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Variation of Aboveground Biomass of Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantation along Slopes in the Diediegou Watershed of Liupan Mountains


【目的】 在降水有限、水分再分配明显的半干旱区山地坡面上,森林生物量通常表现出明显的坡向、坡位差异。便捷、精确地测算整个坡面的森林生物量目前还很困难。本研究旨在定量描述森林生物量的坡面变化规律及其空间尺度效应,为提高森林经营水平和实施精细化管理提供技术支持。【方法】 在宁夏六盘山半干旱区的叠叠沟小流域,选择生长华北落叶松人工林的半阴坡和阴坡2个坡面,按坡位从上到下各设置了6块20 m×20 m的样地,调查各样地的立地条件及林分特征后,采用烘干法及六盘山区建立的生物量经验公式计算地上生物量; 以"离开坡顶的水平距离"为尺度变量,定量描述地上生物量随坡面空间尺度增加而变化规律,及坡面上任意坡位处样地的地上生物量与坡面平均值的关系。【结果】 研究区坡面上森林植被地上生物量存在明显的坡向、坡位差异; 水分条件较差的半阴坡上的平均地上生物量(52.36 t·hm-2)比水分条件较好的阴坡低18.16%,但半阴坡上生物量的坡位间变幅(42.50 t·hm-2)比阴坡高14.71%,这说明半阴坡的坡面效应强于阴坡,并与土壤厚度及土壤水分条件差异有关; 地上生物量的坡位变化在不同坡面上大致遵循相同的规律,都是由坡顶向下逐渐增大,至下坡处(半阴坡)或中下坡处(阴坡)达到最大,之后又逐渐减小,这主要受土壤水分在坡面上的再分配格局影响; 研究区坡面上森林植被地上生物量(y,t·hm-2)随坡面空间尺度(x,m)增加而变化,阴坡表现为y=-2×10-7x3-8×10-5x2+ 0.121 9x+40.875(R2=0.999 8),半阴坡表现为y=2×10-7x3-7×10-5x2+0.067 5x+30.838(R2=0.995 7); 距坡顶的水平距离每增加100 m,阴坡上的地上生物量坡段滑动平均值升高4.92 t·hm-2,半阴坡上为6.28 t·hm-2,即地上生物量的空间尺度效应在水分条件较差的半阴坡上要强于水分条件较好的阴坡; 研究区坡面上任意给定坡位(X,m)与样地地上生物量与坡面平均值的比值(Y)的定量关系在半阴坡为Y=-7×10-8X3+4×10-5X2-2.2×10-3X+0.643 2(R2=0.932 1),在阴坡为Y=-1×10-8X3+1×10-6X2+3×10-3X+0.620 4(R2=0.973 9),以此可便捷和精确地确定整个坡面的森林生物量。【结论】 半干旱区山地坡面上森林生物量呈先增加后减小的单峰型变化,与土壤水分的坡面再分配格局关系很大; 采用"距坡顶的水平距离"为尺度变量可以很好地定量描述森林生物量沿坡变化规律及其空间尺度效应; 基于以上工作可实现整个坡面生物量的便捷精确计算。

【Objective】In general, forest biomass shows a notable variation with slope variables, such as slope direction and slope position, etc., especially in the arid or semi-arid regions where the precipitation is limited and the redistribution of soil water is remarkable. Up to now, it is hard to conveniently and accurately measure the biomass for the whole slope. In this study, the emphasis was placed on quantification of the variation of forest biomass along the slope and its spatial pattern. And considering the scale effect, a method of assessing forest biomass of a whole slope up-scaling from a certain plot was derived, providing technical support for improving forest management and implementing intensive tending. 【Methods】 Methods To achieve the objectives, two representative slopes (a half-shady slope and a shady slope) covered by 27-year-old Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation were chosen in the small watershed of Diediegou within the semi-arid region of Liupan Mountains, Northwest China. On each slope, six plots each with an area of 20 m×20 m were set up along the slope topdown. The aboveground biomass was measured in mid-July of 2012. In the analysis, the "horizontal distance from the slope top" was used as a variable to quantify the variation of the forest biomass along the slope, and also the relationship between the biomass of a certain plot and the average of the whole slope. 