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Variation Analysis on Kernel Oil Content and Its Fatty Acid Composition in 31 Superior Amygdalus pedunculata Individuals from Mu Us Desert


[目的] 研究毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃坚果核仁的营养品质特点,尤其是脂肪酸的组成变异规律,为长柄扁桃新品种选育提供科学依据。[方法] 在对毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃坚果表型多样性进行调查和分析的基础上,选取代表坚果质量和核壳厚度以及出仁率多样性的31个长柄扁桃优良单株坚果核仁为样本,利用索氏提取法和AOAC996.06脂肪酸分析方法提取分析样品粗脂肪含量和脂肪酸组成,采用SPSS13.0等统计分析软件对粗脂肪和脂肪酸检测数据进行统计分析。[结果] 31个毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃坚果核仁中粗脂肪含量在46.08%~61.61%之间,平均为54.58%。坚果核仁油中脂肪酸鉴定出棕榈酸、棕榈油酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸和顺-11-二十碳烯酸7种组分,其中油酸含量最高,达34.94%,其次是亚油酸,平均含量为15.87%。油脂中不饱和脂肪酸比例在96.44%~98.31%之间,不饱和脂肪酸主要由油酸和亚油酸构成,二者占不饱和脂肪酸的93.09%。饱和脂肪酸比例较低,在3.56%以下,主要是棕榈酸。在油脂和脂肪酸变异方面,不同单株间坚果核仁油脂含量变化相对稳定,变异系数仅为8.10%,而单株间各脂肪酸组分间的变异系数差异较大,变异系数从大到小依次为亚麻酸(37.02%)>顺-11-二十碳烯酸(29.34%)>硬脂酸(25.39%)>棕榈油酸(21.83%)>亚油酸(20.34%)>棕榈酸(14.44%)>油酸(8.77%),油酸和亚油酸不但含量高,而且变化相对稳定; 亚麻酸和顺-11-二十碳烯酸不但含量低,而且单株间差异大。油脂和脂肪酸含量相关性方面,油脂含量与油酸和亚油酸组分呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.68和0.70,与不饱和及饱和脂肪酸的比值相关系数最高,为0.74,与亚麻酸及饱和脂肪酸所占比值呈显著负相关,相关系数为-0.52和-0.68。同时,单不饱和脂肪酸所占比值与油酸呈极显著正相关,而多不饱和脂肪酸所占比值与亚油酸呈极显著正相关,相关系数都接近1.00,说明不饱和脂肪酸的种类和含量与油酸和亚油酸密切相关。[结论] 毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃油脂含量高,脂肪酸组成相对单一,主要是脂肪酸油酸和亚油酸,且含量相对稳定、变异小,这些油脂和脂肪酸组成及变异规律的检测分析,为油用长柄扁桃新品种的选育提供一定的指导。

[Objective] Amygdalus pedunculata is naturally distributed in Mu Us Desert. The tree has strong resistance, and its kernel has high oil content, therefore A. pedunculata is classified as a new type of woody edible oil plant resources. [Method] Understanding nutritional quality characteristics of A. pedunculata kernel, particularly fatty acids, will provide scientific basis for the breeding. In this paper, 31 A. pedunculata representative samples were selected according to their nut characteristics from Mu Us Desert. The variations of crude fat content and fatty acid composition were studied. The samples were extracted using Soxhlet extraction and the GC analysis based on AOAC996.06 method was used to analyze the fatty acid composition and oil content. [Result] The results showed that the crude fat content ranged from 46.08% to 61.61%, the average content was 54.58%. The kernel oil contained seven kinds of fatty acids: Palmitic, Palmitoleic, Stearic, Oleic, Linoleic, α-Linolenic and cis-11-Eicosenoic, among which the major fatty acids were oleic acid (34.94%) and linoleic acid (15.87%). The percentage of total unsaturated fatty acids in the oil varied from 96.44% to 98.31%, while percentage of oleic acid and linoleic acid content was as high as 93.09%. The percentage of saturated fatty acid was reached to 3.56%, and its major composition was palmitic acid. The lipid content was relatively stable, and the variation coefficient was only 8.10%. However fatty acid content changed greatly, coefficients of variation was 37.02% for linoleic acid and 8.77% for oleic acid. The variation coefficient of fatty acid components among different individuals in A. pedunculata population from high to low was linolenic acid (37.02%), cis-11-Eicosenoic (29.34%), stearic acid (25.39%), palmitoleic acid (21.83%), linoleic acid (20.34%), palmitic acid (14.44%), oleic acid (8.77%). This result indicated that the content of oleic acid and linoleic acid was not only high, but also stable, while the content of linolenic acid and cis-11-Eicosenoic was comparatively low and unstable. The total crude fat content was significantly correlated with the content of oleic acid, linoleic acid and unsaturated/saturated ratio, with the correlation coefficient of 0.68, 0.70, and 0.74, respectively. The total crude fat content was highly and negatively correlated with the content of linolenic acid and SFA, with the correlation coefficient of -0.52 and -0.68. MUFA was significantly correlated with the content of oleic acid, while PUFA was significantly correlated with the content of linoleic acid and the correlation coefficient were closed to 1.00. [Conclusion] A. pedunculata nuts have high content of crude lipid. The fatty acid composition was relatively simple, and mainly of oleic acid and linoleic acid. The content of oleic acid and linoleic acid was relatively stable, and positively correlated with the total crude fat content. These results would provide some guidance for breeding new oil varieties.

