【目的】 砂寻求最合理的铁尾矿基质改良措施,为铁尾矿土壤改良与植被恢复提供理论依据。【方法】 通过铁尾矿砂与无机肥、有机肥和土壤的不同配比处理的盆栽试验,研究不同改良方法对尾矿基质理化性质及油松和樟子松幼苗生长的影响。【结果】 随无机肥施肥比例增加,铁尾矿土壤密度、田间持水量、毛管持水量、饱和持水量和总孔隙度与100%尾矿砂处理均无明显差异; 随着有机肥施用量增加,田间持水量、毛管持水量、饱和持水量及总孔隙度均明显增大,土壤密度呈下降趋势,其中10%猪粪施肥配比与100%尾矿砂处理差异显著(P< 0.05); 随着掺土量增加,铁尾矿土壤密度逐渐降低,而田间持水量、毛管持水量、饱和持水量逐渐升高,掺土比例达到75%时,除了田间持水量,其他指标均与100%尾矿砂处理差异达到显著水平(P< 0.05),电导率和土壤阳离子交换量、全氮全磷全钾养分含量、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量均随施肥与掺土比例的增加而显著增大;10%猪粪施肥配比处理的全氮、全磷含量最大,分别是100%尾矿砂处理的6.38和3.33倍,碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量分别是100%尾矿砂处理的5.78,12.5和4.32倍; 随掺土比例增大,尾矿中全磷含量减小,而掺土后全钾含量显著增高; 掺土比例达到25%时,速效养分含量开始明显提升,客土处理达到最大值(78.41,44.43和58.67 mg·kg-1); 施5%比例的有机肥和添加无机肥NH4NO31.76 g、KH2PO40.88 g的混合处理的速效养分含量与单纯施5%比例猪粪的单因子处理差异不明显; 掺土比例25%和添加无机肥NH4NO31.76g、KH2PO40.88 g混合处理的速效养分含量也和掺土比例25%的单因子处理无显著差异;掺土和施加无机肥会促进油松和樟子松幼苗的生长, 施有机肥则会抑制它们的生长,相同处理情况下,油松较樟子松出苗率高、生长情况好。【结论】 有机肥对铁尾矿基质的理化性质、全效养分含量和速效养分含量都有显著的改善作用,掺土处理对提高碱解氮、速效钾含量作用明显,但有机肥与无机肥、掺土与无机肥的混合配比对提升速效养分的效果不明显。不同处理对油松和樟子松的生长也会有不同程度的影响,表现为掺土和施加无机肥促进2树种生长,施加有机肥抑制2树种生长; 在相同的处理情况下,油松比樟子松的生长要好,更适合作为铁尾矿废弃地修复树种。
【Objective】 The aim of this study was to find the most reasonable improvement measures for iron tailings to improve its suitability for growing Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, in order to provide a theoretical basis for soil improvement and vegetation restoration for iron tailing. 【Method】 Application of inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizer (pig manure) and addition of soil were taken as measures for improving substrate of the iron tailing, pot experiment with treatments of application of different proportions of inorganic fertilizer and organic fertilizer, and addition of soil to the iron tailings was established to study the influences of different improvement methods on physicochemical properties of the iron tailings and the growth of seedlings of P. tabulaeformis and P. sylvestris var. mongolica. 【Result】 With increase of the proportion of inorganic fertilizer, the soil density, field water-holding capacity, capillary water-holding capacity, saturation water-holding capacity and total porosity were not significantly different from those of 100% tailing used as the control.With increase of the proportion of organic fertilizer, the field water-holding capacity,capillary water-holding capacity, saturation water-holding capacity and total porosity showed a trend of obvious increase, soil density showed a trend of decrease, but significant difference (P< 0.05) was found between the treatment of application of 10% proportion of pig manure and the treatment of 100% tailing. With the increase of soil proportion, the soil density was decreased gradually, while the field water-holding capacity, capillary water-holding capacity and saturation water-holding capacity increased gradually. All the parameters (except the field water-holding capacity) reached the significant level (P< 0.05) of difference between the treatments and the 100% tailing when the proportion of soil addition reached 75%. All of the electrical conductivity, soil cation exchange capacity and the contents of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium increased significantly with the increase of the proportion of application of fertilizers and soil. The application of 10% pig manure had the largest content of total nitrogen and total phosphorus, 6.38 and 3.33 times respectively of those of the 100% tailing, and the contents of available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium were 5.78, 12.5, and 4.32 times respectively of those of the 100% tailing.The content of total phosphorus decreased as the increase of the proportion of soil addition, and the total potassium content in the treatment of soil addition was significantly higher than that