【Results】The average aboveground biomass was 52.36 t·hm-2 on the half-shady slope, 18.16% lower than that on the shady slope. The variation range was 42.50 t·hm-2 on the half-shady slope, 14.71% higher than that on the shady slope, indicating a stronger impact on half-shady slope than on the shady slope. On the other hand, the variation trend of aboveground biomass was similar on both slopes, i.e., the aboveground biomass increases gradually from top down, reaches the maximum at the lower part (half-shady slope) or middle-lower part (shady slope), and thereafter decreases till the slope foot. This is probably due to the redistribution of soil water on the slope. Along the increasing horizontal distance (x, m) from the slope top, the moving averages of aboveground biomass over the slope section (y, t·hm-2) increased gradually, with the relation of y=2×10-7x3-7×10-5x2+0.067 5x+30.838 (R2=0.995 7) for the half-shady slope, and y=-2×10-7 x3-8×10-5x2+0.121 9x+40.875 (R2= 0.999 8) for the shady slope. The moving average of aboveground biomass increased by 4.92 t·hm-2 for each 100 m of horizontal distance from the top on the shady slope, 21.66% less than the average of 6.28 t·hm-2 on the half-shady slope. This indicates that the spatial scale effect on the aboveground biomass exists on both slopes, however, it was weaker on the wetter shady slope than that on the half-shady slope. Furthermore, the ratios of aboveground biomass at a certain plot to the slope average (Y) varies nonlinearly along the relative distance of plots from slope top (X, m), which can be expressed as Y=-7×10-8X3 +4×10-5X2-2.2×10-3X+0.643 2 (R2=0.932 1) for the half-shady slope, and Y=-1×10-8X3+1×10-6X2+3×10-3X+0.620 4 (R2=0.973 9) for the shady slope. With these relations, the average of aboveground biomass for the whole slope can be up-scaled from plot at a certain slope position. 【Conclusion】In this semi-arid mountainous region, the variation of forest biomass along the slope positions follows a pattern of unimodal type, which is mainly due to the redistribution of soil water on the slope. And it is good to quantify the variation of forest biomass and its spatial scale effect by using the "horizontal distance from the slope top" as a spatial variable. Based on the work above, a convenient and accurate calculation of forest biomass of the whole slope was obtained.

全 文 :第 51 卷 第 3 期
2 0 1 5 年 3 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 51,No. 3
Mar.,2 0 1 5
doi: 10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20150317
收稿日期: 2013 - 12 - 28; 修回日期:2015 - 01 - 27。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41230852,41390461) ; 科技部“十二五”农村领域国家科技计划(2012BAD22B030102) ; 宁夏科技支撑
重点项目“宁南山区生态产业培育技术集成与示范”(2012ZZS50) ; 云南省风景园林高校科技创新团队基金(23002802) ; 国家林业局宁夏六盘