全 文 :第 51 卷 第 7 期
2 0 1 5 年 7 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 51,No. 7
Jul.,2 0 1 5
doi:10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20150716
收稿日期: 2014 - 10 - 20; 修回日期: 2015 - 03 - 09。
基金项目: 科技惠民计划项目(2012GS610203)。
* 王伟为通讯作者。
毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃 31 个优良单株坚果核仁脂肪酸组成变异分析*
许新桥 王 伟 褚建民
(中国林业科学研究院林业研究所 林木遗传育种国家重点实验室 国家林业局林木培育重点实验室 北京 100091)
摘 要: 【目的】研究毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃坚果核仁的营养品质特点,尤其是脂肪酸的组成变异规律,为长柄扁
表坚果质量和核壳厚度以及出仁率多样性的 31 个长柄扁桃优良单株坚果核仁为样本,利用索氏提取法和
AOAC996. 06 脂肪酸分析方法提取分析样品粗脂肪含量和脂肪酸组成,采用 SPSS13. 0 等统计分析软件对粗脂肪和
脂肪酸检测数据进行统计分析。【结果】31 个毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃坚果核仁中粗脂肪含量在 46. 08% ~ 61. 61%之
间,平均为 54. 58%。坚果核仁油中脂肪酸鉴定出棕榈酸、棕榈油酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸和顺 - 11 -二十
碳烯酸 7 种组分,其中油酸含量最高,达 34. 94%,其次是亚油酸,平均含量为 15. 87%。油脂中不饱和脂肪酸比例
在 96. 44% ~ 98. 31%之间,不饱和脂肪酸主要由油酸和亚油酸构成,二者占不饱和脂肪酸的 93. 09%。饱和脂肪酸
比例较低,在 3. 56%以下,主要是棕榈酸。在油脂和脂肪酸变异方面,不同单株间坚果核仁油脂含量变化相对稳
定,变异系数仅为 8. 10%,而单株间各脂肪酸组分间的变异系数差异较大,变异系数从大到小依次为亚麻酸
(37. 02% ) >顺 - 11 -二十碳烯酸(29. 34% ) > 硬脂酸(25. 39% ) > 棕榈油酸(21. 83% ) > 亚油酸(20. 34% ) > 棕
榈酸(14. 44% ) >油酸(8. 77% ),油酸和亚油酸不但含量高,而且变化相对稳定; 亚麻酸和顺 - 11 -二十碳烯酸不
系数分别为 0. 68 和 0. 70,与不饱和及饱和脂肪酸的比值相关系数最高,为 0. 74,与亚麻酸及饱和脂肪酸所占比值
呈显著负相关,相关系数为 - 0. 52 和 - 0. 68。同时,单不饱和脂肪酸所占比值与油酸呈极显著正相关,而多不饱和
脂肪酸所占比值与亚油酸呈极显著正相关,相关系数都接近 1. 00,说明不饱和脂肪酸的种类和含量与油酸和亚油
关键词: 长柄扁桃; 毛乌素沙地; 脂肪酸; 变异
中图分类号: S718. 43 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2015)07 - 0142 - 06
Variation Analysis on Kernel Oil Content and Its Fatty Acid Composition in 31
Superior Amygdalus pedunculata Individuals from Mu Us Desert
Xu Xinqiao Wang Wei Chu Jianmin
(Key Laboratory of Tree Breeding and Cultivation of State Forestry Administration State Key Laboratory of
Tree Genetics and Breeding Research Institute of Forestry,CAF Beijing 100091)
Abstract: 【Objective】Amygdalus pedunculata is naturally distributed in Mu Us Desert. The tree has strong resistance,
and its kernel has high oil content, therefore A. pedunculata is classified as a new type of woody edible oil plant
resources. 【Method】Understanding nutritional quality characteristics of A. pedunculata kernel,particularly fatty acids,
will provide scientific basis for the breeding. In this paper,31 A. pedunculata representative samples were selected
according to their nut characteristics from Mu Us Desert. The variations of crude fat content and fatty acid composition