in the tailing.The content of available nutrients became obviously improved when the proportion of soil addition reached 25%, reaching the maximum values (78.41, 44.43, and 58.67 mg·kg-1).There was no significant difference in the contents of available nutrients between the treatment of application of 5% proportion of organic fertilizer together with inorganic fertilizers of 1.76 g NH4NO3and 0.88 g KH2PO4and the treatment of application of 5% proportion of pig manure. Similarly, the contents of available nutrients of the treatment of 25% proportion of soil addition together with application of inorganic fertilizers of 1.76 g NH4NO3and 0.88 g KH2PO4were not significantly different from the treatment of only 25% proportion of soil addition. The growth of P. tabulaeformis and P. sylvestris var. mongolica was promoted by the addition of soil and application of inorganic fertilizers, however application of organic fertilizer could inhibit the growth. Under the same condition, the growth and the survival rate of P. tabulaeformis were better than that of P. sylvestris var. mongolica 【Conclusion】 In summary, application of organic fertilizer can significantly improve the physical properties, contents of total nutrients and available nutrients of the iron tailings, and addition of soil had significant influence on contents of alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen and available potassium, but application of organic and inorganic fertilizers together, and addition of soil and applications of inorganic fertilizer together did not significantly improve the content of available nutrients. There were different effects of different treatments on the growth of P. tabulaeformis and P. sylvestris var. mongolica, addition of soil and application of inorganic fertilizers could promote the growth, but application of organic fertilizers could inhibit the growth; under the same condition, P. tabulaeformis was better than P. sylvestris var. mongolica in growth, more suitable for restoration of wasteland of iron tailings.
全 文 :第 51 卷 第 5 期
2 0 1 5 年 5 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 51,No. 5
May,2 0 1 5
doi:10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20150502
收稿日期: 2014 - 08 - 11; 修回日期: 2015 - 04 - 06。
基金项目: “十二五”农村领域国家科技计划(2011BAD38B0103) ; 河北省科技计划项目(12236726D) ;河北省林木种质资源与森林保护
* 李玉灵为通讯作者。
张宝娟 郭耸松 李继泉 李玉灵
(河北农业大学 保定 071000)
摘 要: 【目的】砂寻求最合理的铁尾矿基质改良措施,为铁尾矿土壤改良与植被恢复提供理论依据。【方
持水量、饱和持水量和总孔隙度与 100% 尾矿砂处理均无明显差异 ; 随着有机肥施用量增加,田间持水量、毛
管持水量、饱和持水量及总孔隙度均明显增大,土壤密度呈下降趋势,其中 10% 猪粪施肥配比与 100% 尾矿
砂处理差异显著 ( P < 0. 05) ; 随着掺土量增加,铁尾矿土壤密度逐渐降低,而田间持水量、毛管持水量、饱和
持水量逐渐升高,掺土比例达到 75% 时,除了田间持水量,其他指标均与 100% 尾矿砂处理差异达到显著水
平 ( P < 0. 05),电导率和土壤阳离子交换量、全氮全磷全钾养分含量、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量均随施肥
与掺土比例的增加而显著增大;10% 猪粪施肥配比处理的全氮、全磷含量最大,分别是 100% 尾矿砂处理的
6. 38 和 3. 33 倍,碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量分别是 100% 尾矿砂处理的 5. 78,12. 5 和 4. 32 倍 ; 随掺土比
例增大,尾矿中全磷含量减小,而掺土后全钾含量显著增高 ; 掺土比例达到 25% 时,速效养分含量开始明显
提升,客土处理达到最大值 (78. 41,44. 43 和 58. 67 mg·kg - 1 ) ; 施 5% 比例的有机肥和添加无机肥 NH4 NO3
1. 76 g、KH2 PO4 0. 88 g 的混合处理的速效养分含量与单纯施 5% 比例猪粪的单因子处理差异不明显 ; 掺土
比例 25% 和添加无机肥 NH4 NO3 1. 76 g、KH2 PO4 0. 88 g 混合处理的速效养分含量也和掺土比例 25% 的单因
子处理无显著差异 ;掺土和施加无机肥会促进油松和樟子松幼苗的生长,施有机肥则会抑制它们的生长,相
的影响,表现为掺土和施加无机肥促进 2 树种生长,施加有机肥抑制 2 树种生长 ; 在相同的处理情况下,油松
关键词: 铁尾矿; 改良措施; 基质理化性质; 植被恢复
中图分类号: S158. 3 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2015)05 - 0012 - 09
Effects of Mixing Soil and Applying Fertilizer Measures on Physicochemical
Properties of Iron Tailings and Growth of Pinus tabulaeformis
and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Seedlings
Zhang Baojuan Guo Songsong Li Jiquan Li Yuling
(Agricultural University of Hebei Baoding 071000)
Abstract: 【Objective】The aim of this study was to find the most reasonable improvement measures for iron tailings to