* 邓莉兰为通讯作者。
韩新生1,2,3 邓莉兰1 王彦辉2 熊 伟2 李振华2 刘 千2 王艳兵2 孙 浩2
(1. 西南林业大学林学院 昆明 650224;
2. 中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所 国家林业局森林生态环境重点实验室 北京 100091;
3. 宁夏农林科学院荒漠化治理研究所 银川 750002)
摘 要: 【目的】在降水有限、水分再分配明显的半干旱区山地坡面上,森林生物量通常表现出明显的坡向、坡位
叠沟小流域,选择生长华北落叶松人工林的半阴坡和阴坡 2 个坡面,按坡位从上到下各设置了 6 块 20 m × 20 m的
样地,调查各样地的立地条件及林分特征后,采用烘干法及六盘山区建立的生物量经验公式计算地上生物量; 以
水分条件较差的半阴坡上的平均地上生物量(52. 36 t·hm - 2 )比水分条件较好的阴坡低 18. 16%,但半阴坡上生物
量的坡位间变幅(42. 50 t·hm - 2 )比阴坡高 14. 71%,这说明半阴坡的坡面效应强于阴坡,并与土壤厚度及土壤水分
条件差异有关; 地上生物量的坡位变化在不同坡面上大致遵循相同的规律,都是由坡顶向下逐渐增大,至下坡处
(半阴坡)或中下坡处(阴坡)达到最大,之后又逐渐减小,这主要受土壤水分在坡面上的再分配格局影响; 研究区
坡面上森林植被地上生物量( y,t·hm - 2 )随坡面空间尺度 ( x,m)增加而变化,阴坡表现为 y = - 2 × 10 - 7 x3 - 8 ×
10 - 5 x2 + 0. 121 9x + 40. 875(R2 = 0. 999 8),半阴坡表现为 y = 2 × 10 - 7 x3 - 7 × 10 - 5 x2 + 0. 067 5x + 30. 838 ( R2 =
0. 995 7); 距坡顶的水平距离每增加 100 m,阴坡上的地上生物量坡段滑动平均值升高 4. 92 t·hm - 2,半阴坡上为
6. 28 t·hm - 2,即地上生物量的空间尺度效应在水分条件较差的半阴坡上要强于水分条件较好的阴坡; 研究区坡面
上任意给定坡位(X,m)与样地地上生物量与坡面平均值的比值(Y)的定量关系在半阴坡为 Y = - 7 × 10 - 8 X3 + 4 ×
10 - 5X2 - 2. 2 × 10 - 3X + 0. 643 2(R2 = 0. 932 1),在阴坡为 Y = - 1 × 10 - 8X3 + 1 × 10 - 6X2 + 3 × 10 - 3X + 0. 620 4(R2 =
0. 973 9),以此可便捷和精确地确定整个坡面的森林生物量。【结论】半干旱区山地坡面上森林生物量呈先增加后
减小的单峰型变化,与土壤水分的坡面再分配格局关系很大; 采用“距坡顶的水平距离”为尺度变量可以很好地定
量描述森林生物量沿坡变化规律及其空间尺度效应; 基于以上工作可实现整个坡面生物量的便捷精确计算。
关键词: 华北落叶松; 地上生物量; 坡面变化; 尺度效应; 水分条件; 六盘山
中图分类号:S718. 55 + 3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001 - 7488(2015)03 - 0132 - 08
Variation of Aboveground Biomass of Larix principis-rupprechtii
Plantation along Slopes in the Diediegou Watershed of Liupan Mountains
Han Xinsheng1,2 Deng Lilan1 Wang Yanhui2 Xiong Wei2
Li Zhenhua2 Liu Qian2 Wang Yanbing2 Sun Hao2
(1 . Forestry College of Southwest Forestry University Kunming 650224;
2 . Key Laboratory of Forestry Ecology and Environment of State Forestry Administration
Institute of Forest Ecology,Environment and Protection,Chinese Academy of Forestry Beijing 100091;
3 . Institute of Desertification Control,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences Yinchuan 750002)
Abstract: 【Objective】In general,forest biomass shows a notable variation with slope variables,such as slope direction
and slope position,etc.,especially in the arid or semi-arid regions where the precipitation is limited and the redistribution
of soil water is remarkable. Up to now,it is hard to conveniently and accurately measure the biomass for the whole slope.
第 3 期 韩新生等: 六盘山叠叠沟华北落叶松人工林地上生物量的坡面变化
In this study,the emphasis was placed on quantification of the variation of forest biomass along the slope and its spatial
pattern. And considering the scale effect,a method of assessing forest biomass of a whole slope up-scaling from a certain
plot was derived,providing technical support for improving forest management and implementing intensive tending.