were studied. The samples were extracted using Soxhlet extraction and the GC analysis based on AOAC996. 06 method was
used to analyze the fatty acid composition and oil content. 【Result】The results showed that the crude fat content ranged
from 46. 08% to 61. 61%,the average content was 54. 58% . The kernel oil contained seven kinds of fatty acids:
Palmitic,Palmitoleic,Stearic,Oleic,Linoleic,α-Linolenic and cis-11-Eicosenoic,among which the major fatty acids
were oleic acid (34. 94% ) and linoleic acid (15. 87% ) . The percentage of total unsaturated fatty acids in the oil varied
第 7 期 许新桥等: 毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃 31 个优良单株坚果核仁脂肪酸组成变异分析
from 96. 44% to 98. 31%,while percentage of oleic acid and linoleic acid content was as high as 93. 09% . The
percentage of saturated fatty acid was reached to 3. 56%,and its major composition was palmitic acid. The lipid content
was relatively stable,and the variation coefficient was only 8. 10% . However fatty acid content changed greatly,
coefficients of variation was 37. 02% for linoleic acid and 8. 77% for oleic acid. The variation coefficient of fatty acid
components among different individuals in A. pedunculata population from high to low was linolenic acid (37. 02% ),cis-
11-Eicosenoic (29. 34% ),stearic acid (25. 39% ),palmitoleic acid (21. 83% ),linoleic acid (20. 34% ),palmitic
acid (14. 44% ),oleic acid (8. 77% ) . This result indicated that the content of oleic acid and linoleic acid was not only
high,but also stable,while the content of linolenic acid and cis-11-Eicosenoic was comparatively low and unstable. The
total crude fat content was significantly correlated with the content of oleic acid,linoleic acid and unsaturated / saturated
ratio,with the correlation coefficient of 0. 68,0. 70,and 0. 74,respectively. The total crude fat content was highly and
negatively correlated with the content of linolenic acid and SFA,with the correlation coefficient of - 0. 52 and - 0. 68.
MUFA was significantly correlated with the content of oleic acid,while PUFA was significantly correlated with the content
of linoleic acid and the correlation coefficient were closed to 1. 00. 【Conclusion】A. pedunculata nuts have high content of
crude lipid. The fatty acid composition was relatively simple,and mainly of oleic acid and linoleic acid. The content of
oleic acid and linoleic acid was relatively stable,and positively correlated with the total crude fat content. These results
would provide some guidance for breeding new oil varieties.