improve its suitability for growing Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica,in order to provide a theoretical
basis for soil improvement and vegetation restoration for iron tailing. 【Method】Application of inorganic fertilizer,organic
fertilizer (pig manure) and addition of soil were taken as measures for improving substrate of the iron tailing,pot experiment
with treatments of application of different proportions of inorganic fertilizer and organic fertilizer,and addition of soil to the
iron tailings was established to study the influences of different improvement methods on physicochemical properties of the
第 5 期 张宝娟等: 掺土和施肥对铁尾矿基质理化性质及油松、樟子松幼苗生长的影响
iron tailings and the growth of seedlings of P. tabulaeformis and P. sylvestris var. mongolica. 【Result】With increase of the
proportion of inorganic fertilizer,the soil density,field water-holding capacity,capillary water-holding capacity,saturation
water-holding capacity and total porosity were not significantly different from those of 100% tailing used as the control. With
increase of the proportion of organic fertilizer,the field water-holding capacity,capillary water-holding capacity,saturation
water-holding capacity and total porosity showed a trend of obvious increase,soil density showed a trend of decrease,but
significant difference (P < 0. 05) was found between the treatment of application of 10% proportion of pig manure and the
treatment of 100% tailing. With the increase of soil proportion,the soil density was decreased gradually,while the field
water-holding capacity,capillary water-holding capacity and saturation water-holding capacity increased gradually. All the
parameters ( except the field water-holding capacity) reached the significant level (P < 0. 05) of difference between the
treatments and the 100% tailing when the proportion of soil addition reached 75% . All of the electrical conductivity,soil
cation exchange capacity and the contents of total nitrogen,total phosphorus,total potassium,available nitrogen,available
phosphorus and available potassium increased significantly with the increase of the proportion of application of fertilizers and
soil. The application of 10% pig manure had the largest content of total nitrogen and total phosphorus,6. 38 and 3. 33 times
respectively of those of the 100% tailing,and the contents of available nitrogen,available phosphorus and available
potassium were 5. 78,12. 5,and 4. 32 times respectively of those of the 100% tailing. The content of total phosphorus
decreased as the increase of the proportion of soil addition,and the total potassium content in the treatment of soil addition
was significantly higher than that in the tailing. The content of available nutrients became obviously improved when the
proportion of soil addition reached 25%,reaching the maximum values (78. 41,44. 43,and 58. 67 mg·kg - 1) . There was no
significant difference in the contents of available nutrients between the treatment of application of 5% proportion of organic
fertilizer together with inorganic fertilizers of 1. 76 g NH4 NO3 and 0. 88 g KH2 PO4 and the treatment of application of 5%
proportion of pig manure. Similarly,the contents of available nutrients of the treatment of 25% proportion of soil addition
together with application of inorganic fertilizers of 1. 76 g NH4NO3 and 0. 88 g KH2PO4 were not significantly different from
the treatment of only 25% proportion of soil addition. The growth of P. tabulaeformis and P. sylvestris var. mongolica was
promoted by the addition of soil and application of inorganic fertilizers,however application of organic fertilizer could inhibit
the growth. Under the same condition,the growth and the survival rate of P. tabulaeformis were better than that of P.
