木根系韧皮部的细胞壁对铁磷活化能力均较高。不同
林龄杉木同一根径级的木质部和韧皮部,其提取出的细胞壁对铁磷活化能力均表现为: 老龄林 >中龄林 >幼龄林。
关键词: 杉木;根细胞壁;难溶性磷;木质部;韧皮部
中图分类号: S718. 43; S791. 27 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2015)09 - 0059 - 06
Mobilization of Insoluble Iron Bound Phosphate and
Effective Factors by Root Cell Walls of Chinese Fir
Wang Pan1,2 Wu Pengfei1,2 Ma Xiangqing1,2 Chen Nailian1,2 Zhang Yunpeng1,2
(1 . College of Forestry,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University Fuzhou 350002;
2 . The State Forestry Administration Fir Engineering Technology Research Center Fuzhou 350002)
Abstract: 【Objective】Aims: The insoluble iron bound phosphate in red soil of southern China was used to study the
capacity of cell wall of Chinese fir roots in mobilizing insoluble iron bound phosphate and the impact factors,including
forest age,root diameter and tissue structure of Chinese fir root cell wall. This study aims at providing a theoretical basis
for fully using potentially available phosphorus content in the forest red soil of southern China.【Method】Methods: In
Xinkou Forest Station of Sanming in Fujian,we chose 3 average trees from different aged forests,the 10-year-old as the
young forest,22-year-old as middle-aged forest and 34-year-old as old forest of Chinese fir plantations,and classified the
roots into 6 classes according to the root diameter,less than 2 mm,2-5 mm,5-10 mm,10-20 mm,20-30 mm,and more
than 30 mm. The cell wall was extracted from xylem and phloem of different root classes,respectively. The phosphorus
content mobilized by cell-wall from insoluble iron bound phosphate was determined by using the molybdenum antimony
林 业 科 学 51 卷
colorimetric method,to analyze and compare the ability of cell wall of Chinese fir root in mobilization of insoluble iron
bound phosphate,and the influence factors,such as root diameter, tissue structures and forest age.【Result】 The
mobilizing phosphorus content by Chinese fir root cell wall from insoluble iron bound phosphate was from 17. 67 mg kg-1 to
497. 50 mg kg-1 . The xylem and phloem cell wall of less than 10 mm diameter roots had greater ability of activating
insoluble iron bound phosphate than that of the more than 10 mm diameter roots. Compared with xylem in each forest age,
the phloem cell wall of the same diameter root activated more insoluble iron bound phosphate. There was difference in
activating ability of insoluble iron bound phosphate among the different forest ages with the same root diameter,and the
ability of cell wall in activating insoluble iron bound phosphate was as follows: old forest > middle-aged forest > young
forest.【Conclusion】The factors such as root diameter,tissue structures and forest age of Chinese fir had a significantly
impact on the capacity for root cell wall to activate insoluble iron bound phosphate. The smaller diameter roots had greater
ability activating insoluble iron bound phosphate than the bigger roots; the older forest had greater ability in activating
insoluble iron bound phosphate than the younger,and the cell wall extracted from phloem had significantly greater
activation ability than that from the xylem. This would be related to the inclusions accumulation of phosphorus dissolved of
the cell wall and development pattern of spatial structure. The rapid growth of fine root would conducive to the formation
and accumulation of active substances of cell wall. Phloem is a storage tissue of plants,and it has a higher chemical
contents compared with the xylem. The forest age especially plays an important role in accumulation of the main contents
like pectin in the cell wall. Thus, it is proposed that the genes and proteins involved in cell wall synthesis and
restructuring should be studied and emphasized in the future,to understand the mechanism of cell wall in mobilizing
insoluble iron bound phosphate through releasing specific active substances under stress condition.