Key words: Amygdalus pedunculata; Mu Us desert; fatty acid; variation
长柄扁桃 ( Amygdalus pedunculata),又名毛樱
( subgenus Amygadlus)落叶灌木,原产我国,自然分
主要分布在陕西榆林地区 (姬钟亮等,1981; 许新
桥等,2013; 王伟等,2014)。长柄扁桃作为我国北
2008; 罗梦等,2006; 吴恩岐等,2007),在陕西、内
植物油 2013 年自给率仅为 35. 3% (王汉中等,
具有抗寒(蒋宝等,2008)、抗旱(罗梦等,2006; 吴
势树种。2013 年 10 月 30 日,国家卫生计生委发布
了“关于批准裸藻等 8 种新食品原料的公告”(2013
年第 10 号),其中把长柄扁桃油列为食用油,这标
1 材料与方法
1. 1 试验材料采集 毛乌素沙地是我国四大沙地之
一,位于 37°27. 5—39°22. 5 N,107°20—111°30 E 之
(38°26—38°53 N,109°12—109°52 E),参照金燕
等(2003)遗传多样性的取样策略,从 177 个野生样
以及出仁率等)筛选出具有代表性的 31 个样本(王
(当植株有 1 /3 以上的果实外果皮开裂时及时采
收,采集时间为 2013 年 7 月 10—20 日),将每株果
1. 2 脂肪酸组成测定方法 粗脂肪含量测定依据
考 GB /T 14772—2008 标准,采用索氏提取器提取,
称取经粉碎制备的样品 10. 00 g,用滤纸包好后放入
仪器内,然后加入乙醚 150 mL,43 ℃恒温水浴中回
流提取 16 h,得淡黄色透明萃取液,旋转蒸发仪除去
林 业 科 学 51 卷
乙醚,103 ℃恒温干燥 0. 5 h,得黄色油状液态产物
称重。粗脂肪含量 = 黄色油状液态产物质量 /样品
质量 × 100%。
脂肪酸的检测采用 AOAC996. 06 的《食品中总
提取气相色谱法》(GB /T 22223 2008)。
1. 3 数据处理 数据录入和统计分析及图表制作
采用 Excel 2007 和 SPSS13. 0 统计软件 (张力,
2 结果与分析
2. 1 不同单株间坚果核仁含油率及其各脂肪酸组
分的含量特征 经气相色谱分析检测(图 1) (图 1
为表 1 中 29 号样品气相色谱图),从长柄扁桃仁中
分离出了 7 种主要脂肪酸组分,分别为棕榈酸
(C16∶ 0)、棕榈油酸(C16 ∶ 1)、硬脂酸 (C18 ∶ 0)、油
酸(C18 ∶ 1)、亚油酸 (C18 ∶ 2)、亚麻酸 ( C18 ∶ 3) 和
顺 - 11 - 二十碳烯酸(C20 ∶ 1),这 7 种组分的保留
时间依次 为 39. 52,41. 58,45. 09,47. 32,50. 84,
55. 00 和 55. 76 min,而作为内标的十一碳酸甲酯
(C11∶ 0)保留时间为 28. 71 min。
图 1 长柄扁桃脂肪酸组分气相色谱图谱
Fig. 1 The chromatogram of Amygdalus pedunculata
fatty acid compositions
酸组成见表 1。从坚果核仁分离检测出的 7 种脂肪
量就达 93. 09%,饱和脂肪 酸 ( SFA ) 含量仅占
1. 69% ~ 3. 56%,不饱和脂肪酸含量为 96. 44% ~
98. 31%,说明长柄扁桃油是富含不饱和脂肪酸的优
2. 2 不同单株间坚果核仁含油率及其各脂肪酸组
分的变异特征 由表 2 可知,不同长柄扁桃单株间
8. 10%,说明在同一种群内不同单株间长柄扁桃
异系数高达 37. 02% ; 其次是顺 - 11 - 二十碳烯
酸、硬脂酸、棕榈油酸和亚油酸; 棕榈酸变异系数
为 14. 44% ;油酸的变异最小,其变异系数仅为
8. 77%。在不同单株间各脂肪酸组分的变异系数
从大到小依次为亚麻酸 (37. 02% ) > 顺 - 11 - 二
十碳烯酸 ( 29. 34% ) > 硬脂酸 ( 25. 39% ) > 棕榈
油酸 ( 21. 83% ) > 亚 油 酸 ( 20. 34% ) > 棕 榈 酸
(14. 44% ) >油酸 (8. 77% )。长柄扁桃的油酸和
亚油酸不但含量高,而且变化相对稳定; 而亚麻酸
和顺 - 11 -二十碳烯酸含量低且单株间差异大。
2. 3 坚果核仁含油率及其各脂肪酸组分间的相
关性 脂肪酸和油脂相关性分析 (表 3 )表明,粗
油脂含量与油酸和亚油酸呈极显著正相关 ( P <
0. 01),相关系数分别为 0. 68 和 0. 70,与不饱和与
饱和脂肪酸的比值相关系数最高,为 0. 74,与亚麻
系数为 - 0. 52和 - 0. 68。与单不饱和脂肪酸所占