sylvestris var. mongolica【Conclusion】In summary,application of organic fertilizer can significantly improve the physical
properties,contents of total nutrients and available nutrients of the iron tailings,and addition of soil had significant
influence on contents of alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen and available potassium,but application of organic and inorganic
fertilizers together,and addition of soil and applications of inorganic fertilizer together did not significantly improve the
content of available nutrients. There were different effects of different treatments on the growth of P. tabulaeformis and P.
sylvestris var. mongolica,addition of soil and application of inorganic fertilizers could promote the growth,but application of
organic fertilizers could inhibit the growth; under the same condition,P. tabulaeformis was better than P. sylvestris var.
mongolica in growth,more suitable for restoration of wasteland of iron tailings.
Key words: iron tailings; improvement measures; physical and chemical properties of substrate; vegetation restoration
(Leishman et al.,1998; Leck et al.,1989; Levin,
地、污染环境,而且破坏生物多样性 (林惠琴等,
2004; Luan et al.,1992; 宋书巧等,2001),因此对
(Skousen et al.,1990; 王艳超等,2008)。国外的铁
被恢复与重建的 3 种模式: 植被恢复演替、土壤生
物改良及客土复垦。孙羽丰等 (2007)利用盆栽正
等不同改良措施对尾矿基质 pH 值和速效养分含量
等(2008)以紫花苜蓿 (Medicago sativa)为材料,以
矿砂中添加 5%,10%和 20%比例的蚯蚓粪,发现尾
矿砂中添加 10% 比例的蚯蚓粪最适宜紫花苜蓿生
长。王岩等 (2012)指出,在铁尾矿地上引进耐贫
林 业 科 学 51 卷
叶灌木沙地柏(Sabina vulgaris)在尾矿基质保水、深
栽土壤基质,通过油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)和樟子
松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)的盆栽试验,探讨
1 研究区概况
镇(118°29—118°56 E,39°51—40°51N),马兰庄
津、唐、秦腹地,总面积 1 208 km2,北部为低山丘陵
季寒冷少雪。年均气温 10. 1 ℃,极端最高气温
38. 9 ℃,极端最低气温 - 28. 2 ℃,昼夜温差 5. 4 ~
15. 6 ℃,年日照 2 675. 3 h,全年无霜期 168 天,年均
降水量 722 mm。境内植物稀少,草本以狗尾草
(Setaria viridis)、猪毛菜 ( Salsola collina)、猪毛蒿
(Artemisia scoparia)、抱茎苦荬菜 ( Ixeris sonchifolia)
和灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum)为主; 乔木以当地
乡土树种桑树 ( Morus alba ) 和紫穗槐 ( Amorpha
石总贮量达 10 亿 t,有包括首钢在内的多个中大型
2 研究方法
2. 1 试验材料
氮量约 35% ) 和高效磷钾复合肥磷酸二氢钾
( KH2PO4,含 氧 化 钾 34. 61%,五 氧 化 二 磷
52. 16% )。有机肥采用学校附近某养猪场的猪粪