【Methods】Methods To achieve the objectives,two representative slopes ( a half-shady slope and a shady slope) covered
by 27-year-old Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation were chosen in the small watershed of Diediegou within the semi-arid
region of Liupan Mountains,Northwest China. On each slope,six plots each with an area of 20 m × 20 m were set up
along the slope topdown. The aboveground biomass was measured in mid-July of 2012. In the analysis,the“horizontal
distance from the slope top”was used as a variable to quantify the variation of the forest biomass along the slope,and also
the relationship between the biomass of a certain plot and the average of the whole slope. 【Results】The average
aboveground biomass was 52. 36 t· hm - 2 on the half-shady slope,18. 16% lower than that on the shady slope. The
variation range was 42. 50 t·hm - 2 on the half-shady slope,14. 71% higher than that on the shady slope,indicating a
stronger impact on half-shady slope than on the shady slope. On the other hand,the variation trend of aboveground
biomass was similar on both slopes,i. e.,the aboveground biomass increases gradually from top down,reaches the
maximum at the lower part (half-shady slope) or middle-lower part ( shady slope),and thereafter decreases till the slope
foot. This is probably due to the redistribution of soil water on the slope. Along the increasing horizontal distance ( x,m)
from the slope top,the moving averages of aboveground biomass over the slope section ( y,t·hm - 2 ) increased gradually,
with the relation of y = 2 × 10 - 7 x3 - 7 × 10 - 5 x2 + 0. 067 5x + 30. 838 ( R2 = 0. 995 7) for the half - shady slope,and
y = - 2 × 10 - 7 x3 - 8 × 10 - 5 x2 + 0. 121 9x + 40. 875 ( R2 = 0. 999 8 ) for the shady slope. The moving average of
aboveground biomass increased by 4. 92 t·hm - 2 for each 100 m of horizontal distance from the top on the shady slope,
21. 66% less than the average of 6. 28 t·hm - 2 on the half-shady slope. This indicates that the spatial scale effect on the
aboveground biomass exists on both slopes,however,it was weaker on the wetter shady slope than that on the half-shady
slope. Furthermore,the ratios of aboveground biomass at a certain plot to the slope average (Y) varies nonlinearly along
the relative distance of plots from slope top (X,m),which can be expressed as Y = - 7 × 10 - 8X3 + 4 × 10 - 5X2 - 2. 2 ×