接近 1. 00。
相关(P < 0. 01),其中与硬脂酸的相关系数最高,
达 0. 78; 棕榈油酸仅与硬脂酸显著正相关 ( P <
0. 05),相关系数为 0. 37; 硬脂酸与亚麻酸和顺 -
11 -二十碳烯酸呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别
为 0. 77 和 0. 50,而与亚油酸呈显著负相关,相关
系数为 - 0. 58; 油酸和其他 6 种脂肪酸没有显著
相关性; 亚油酸与硬脂酸、亚麻酸以及顺 - 11 - 二
十碳烯酸呈极显著负相关,相关系数分别为 -
0. 58,- 0. 60 和 - 0. 64; 亚麻酸与棕榈酸、硬脂
顺 - 11 -二十碳烯酸与硬脂酸呈极显著正相关,
相关系数为 0. 50,与亚油酸呈极显著负相关,相关
系数为 - 0. 64。
3 结论与讨论
毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃 31 个优良单株平均含油
率 54. 58%,最低 46. 08%,最高 61. 61%。马恒等
(2013)对毛乌素沙地 3 个混合样检测其含油率分
别为 52. 41%,54. 89%和 52. 29%,李聪等(2010)
对毛乌素沙地混合样检测其含油率为 55%,单株
第 7 期 许新桥等: 毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃 31 个优良单株坚果核仁脂肪酸组成变异分析
表 1 不同单株长柄扁桃坚果核仁脂肪酸组成及其含量①
Tab. 1 Composition of fatty acids and its content of A. pedunculata from different populations g·100 g - 1
顺 -11 -
1 1. 18 0. 13 0. 46 31. 42 12. 51 0. 10 0. 08 47. 94 3. 56 96. 44 31. 63 12. 61 27. 03 0. 03
2 1. 16 0. 09 0. 48 33. 67 12. 84 0. 12 0. 10 50. 65 3. 38 96. 62 33. 86 12. 96 28. 49 0. 03
3 0. 94 0. 09 0. 35 36. 67 15. 78 0. 07 0. 10 56. 43 2. 39 97. 61 36. 86 15. 85 40. 78 0. 02
4 0. 75 0. 06 0. 34 36. 90 12. 06 0. 06 0. 11 52. 55 2. 17 97. 83 37. 07 12. 12 45. 03 0. 02
5 0. 76 0. 06 0. 29 37. 97 14. 71 0. 06 0. 12 56. 40 1. 95 98. 05 38. 15 14. 77 50. 29 0. 02
6 0. 81 0. 09 0. 31 39. 05 11. 31 0. 07 0. 09 54. 06 2. 17 97. 83 39. 23 11. 38 45. 11 0. 02
7 0. 80 0. 08 0. 28 30. 51 12. 28 0. 06 0. 08 46. 08 2. 45 97. 55 30. 67 12. 34 39. 75 0. 02
8 0. 82 0. 11 0. 24 29. 37 13. 59 0. 09 0. 06 46. 27 2. 39 97. 61 29. 54 13. 68 40. 76 0. 02
9 0. 78 0. 07 0. 29 33. 27 15. 30 0. 05 0. 08 52. 09 2. 15 97. 85 33. 42 15. 35 45. 50 0. 02
10 0. 92 0. 11 0. 31 33. 55 15. 92 0. 03 0. 08 53. 22 2. 42 97. 58 33. 74 15. 95 40. 33 0. 02
11 0. 89 0. 11 0. 28 31. 38 16. 11 0. 06 0. 07 51. 11 2. 39 97. 61 31. 56 16. 17 40. 74 0. 02
12 0. 90 0. 09 0. 33 35. 25 14. 49 0. 05 0. 09 53. 51 2. 40 97. 60 35. 43 14. 54 40. 55 0. 02
13 0. 85 0. 13 0. 33 38. 41 15. 15 0. 06 0. 10 57. 51 2. 14 97. 86 38. 64 15. 21 45. 55 0. 02