中壤土,< 0. 001,0. 001 ~ 0. 005 和 0. 005 ~ 0. 01 mm
的黏粒含量分别为 16. 968%,10. 637%和 8. 577% ;
0. 01 ~ 0. 05,0. 05 ~ 0. 25 和 0. 25 ~ 1 mm 的砂粒含
量分别为 43. 534%,20. 121% 和 0. 163%。植物材
2. 2 试验设计
et al.,1989),按照不同比例分别与尾矿砂混合,其
中无机肥处理 (Ⅱ和Ⅲ)按添加 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、
KH2PO4 0. 88 g 和 NH4NO3 3. 52 g、KH2PO4 1. 76 g
的 2 个施肥水平量与尾矿砂混合; 掺土处理(Ⅳ,Ⅴ
和Ⅵ)分别按照 25%土壤和 75%尾矿砂、50%土壤
和 50%尾矿砂、75%土壤和 25%尾矿砂的质量比例
混合,共计 3 个掺土比例处理; 施猪粪处理(Ⅷ,Ⅸ
和Ⅹ)分别按照 1%猪粪和 99%尾矿砂、5%猪粪和
95%尾矿砂、10%猪粪和 90%尾矿砂的质量比例混
合; 为了探讨无机肥与掺土的复合改良效应和无机
肥与有机肥的混合改良作用,设计了 25% 土壤与
75%尾矿砂混合的基础上添加无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76
g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合处理(Ⅺ),5%猪粪与 95%
尾矿砂混合的基础上添加无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、
KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合处理(Ⅻ)。另外,以 100%尾
矿砂(裸尾矿Ⅰ)和 100%土壤(客土Ⅶ)作为对照,
共计每个树种不同配比试验处理 12 个,每个处理 3
样 5 kg,盆口面积为 0. 176 m2,盆内分别均匀播入
100 粒经过预处理的油松或樟子松种子,共计油松、
樟子松盆栽各 36 盆。为保证种子充分发芽和正常
生长,播种前油松采用温水浸种快速催芽,当 70%
以上种子裂嘴时即行播种; 樟子松进行沙藏处理,
并消毒杀菌,待 60%以上种子咧嘴后开始播种。出
2. 3 尾矿基质理化性质测定
2012 年 9 月 22 日(植物收获时)分别用铝盒、
铝盒、环刀的土样用来测定尾矿基质物理性质; 土
度、总孔隙度和持水量采用环刀法测定 (中国科学
将土壤袋采集的土样放于室内,阴干,过 2 mm
筛备用。电导率采用水土比 5 ∶ 1浸提,电导法测定
水溶性盐总量,阳离子交换量采用 EDTA - 铵盐快
氮法测定; 全磷含量采用浓硫酸消煮,钼蓝比色法
测定; 碱解氮含量采用碱解扩散法测定; 速效磷含
第 5 期 张宝娟等: 掺土和施肥对铁尾矿基质理化性质及油松、樟子松幼苗生长的影响
量采用 0. 5 mol·L - 1 NaHCO3 浸提钼蓝比色法测定;
有效钾含量采用 2 mol·L - 1 HNO3 溶液浸提 - 火焰
2. 4 植物出苗情况调查
2012 年 5 月底进行播种,播种后第 2 日开始记
2. 5 植物生长和生物量调查
2012 年 9 月中旬,植物停止生长,测定植物株
2. 6 数据处理
采用 Microsoft Office Excel 2003 和 SPSS V 19. 0
3 结果与分析
3. 1 不同改良措施对铁尾矿基质物理性质的影响
表 1 为不同处理下铁尾矿基质的物理性质。
土壤密度、持水量和总孔隙度与 100%尾矿砂处理
壤密度呈下降趋势,但 1% 和 5% 猪粪施肥配比处
(P > 0. 05),只有 10% 猪粪施肥配比处理 (Ⅹ)不
仅与 100%尾矿处理差异显著,而且与 1% 和 5%
猪粪施肥水平相比,各项指标均差异性显著 ( P <
0. 05),表明 10%猪粪施肥水平可以明显改善铁尾
水量、饱和持水量逐渐升高。掺土比例为 25% (处
理Ⅳ)时,只有总孔隙度一项指标与 100% 尾矿砂
处理差异显著(P < 0. 05) ;掺土比例为 50% (处理
Ⅴ)时,土壤密度和总孔隙度 2 项指标与铁尾矿基
质差异显著(P < 0. 05) ;掺土比例达到 75% (处理
理Ⅶ (掺土比例 100% )无显著差异 ( P > 0. 05 )。
以上结果表明掺土比例达到 25%就可以明显改善
尾矿基质孔隙状况,掺土比例达到 75% 时可以全
的掺土与无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g
裸尾矿基质均无显著差异 ( P > 0. 05 ),与 25% 的
掺土处理(Ⅳ)无显著差异 ( P > 0. 05 ),与添加无
机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g 处理(Ⅱ)也
无显著差异( P > 0. 05 ),说明 25% 的掺土和添加