Key words: Cunninghamia lanceolata; root cell wall; insoluble phosphate; xylem; phloem
(Ralitza et al.,2013)。由于我国南方红壤中大部分
磷与 Fe3 +,Al3 +和 Ca2 + 等结合形成难溶性磷酸盐,
(2004)研究得出大豆(Glycine max)根细胞壁对难
溶性铝磷的溶解具促进作用;Ae 等 (1997)以落花
生(Arachis hypogaea)和高粱( Sorghum vulgare)为研
素、果胶和少量结构蛋白等 ( Carpita et al.,1993)。
质进入植物体内的第一道屏障 (周志高等,2008)。
做了不少研究。李娟等 (2008)研究发现随水分胁
迫程度的增加,柑橘(Citrus sinensis)果皮细胞壁中
成分的含量呈降低趋势。Memon 等 (2009)认为在
Wakabayashi 等(2005)研究超重力(300 g)处理下小
麦(Triticum aestivum)幼苗茎细胞壁多糖增加,使茎
杉木( Cunninghamia lanceolata)是我国南方最
(梁霞等,2005; Wu et al.,2011;吴鹏飞等,2012;
第 9 期 汪 攀等: 杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷能力及其影响因子分析
1 材料与方法
1. 1 试验材料
分别在幼龄林(10 年生)、中龄林(22 年生)和老龄
林(34 年生)中选择 3 株平均木,然后在每株平均木
且无病虫害,并按根直径 < 2 mm,2 ~ 5 mm,5 ~
10 mm,10 ~ 20 mm,20 ~ 30 mm,> 30 mm 等 6 个径
4 ℃以下保鲜带回实验室。
1. 2 试验方法
1. 2. 1 细胞壁的提取 参考 Ae 等(1997)的方法稍
作修改,将杉木根系样品洗净,用清水浸泡 24 h 后取
80 ℃条件下烘干至恒质量、粉碎,过 100 目筛,将全部
样品分次置于垫有滤纸的漏斗中,用0. 5 mol·L - 1盐
酸淋洗 5 次,再用蒸馏水漂洗数次之后,用丙酮淋洗
5 次,最后用蒸馏水连续漂洗,适时搅动,直至漏斗滴
置 50 ℃下烘干至恒质量即制得细胞壁样品。
1. 2. 2 难溶性磷的活化 称取 0. 200 g 韧皮部细
胞壁和 0. 250 g 木质部细胞壁,分别置于 60 mL 的
塑料瓶中,向塑料瓶中加入 0. 060 g 磷酸铁和 10 mL
蒸馏水,加盖摇匀,净置 12 h 后在恒温振荡器上振
荡 1 h(130 r·min - 1,30 ℃ )。将振荡液通过无磷滤
纸过滤,吸取 1 mL 过滤液于 50 mL 容量瓶中,用钼
含量。试验重复 3 次。
1. 2. 3 数据统计 细胞壁活化的有效磷含量 =
(细胞壁对磷酸铁的有效磷活化量 -细胞壁本身释
放的有效磷含量) × 1 000,单位为 mg·kg - 1。
利用 SPSS(17. 0)软件做数据统计分析,采用多
因素方差分析和最小显著差法 ( least-significant
平均值及标准误差(Mean ± SE)表示,不同英文大小
2 结果与分析
2. 1 不同根径级杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷的比较
通过对根径级、组织部位及林龄 3 个因素对杉
木根系细胞壁活化铁磷效果的方差分析(表 1),结
果表明,这 3 个因素对杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷能
力的影响均呈极显著水平(P < 0. 001),而三者综合
影响效果则不显著(P = 0. 430)。
表 1 杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷影响因子的方差分析
Tab. 1 Variance analysis of effective factors on mobilization content of iron bound phosphate
by root cell walls of Chinese fir
Sum of squares
自由度 Degrees of
Mean square
F 值
P 值
根径级 Root diameter(A) 130 166. 8 5 26 033. 4 9. 4 < 0. 001
组织部位 Tissue(B) 3 550 986. 2 1 3 550 986. 2 1 286. 4 < 0. 001
林龄 Forest age(C) 697 762. 8 2 348 881. 4 126. 4 < 0. 001
A 与 B 组间交互效应 Effects between A and B 53 141. 8 5 10 628. 4 3. 9 0. 002
A 与 C 组间交互效应 Effects between A and C 41 872. 4 10 4 187. 2 1. 5 0. 136
B 与 C 组间交互效应 Effects between B and C 80 286. 7 2 40 143. 3 14. 5 < 0. 001
A,B 和 C 组间交互效应 Effects among A,B and C 28 086. 3 10 2 808. 6 1. 0 0. 430
误差 Error 496 857. 2 180 2760. 3
响情况来分析(表 2),幼龄林中根系木质部对铁磷
的活化效果表现为 2 ~ 5 mm 径级最大,是最小活化
量(20 ~ 30 mm 径级)的 3. 04 倍,总体来看,20 mm
显著水平,但均高于 20 mm 以上根径级细胞壁对铁
磷的活化。中龄林根系木质部最大活化量为 5 ~
10 mm根径级的细胞壁 (96. 33 ± 10. 85) mg·kg - 1,
最小活化量为 > 30 mm 径级,这 2 个径级段对铁磷
的活化量差异达显著水平。老龄林中,10 mm 以内
根径级木质部细胞壁对铁磷的活化量均高于 10 mm
林和中龄林不同径级之间存在一定差异,2 种林分
最大活化量均为 2 ~ 5 mm 径级,而最小活化量均为
10 ~ 20 mm 径级,前者分别是后者的 1. 43 倍和 1. 45
倍;老龄林中,根径级 10 mm 以内的细胞壁对铁磷
的活化量明显高于 10 mm 以上的根径级。
林 业 科 学 51 卷