14 0. 76 0. 07 0. 24 31. 07 16. 81 0. 06 0. 09 51. 31 2. 04 97. 96 31. 23 16. 87 48. 01 0. 02
15 1. 17 0. 13 0. 56 34. 14 13. 15 0. 11 0. 09 51. 58 3. 51 96. 49 34. 36 13. 26 27. 47 0. 03
16 0. 88 0. 10 0. 37 42. 03 11. 56 0. 09 0. 11 57. 62 2. 27 97. 73 42. 24 11. 65 43. 02 0. 02
17 0. 94 0. 08 0. 38 36. 38 11. 36 0. 09 0. 09 51. 54 2. 68 97. 32 36. 55 11. 45 36. 24 0. 02
18 0. 76 0. 08 0. 27 35. 92 14. 08 0. 06 0. 07 53. 55 2. 01 97. 99 36. 07 14. 14 48. 68 0. 02
19 1. 04 0. 09 0. 43 31. 13 13. 29 0. 11 0. 10 48. 28 3. 18 96. 82 31. 32 13. 41 30. 37 0. 03
20 0. 86 0. 09 0. 36 31. 95 19. 52 — — 55. 16 2. 31 97. 69 32. 04 19. 52 42. 26 0. 02
21 0. 83 0. 10 0. 25 32. 80 16. 29 — — 52. 54 2. 15 97. 85 32. 90 16. 29 45. 55 0. 02
22 0. 71 0. 08 0. 32 37. 60 15. 33 0. 04 0. 05 56. 57 1. 90 98. 10 37. 73 15. 37 51. 50 0. 01
23 0. 99 0. 13 0. 27 38. 21 17. 54 0. 04 0. 04 59. 80 2. 20 97. 80 38. 38 17. 58 44. 38 0. 02
24 0. 91 0. 09 0. 25 36. 59 18. 10 0. 05 0. 05 58. 57 2. 07 97. 93 36. 73 18. 15 47. 27 0. 02
25 0. 75 0. 10 0. 27 38. 45 19. 27 0. 06 0. 05 61. 61 1. 73 98. 27 38. 60 19. 33 56. 75 0. 01
26 0. 76 0. 10 0. 28 37. 84 19. 05 0. 07 0. 04 60. 76 1. 79 98. 21 37. 98 19. 12 54. 87 0. 02
27 0. 81 0. 08 0. 29 33. 97 18. 77 0. 04 0. 05 56. 45 2. 04 97. 96 34. 10 18. 81 48. 05 0. 02
28 0. 81 0. 09 0. 23 35. 71 21. 24 0. 04 0. 08 60. 82 1. 79 98. 21 35. 88 21. 28 54. 88 0. 02
29 0. 76 0. 08 0. 23 35. 87 21. 59 0. 04 0. 06 61. 27 1. 69 98. 31 36. 01 21. 63 58. 16 0. 01
30 0. 88 0. 08 0. 24 34. 85 21. 80 0. 06 0. 06 60. 58 1. 93 98. 07 34. 99 21. 86 50. 71 0. 02
31 0. 82 0. 06 0. 23 31. 22 21. 27 0. 04 0. 05 56. 11 1. 96 98. 04 31. 33 21. 31 50. 09 0. 02
①SFA: 饱和脂肪酸 /总脂肪酸 × 100% saturated fatty acid; UFA: 不饱和脂肪酸 /总脂肪酸 × 100% unsaturated fatty acid; MUFA: 单不饱和
脂肪酸 monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA: 多不饱和脂肪酸 polyunsaturated fatty acids; UN /SA: 不饱和脂肪酸 /饱和脂肪酸 unsaturated / saturated
ratio; C16 /18: 16 碳脂肪酸 /18 碳脂肪酸含量比值 C16 /C18 ratio,“—”未检出,下同。“ -”Not detected. The same below.