无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合措
效应; 而添加 5% 猪粪和无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、
KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合处理 (Ⅻ)的各项指标均与
100%尾矿处理的各项指标差异显著 ( P < 0. 05),
与添加 5%猪粪处理(Ⅸ)的差异性也达到显著水
平(P < 0. 05),可见有机肥与无机肥的复合措施可
表 1 不同处理下铁尾矿物理性质①
Tab. 1 Physical properties of iron tailings under different treatments
Soil density /
( g·cm - 3 )
Field moisture
capacity(% )
Capillary moisture
capacity(% )
Saturation moisture
capacity(% )
Total porosity
(% )
Ⅰ 1. 48a 19. 62a 24. 56a 28. 07a 28. 55a
Ⅱ 1. 47a 19. 83a 24. 26a 28. 92a 27. 25a
Ⅲ 1. 48a 20. 51a 24. 85a 27. 68a 29. 75a
Ⅳ 1. 47a 22. 00a 24. 80a 27. 68a 32. 15b
Ⅴ 1. 40b 22. 24a 24. 28a 28. 42a 32. 75b
Ⅵ 1. 28c 22. 86a 26. 02b 30. 54b 35. 05c
Ⅶ 1. 25c 28. 58b 31. 19c 45. 21c 35. 45c
Ⅷ 1. 47a 20. 79a 24. 01a 28. 57a 30. 65a
Ⅸ 1. 43a 21. 38a 24. 31a 29. 32a 31. 35b
Ⅹ 1. 40b 27. 08c 28. 29b 36. 25b 37. 25 c
Ⅺ 1. 46a 21. 60a 24. 88a 27. 87a 32. 15b
Ⅻ 1. 41b 26. 06c 27. 56b 30. 79b 36. 51c
①同列不同字母表示差异显著(P < 0. 05)。Different letters in the same column showed significant difference at 0. 05 level.
林 业 科 学 51 卷
3. 2 不同改良措施对铁尾矿基质化学性质的影响
3. 2. 1 电导率和阳离子交换量 土壤电导率是测
的电导率(图 1)可知,电导率分别随施肥与掺土比
最明显,猪粪比例 10% 处理 (Ⅹ ) 的电导率最大
(534. 28 μS·cm - 1),是尾矿比例 100%处理(104. 37
μS·cm - 1 ) 的 5. 23 倍。添加 5% 猪粪和无机肥
NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合处理与掺猪
粪比例 5%单因子处理无显著差异(P > 0. 05),掺土
比例 25% 和添加无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4
0. 88 g 的复合处理(Ⅺ)高于掺土比例 25% 单因子
的重要依据。由图 1 可知,阳离子交换量均随施肥
交换量整体水平优于 2 种施肥处理,掺土比例为
25% (处理Ⅳ)时,阳离子交换量开始明显提升,直
至客土处理(Ⅶ)达到最大值(26. 2 cmol·kg - 1 )。猪
粪比例 5%和无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g
复合处理(Ⅻ)的阳离子交换量高于猪粪比例 5%单
因子处理,其差异性达到显著水平(P < 0. 05),掺土
比例 25%和无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g
复合处理 (Ⅺ ) 的阳离子交换量也高于掺土比例
图 1 不同处理下铁尾矿基质电导率和阳离子交换量
Fig. 1 Conductivity and the cation exchange capacity of iron tailings under different treatments
3. 2. 2 全效养分含量 图 2 表明: 铁尾矿基质全
高; 施有机肥处理对尾矿全效养分含量影响最显
著,全氮、磷含量均在施猪粪比例 10% 处理 (Ⅹ)
达到最大值(1. 45 和 1. 28 g·kg - 1 ),分别是 100%
尾矿砂处理的( 0. 23 和 0. 38 g·kg - 1 ) 的 6. 38 和
3. 33 倍; 掺土后全磷含量低于尾矿砂,表现为随