10 - 3X + 0. 643 2 (R2 = 0. 932 1) for the half - shady slope,and Y = - 1 × 10 - 8X3 + 1 × 10 - 6X2 + 3 × 10 - 3X + 0. 620 4
(R2 = 0. 973 9) for the shady slope. With these relations,the average of aboveground biomass for the whole slope can be
up-scaled from plot at a certain slope position. 【Conclusion】In this semi-arid mountainous region,the variation of forest
biomass along the slope positions follows a pattern of unimodal type,which is mainly due to the redistribution of soil water
on the slope. And it is good to quantify the variation of forest biomass and its spatial scale effect by using the“horizontal
distance from the slope top”as a spatial variable. Based on the work above,a convenient and accurate calculation of forest
biomass of the whole slope was obtained.
Key words: Larix principis-rupprechtii; aboveground biomass; slope variation; scale effect; water condition;
Liupan Mountains
生态系统结构与功能的重要指标 (李根等,2012;
Genet et al.,2011),也是研究森林生态系统物质循
环和能量流动的基础 (Browm et al.,1999; Mokany
et al.,2006)。大量研究表明,森林生物量主要集中
于地上 (吕晓涛等,2007; 明安刚,2012; Tritton
et al.,1987),包括乔木层和林下植被的生物量。目
(陈德祥等,2004; 樊后保等,2006; 漆良华等,
2007; 张国斌等,2012)及其受土壤水分(黄德青
等,2011; 刘国华等,2003; 王建国等,2011)、降水
温度和生物因子(Hui et al.,2012; Wen et al.,2009)
华北落叶松 ( Larix principis-rupprechtii)是宁夏
叶松人工同龄纯林的半阴坡和阴坡 2 个典型坡面,
林 业 科 学 51 卷
1 研究区概况
研究区位于六盘山北部的叠叠沟小流 域
(106°455″—106° 9 15″ E,35° 54 12″—35° 58 33″
干旱大陆性季风气候,年均降水量 449 mm,集中于
7—9 月份; 年均气温 6 ~ 7 ℃,全年无霜期 130 天左
右; 海拔 1 975 ~ 2 615 m,东坡和西坡是主要坡向。
林,在坡脚或河道旁边有少量杨树(Populus spp. )人
工 林; 自 然 灌 丛 主 要 有 虎 榛 子 ( Ostryopsis
davidiana)、沙棘 ( Hippophae rhamnoides)和绣线菊
( Spiraea salicifolia ) 等; 草 本 主 要 有 铁 杆 蒿
(Artemisia sacrorum)、白颖薹草(Carex rigescens)、草
地 风 毛 菊 ( Saussurea amara )、乌 头 ( Aconitum
carmichaeli)和茭蒿(Artemisia giraldii)等。
2 研究方法
2. 1 样地设置与调查 在叠叠沟小流域,于 2012
年选择了生长华北落叶松人工纯林的 2 个典型坡
面,第 1 个坡面为半阴坡,海拔 2 021 ~ 2 189 m,平
均坡度 31°,斜坡长 450 m,对应的水平坡长为
386 m; 第 2 个坡面为阴坡,海拔 2 016 ~ 2 173 m,平
均坡度 21°,斜坡长 560 m,对应的水平坡长为
522 m。2 个坡面上的华北落叶松林同时栽植,调查
时林龄为 27 年生; 其初植密度相同,受水源涵养林
坡、中下坡、下坡和坡脚分别设置 1 个水平投影面积
为20 m × 20 m 的标准样地,进行每木检测。表 1 为
表 1 样地概况
Tab. 1 Survey of sample plots
(E) /
(N) /
Elevation /m
degree /
from slope
top /m
thickness /
density /
hm -2)
height /
坡顶 Top 106. 148 6 35. 967 3 2 185 5 15 100 950 0. 61 9. 39 7. 79 0. 05 0. 71
上坡 Upper 106. 149 2 35. 967 3 2 136 28 117 90 1 775 0. 59 10. 06 8. 88 0. 08 0. 60
中上 Middle-upper 106. 148 8 35. 968 3 2 110 30 208 140 1 775 0. 77 9. 45 8. 24 0. 10 0. 58