表 2 杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷影响因子释放有效磷含量的比较①
Tab. 2 Comparison with mobilization content of insoluble iron bound phosphate among different
effective factors by root cell walls of Chinese fir
Phosphorus content /(mg·kg - 1)
<2 mm 2 ~5 mm 5 ~10 mm 10 ~20 mm 20 ~30 mm >30 mm
38. 00 ±7. 73ABCb 53. 67 ±10. 05Ab 49. 00 ±7. 88ABc 41. 67 ±7. 89ABCb 17. 67 ±3. 44Cc 21. 33 ±4. 18BCb
66. 67 ±11. 21ABb 70. 00 ±7. 09ABb 96. 33 ±10. 85Ab 79. 67 ±7. 79ABab 62. 00 ±11. 10ABb 47. 67 ±10. 65Bb
Old - growth
140. 33 ±11. 15Aa 154. 00 ±17. 00Aa 151. 00 ±17. 24Aa 100. 00 ±14. 40Aa 125. 00 ±10. 68Aa 132. 67 ±9. 00Aa
256. 00 ±13. 10Ac 294. 00 ±28. 41Ab 221. 50 ±28. 03Ab 206. 50 ±18. 68Ab 241. 67 ±18. 84Ab 215. 17 ±7. 19Ac
375. 33 ±39. 77Ab 414. 50 ±24. 38Aa 411. 33 ±46. 92Aa 285. 33 ±25. 17Aab 318. 67 ±31. 31Aab 302. 17 ±28. 62Ab
497. 50 ±36. 41Aa 457. 17 ±28. 17ABa 440. 67 ±26. 13ABa 353. 33 ±33. 61Ba 354. 33 ±28. 26Ba 420. 33 ±22. 30ABa
①同一行大写字母不同表示同一组织部位、同一林龄、不同根径级活化铁磷能力差异达到显著水平(P < 0. 05) ;同一列小写字母不同表示
同一根径级、同一组织部位、不同林龄活化铁磷能力差异达到显著水平( P < 0. 05 )。Different capital letters in the same row means significant
difference at 0. 05 level; Different small letters in the same column means significant difference at 0. 05 level.
2. 2 不同组织部位杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷的
及养分的输送效率 (赵祥等,2011 )。因此,本文
对难溶性铁磷的活化效果,从图 1 可知,不同林
均活化量为( 336. 81 ± 10. 47 ) mg·kg - 1,明显高
后者的 4. 2 倍。
2. 3 不同林龄杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷的比较
磷的活化效果,由图 2 可知,幼龄林对铁磷的活
量最大,三者差异均达到显著水平( P < 0. 05 )。
(277. 06 ± 18. 65 ) mg·kg - 1,分别是中龄林和幼
龄林的 1. 3 倍和 2. 0 倍,明显高于中龄林和幼龄
林( P < 0. 05)。从表 2 也可看出,同一杉木根径
胞壁对铁磷的活化差异均表现为: 老龄林 > 中龄
林 > 幼龄林。
图 1 不同杉木根系组织部位细胞壁活化铁磷能力的比较
Fig. 1 Comparison with mobilization content of insoluble
iron bound phosphate by different tissue structures in
root cell walls of Chinese fir
图 2 不同林龄杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷能力
Fig. 2 Mobilization content of insoluble iron bound phosphate by root
cell walls of Chinese fir plantations with different ages
第 9 期 汪 攀等: 杉木根系细胞壁活化铁磷能力及其影响因子分析
3 小结与讨论
要因素(马祥庆等,2004)。我国 1. 38 亿 hm2 的农
田中,有效磷 < 10 mg·kg - 1的低磷土壤面积约占总
耕地面积的 50%左右(鲁如坤,2003),本文研究发
现,杉木 根系 细胞 壁对 铁磷的活化 量 最 低 是
(17. 67 ± 3. 44) mg·kg - 1,最高是(497. 50 ± 36. 41)
mg·kg - 1,根系细胞壁对土壤难溶性磷的活化可以
部和韧皮部中细胞壁对铁磷的活化,结果发现: 幼
异,刘和等 (2006)通过核桃( Juglans regia)枝条酚
胁迫。耿明建等 (2005)通过溶液培养发现缺硼条
件下不同硼效率棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)品种木质
楚。不同根径级中,直径小于 10 mm 杉木根系木质
直径大于 10 mm 的根系,韧皮部同样遵循这样的规
等(1999)通过对玉米(Zea mays)根系的研究发现
玉米根尖 0 ~ 5 mm 内每 1 mm 的果胶含量由根顶端
胞壁对铝的吸附 -解析性能的关系研究中同样发现
在小麦 0 ~ 10 mm 根段的果胶含量显著高于 10 ~
20 mm,而果胶含量则是细胞壁的重要组成部分之
一致,有待进一步研究。Shen 等(2001)从植物根系
这种物质具体特性。目前,以拟南芥 ( Arabidopsis
thaliana)、水 稻 ( Oryza sativa ) 和 苜 蓿 ( Medicago
体研究细胞壁基因功能与日俱增 ( Tesfaye et al.,
参 考 文 献
陈竑竣,李贻铨,陈道东,等 . 1996. 杉木人工林土壤磷素形态及其
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