着掺土比例增大,全磷含量减小; 而掺土后全钾含
量显著高于 尾矿砂; 25% 掺土中添加无 机肥
NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合处理 (Ⅺ)
和尾矿中 25% 掺土单因子处理 (Ⅳ )无显著差异
(P > 0. 05),表明 25% 掺土基础上添加无机肥对
5% 比 例 的 有 机 肥 和 无 机 肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、
KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合处理 (Ⅻ )与单纯施 5% 比
例猪粪的处理 (Ⅸ)差异不显著 ( P > 0. 05 ),表明
施 5%比例猪粪的基础上混合一定的无机肥,对提
3. 2. 3 速效养分含量 图 3 表明: 铁尾矿基质碱
的增加而不断升高,且差异显著(P < 0. 05)。有机
肥对铁尾矿基质速效养分影响最大,且 3 种速效
养分含量均在施猪粪比例 10%处理(Ⅹ)下达到最
大值 (117. 23,215. 8 和 98. 39 mg·kg - 1 ),分别是
100%尾矿处理的 5. 78,12. 5 和 4. 32 倍; 掺土比
例达到 25% (Ⅳ )时,速效养分含量开始明显提
升,客土处理达到最大值 (78. 41,44. 43 和 58. 67
mg·kg - 1 ) ; 施 5% 比例猪粪的有机肥和添加无机
肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合处理
(Ⅻ)时,其速效养分含量与单纯施 5% 比例猪粪
的单因子处理(Ⅸ)差异不明显。掺土比例 25%和
无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合处
理(Ⅺ)的速效养分含量也和掺土比例 25%单因子
第 5 期 张宝娟等: 掺土和施肥对铁尾矿基质理化性质及油松、樟子松幼苗生长的影响
图 2 不同处理下铁尾矿基质的全效养分含量
Fig. 2 Total nutrient content of iron tailings
under different treatments
3. 3 不同改良措施对植物生长的影响
3. 3. 1 植物出苗过程 由表 2 可知: 施无机肥的
2 个处理中,油松出苗率相差不大,表明无机肥对
油松出苗无明显影响; 而施有机肥对油松种子出
苗受到的抑制作用越明显,施猪粪比例 5%的有机
肥和添加 N 100 mg·hm - 2,P、K 50 mg·hm - 2无机
与有机肥的混合配比不利于油松苗木成活; 掺土
可以较好地改善油松出苗率,掺土比例达到 25%
(Ⅳ)时,油松出苗情况已明显好转,但 25% 的掺
土与无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复
合处理 (Ⅶ )要比单纯 25% 掺土处理 (Ⅳ )出苗
图 3 不同处理下铁尾矿基质的速效养分含量
Fig. 3 Available nutrient content of iron
tailings under different treatments
由表 3 可知: 与油松相比,樟子松出苗率较低,
出苗波动大; 施无机肥、施有机肥和掺土不同配比
5%猪粪比例的有机肥与无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、
KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合处理(Ⅻ)同样严重制约了幼
苗生长。25% 的掺土与无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、
KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合处理(Ⅺ)也比单纯 25%掺土
综合可知: 相同配比处理下,油松较樟子松出
苗率高、生长情况好; 掺土处理对 2 种植物出苗率
均有明显改善作用; 高浓度有机肥严重抑制幼苗成
活; 尾矿砂中添加土壤比补充肥料更有利于油松、
3. 3. 2 幼苗高度 不同处理下油松和樟子松幼苗
高度见图 4。由于针叶植物生长缓慢,但油松幼苗
林 业 科 学 51 卷
3. 3. 3 植物生物量、根冠比 图 5 表明: 油松和樟
加而增大,其中掺土处理作用更为明显; 25% 的掺
土与无机肥 NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g 的复合
于25% 的掺土处理(Ⅳ),表明25% 掺土与无机肥
表 2 出苗期不同处理下油松的出苗数量
Tab. 2 Emergence amount of P. tabulaeformis under different treatments in emergence period
2012 -