中下 Middle-down 106. 149 1 35. 968 6 2 088 36 253 160 2 425 0. 88 9. 95 8. 11 0. 04 0. 63
下坡 Down 106. 148 4 35. 969 6 2 063 38 310 180 2 350 0. 93 9. 22 7. 00 0. 05 0. 71
坡脚 Foot 106. 147 7 35. 970 7 2 038 34 343 > 200 2 250 0. 82 10. 39 7. 14 0. 06 0. 75
坡顶 Top 106. 148 4 35. 967 8 2 162 25 19 80 900 0. 43 8. 97 8. 61 0. 37 0. 93
上坡 Upper 106. 148 1 35. 968 3 2 119 43 127 130 1 250 0. 61 9. 54 9. 31 0. 20 0. 49
中上 Middle-upper 106. 147 6 35. 968 5 2 105 31 192 140 2 275 0. 72 9. 38 9. 20 0. 16 0. 23
中下 Middle-down 106. 147 2 35. 968 7 2 050 14 300 200 2 525 0. 90 8. 82 8. 54 0. 04 0. 75
下坡 Down 106. 148 3 35. 969 5 2 028 11 387 > 200 1 845 0. 85 10. 78 10. 12 0. 06 0. 81
坡脚 Foot 106. 147 0 35. 968 8 2 020 9 443 > 200 2 275 0. 80 12. 27 8. 14 0. 03 0. 88
2. 2 生物量调查 按照乔木层、灌木层、草本层、枯
松地上生物量经验公式(式 1),计算每株树的地上
lnW = 0. 910 0ln(D2H) - 3. 241 7 R2 = 0. 940 5。
式中:W 为树木地上生物量,单位为 kg·株 - 1; D 为
胸径,单位为 cm; H 为树高,单位为 m。
每种灌木的总株数及其盖度。每种灌木选择 3 ~ 5
个标准株,从基部锯掉后带回实验室,在 80 ℃烘箱
中烘 24 h 后对每种灌木的样株分别称干质量,求取
的地上生物量; 把多种灌木的地上生物量累加得到
草本层:在 2012 年生长季中期,每块样地中设
置 5 个 1 m × 1 m 的样方,调查草本盖度将所有草本
第 3 期 韩新生等: 六盘山叠叠沟华北落叶松人工林地上生物量的坡面变化
65 ℃的烘箱中烘 15 h 后称干质量,求得 5 个样方的
枯落物层:在每块样地设置 5 个 1 m × 1 m 样
80 ℃下烘 24 h 后称干质量,求得 5 个样方的干质量
量; 当所有样地参与计算时,可获得整个坡面的平
2. 3 土壤密度和含水量测定 采用环刀法测定土
壤密度,测定土层分别为 0 ~ 10,10 ~ 20,20 ~ 40,
40 ~ 60,60 ~ 80 和 80 ~ 100 cm,共 6 层,每个样地每
层 3 次重复。在 2012 年生长季的 5—10 月,采用土
每月 2 次,每个样地 3 次重复。土壤的体积含水量
2. 4 数据处理 所有数据均由 Excel 2010 软件
3 结果与分析
3. 1 地上生物量的坡向和坡位差异 图 1 表明:在
地上生物量分别为 31. 76,43. 00,52. 36,65. 31,
74. 26 和 62. 74 t·hm - 2,变幅为 42. 50 t·hm - 2,加权
平均值为 52. 36 t·hm - 2; 在阴坡,坡顶、上坡、中上
43. 14,64. 81,69. 42,80. 19,67. 26 和 56. 15 t·hm - 2,
变幅为 37. 05 t·hm - 2,加权平均值为 63. 98 t·hm - 2。
地上生物量在半阴坡表现为坡顶(31. 76) <上坡
(43. 00) < 中上 ( 52. 36 ) < 中下 ( 65. 31 ) < 坡脚
(62. 76) <下坡(74. 26),即由坡顶向下逐渐增加,在
下坡达到最大,然后随坡位继续下降降低; 地上生物
量在阴坡表现为坡顶(43. 14) <坡脚(56. 15) <上坡
(64. 81) < 下坡 ( 67. 26 ) < 中上 ( 69. 42 ) < 中下
(80. 19),其最大值出现在中下坡。
3. 2 地上生物量的坡面变化 坡面上样地的海拔
图 1 地上生物量在半阴坡和阴坡的坡位变化
Fig. 1 Variation of aboveground biomass along slope
position on the half-shady and shady slopes
平长度的比值)为 X 轴,定量分析地上生物量的坡
面变化规律。图 2 表明,在半阴坡和阴坡 2 个坡面
水平距离约 300 m 时达到最高,然后在继续向下时
0. 78 ( 300 m /386 m = 0. 78 ),在 阴 坡 为 0. 57
(300 m /522 m = 0. 57),从离开坡顶的相对距离来
看,只能说 2 个坡面上变化规律大致相同,但地上生
值随坡面水平距离的坡面效应见图 3。在半阴坡,
从坡顶到坡面水平距离 180 m 处,地上生物量差值
持续上升且小于 0,从 180 m 处至坡面下端,差值大
于 0,并在坡面水平距离 300 m 处达最大; 在阴坡,
从坡顶到坡面水平距离 130 m 处,差值持续上升且
小于 0,从 130 m 处至 410 m 处大于 0,并在坡面水
平距离 300 m 处达最大,但从 300 m 处到坡面下端