05 - 03
2012 -
06 - 02
2012 -
06 - 05
2012 -
06 - 08
2012 -
06 - 11
2012 -
06 - 13
2012 -
06 - 16
2012 -
06 - 19
2012 -
06 - 22
2012 -
06 - 25
2012 -
06 - 28
2012 -
07 - 01
Ⅰ 3 9 21 30 39 48 49 49 48 48 47 46
Ⅱ 1 3 19 39 40 51 52 52 52 52 51 52
Ⅲ 1 2 14 36 44 52 52 52 52 52 50 47
Ⅳ 5 8 13 47 54 58 68 68 65 62 60 60
Ⅴ 6 9 12 46 52 56 69 69 69 65 64 64
Ⅵ 5 8 15 48 53 56 66 66 64 60 59 57
Ⅶ 7 8 15 47 53 54 67 65 59 59 59 56
Ⅷ 0 1 2 23 29 46 46 36 29 26 25 23
Ⅸ 0 0 0 1 2 14 17 10 9 9 8 8
Ⅹ 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ⅺ 0 0 0 8 44 59 46 44 38 35 31 27
Ⅻ 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 25 33 7 4 0
表 3 出苗期不同处理下樟子松的出苗数量
Tab. 3 Emergence amount of P. sylvestris var. mongolica under different treatments in emergence period
2012 -
05 - 03
2012 -
06 - 02
2012 -
06 - 05
2012 -
06 - 08
2012 -
06 - 11
2012 -
06 - 13
2012 -
06 - 16
2012 -
06 - 19
2012 -
06 - 22
2012 -
06 - 25
2012 -
06 - 28
2012 -
07 - 01
Ⅰ 0 0 0 0 14 17 23 26 17 14 11 7
Ⅱ 0 0 2 4 9 19 23 27 18 16 13 10
Ⅲ 0 1 3 5 11 12 25 23 20 19 16 12
Ⅳ 4 4 5 3 3 5 9 9 7 7 6 6
Ⅴ 6 6 10 11 11 14 18 17 14 14 14 14
Ⅵ 7 8 11 13 18 24 28 27 25 17 17 17
Ⅶ 7 8 12 14 18 26 29 29 25 23 20 20
Ⅷ 0 0 0 3 3 4 6 9 11 9 9 9
Ⅸ 0 0 0 1 3 5 4 4 4 3 3 3
Ⅹ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ⅺ 2 2 4 5 6 7 6 6 6 5 5 5
Ⅻ 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
图 4 油松和樟子松幼苗高度
Fig. 4 Seedling height of Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica
第 5 期 张宝娟等: 掺土和施肥对铁尾矿基质理化性质及油松、樟子松幼苗生长的影响
图 5 油松和樟子松幼苗生物量和根冠比
Fig. 5 Seedling biomass and the ratio of root to crown of P. tabulaeformis and P. sylvestris var. mongolica
NH4NO3 1. 76 g、KH2PO4 0. 88 g 复合处理能更大程
度提高 2 种植物幼苗生物量; 不同施肥水平的有机
粪施用量的增大呈下降趋势,2 个树种比较而言,不
2 种植物根冠比变化趋势与生物量变化趋势基本一
致(图 5)。掺土处理对 2 种植物根冠比影响最明
4 结论与讨论
良土壤的重要措施之一(Leck et al.,1989)。本研究
使土壤水溶性盐浓度过高,这是猪粪比例 5% 以上
例 5%可以看作临界值,而猪粪比例 1%可以看作是
均增加,这与他人的研究结果(王岩等,2012; 陈义
群等,2008; 孙羽丰等,2007; 谷金锋等,2004)一
基质各项指标作用不尽相同,掺土比例达到 75%以
上时,对物理性质改善明显; 而化学性质的改善相
对容易,阳离子交换量只需掺土 25% 就有作用,电
导率需要 50% 的掺土比例就和对照有明显差异。
改善及植被恢复成本考虑,通过至少 25% 掺土,或
发与生长是树种选择的重要参考 (束文圣等,
林 业 科 学 51 卷
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(责任编辑 于静娴)