持续下降,并在 410 m 处以后小于 0。
在半阴坡,从坡顶到坡面水平距离 180 m 处,其
值持续上升且小于 1,从 180 m 处至坡面下端处大
于 1,在坡面水平距离 300 m 处达到最大,出现最大
比值的坡位与地上生物量最大差值坡位一致; 在阴
坡,从坡顶到 130 m 处,比值持续增大并小于 1,从
130 m 处到 410 m 处大于 1,然后至坡面下端持续下
林 业 科 学 51 卷
图 2 地上生物量在半阴坡和阴坡随离开坡顶距离的变化
Fig. 2 Variation of aboveground biomass along the distance from slope top on the half-shady and shady slopes
降且小于 1,在坡面水平距离 300 m 处达到最大,出
化,其关系式在半阴坡为 Y = - 7 × 10 - 8 X3 + 4 ×
10 - 5X2 - 2. 2 × 10 - 3 X + 0. 643 2 (R2 = 0. 932 1),在
阴坡为 Y = - 1 × 10 - 8X3 + 1 × 10 - 6X2 + 3 × 10 - 3X +
0. 620 4(R2 = 0. 973 9)。
图 3 样地地上生物量与坡面平均地上生物量的差值和比值随距坡顶水平距离的变化
Fig. 3 Variation of the difference and ratio of aboveground biomass of plots to the whole slope average
along the horizontal distance from slope top on the half-shady and shady slopes
3. 3 地上生物量的坡面尺度效应 尺度效应是
化(图 4)。在半阴坡,随距坡顶水平距离增加,地
31. 76 t· hm - 2 升 到 52. 36 t· hm - 2,变 幅 为
20. 60 t·hm - 2,平均每 100 m 水平坡长使滑动平均
值升高 6. 28 t·hm - 2 ; 在阴坡,随距坡顶水平距离
增加,从 43. 14 t·hm - 2升到最大值 63. 98 t·hm - 2后
又逐渐减小,变幅为 20. 84 t·hm - 2,平均每 100 m
水平坡长使滑动平均值升高 4. 92 t·hm - 2。地上生
物量的坡面滑动平均值( y,t·hm - 2 )从坡顶向下随离
开坡顶的相对水平距离( x,m)增加而基本表现为逐
渐升高,其关系式在半阴坡为 y = 2 × 10 - 7 x3 -
7 × 10 - 5 x2 + 0. 067 5x + 30. 838(R2 = 0. 995 7),在阴
坡为 y = - 2 × 10 - 7 x3 - 8 × 10 - 5 x2 + 0. 121 9x +
40. 875(R2 = 0. 999 8)。综合来看,地上生物量的坡
第 3 期 韩新生等: 六盘山叠叠沟华北落叶松人工林地上生物量的坡面变化
图 4 地上生物量滑动平均值随距坡顶水平距离的变化
Fig. 4 Variation of moving average of aboveground biomass along the horizontal distance from slope top on the half-shady and shady slopes
4 结论和讨论
4. 1 地上生物量坡向差异的原因 山地地形可导
林生物量共占 47%,温度低为这里限制生长的主要
因素,而南坡与平坡气温较高 (毛学刚等,2011);
Tajchman 等(1996)研究了阿巴拉契亚山脉阔叶树
立地条件好。张春梅等 (2011)在延河流域研究表
52. 36 t·hm - 2,比阴坡 (63. 98 t·hm - 2 )低 18. 16%。
分。2012 年生长季实测的 0 ~ 100 cm 土层的体积
含水量平均值在半阴坡为 26. 89%,小于阴坡的
28. 43%。此外,生物量坡向差别还可能和阴坡土壤
4. 2 地上生物量坡位变化的原因 本研究中,地上
等,2013; 邱扬等,2001; Qiu et al.,2001; Western
et al.,1999; Williams et al.,2009),并可能超过土壤
坡顶的土壤含水量相对较高,而 2 个坡面上的
生长差和耗水少,从而土壤含水量较高; 从坡上部
力。在前人大多数研究 (李凯辉等,2007; 刘兴良
等,2006; 刘彦春等,2010; 马维玲等,2010; 魏晶
4. 3 地上生物量的坡面变化分区和尺度效应 依
区和亏缺区的坡段分别占整个坡长的 53. 4%
(180 ~ 386 m)和 46. 6% (0 ~ 180 m),在阴坡,分别
为 53. 6% ( 130 ~ 410 m)和 46. 4% (0 ~ 130 m 和
410 ~ 522 m),均表现为受益区长度大于亏缺区,且
本研究中,2 个坡面地上生物量的坡面滑动平
升高的趋势,即在坡面上存在空间尺度效应,每 100
m 水平坡长导致的地上生物量增加值在半阴坡为
6. 28 t·hm - 2,在阴坡为 4. 92 t·hm - 2,比半阴坡低
21. 66%。这是水分养分条件、土壤厚度和坡面径流
4. 4 不同坡位样地的坡面代表性 在调查或监测
林 业 科 学 51 卷
本研究确定了阴坡和半阴坡 2 个典型坡面上的
立更多重复样地,从而得到更具普遍性的规律; 也
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(责任编辑 于静娴)