表 2 不同单株脂肪酸组分含量及变异情况
Tab. 2 Variation of content of fatty acids in A. pedunculata from different populations g·100 g - 1
顺 - 11 -二十碳烯酸
Cis-11-eicosenoic acid
Oil(% )
最大值 Maximum 1. 18 0. 13 0. 56 42. 03 21. 80 0. 12 0. 12 61. 61
最小值 Minimum 0. 71 0. 06 0. 23 29. 37 11. 31 0. 03 0. 04 46. 08
平均值 Mean 0. 87 0. 09 0. 31 34. 94 15. 87 0. 06 0. 08 54. 58
极差 Range 0. 47 0. 07 0. 33 12. 66 10. 49 0. 09 0. 08 15. 53
标准差 Std. deviation 0. 13 0. 02 0. 08 3. 06 3. 23 0. 02 0. 02 4. 42
变异系数 CV(% ) 14. 44 21. 83 25. 39 8. 77 20. 34 37. 02 29. 34 8. 10
异系数仅为 8. 10%,说明长柄扁桃油脂不仅含量
本研究用气相色谱法共测定出 7 种脂肪酸组
亚麻酸和顺 - 11 - 二十碳烯酸。马恒等 (2013)对
谱分析,同样检测出这 7 种脂肪酸组分,但在内蒙乌
审旗混合样中多检测出花生烯酸。李聪等 (2010)
也检测出了 7 种脂肪酸组分,不同的是其检测出了
花生烯酸和芥酸,而未检测出硬脂酸和顺 - 11 - 二
林 业 科 学 51 卷
表 3 长柄扁桃坚果核仁含油率及其各脂肪酸组分相关性①
Tab. 3 Correlation of kernel oil content with its fatty acid compositions in A. pedunculata
C16∶ 0 C16∶ 1 C18∶ 0 C18∶ 1 C18∶ 2 C18∶ 3 C20∶ 1 OIL SFA UFA MUFA PUFA UN /SA C16 /18
C16∶ 0 1. 00
C16∶ 1 0. 57** 1. 00
C18∶ 0 0. 78** 0. 37* 1. 00
C18∶ 1 - 0. 22 0. 04 - 0. 01 1. 00
C18∶ 2 - 0. 33 - 0. 14 - 0. 58** - 0. 05 1. 00
C18∶ 3 0. 66** 0. 29 0. 77** - 0. 15 - 0. 60** 1. 00
C20∶ 1 0. 23 - 0. 13 0. 50** 0. 10 - 0. 64** 0. 45 * 1. 00
OIL - 0. 35 - 0. 05 - 0. 40 * 0. 68** 0. 70** - 0. 52** - 0. 38 * 1. 00
SFA 0. 90** 0. 43 * 0. 88** - 0. 38 * - 0. 60** 0. 79** 0. 40 * - 0. 68** 1. 00
UFA - 0. 90** - 0. 43 - 0. 88** 0. 38 * 0. 60** - 0. 79** - 0. 40 * 0. 68** - 1. 00** 1. 00
MUFA - 0. 21 0. 04 - 0. 01 1. 00** - 0. 06 - 0. 15 0. 11 0. 67** - 0. 37 * 0. 37 * 1. 00
PUFA - 0. 32 - 0. 14 - 0. 58** - 0. 05 1. 00** - 0. 60** - 0. 64** 0. 70** - 0. 59** 0. 59** - 0. 06 1. 00
UN /SA - 0. 85** - 0. 41 * - 0. 83** 0. 39 * 0. 67** - 0. 74** - 0. 45 * 0. 74** - 0. 97** 0. 97** 0. 38 * 0. 67** 1. 00
C16 /18 0. 92** 0. 54** 0. 77** - 0. 44 * - 0. 53** 0. 74** 0. 30 - 0. 68** 0. 98** - 0. 98** - 0. 44 * - 0. 53** - 0. 96** 1. 00
① **: P < 0. 01,* : P < 0. 05.
表 4 巴旦杏和长柄扁桃典型脂肪酸组成
Tab. 4 Fatty acid composition of oil extracted from Amygdalus communis and A. pedunculata nuts %
Fatty acid
(C12∶ 0)
(C14∶ 0)
(C16∶ 0)
(C16∶ 1)
(C18∶ 0)
(C18∶ 1)
(C18∶ 2)
(C18∶ 3)
(C20∶ 0)
顺 - 11 -二
Cis-11-eicosenoic acid
(C20∶ 1)
(C22∶ 0)
A. communis
< 0. 10 < 0. 10 5. 50 0. 20 2. 80 70. 0 21. 0 0. 10 0. 10 0. 10 0. 10
A. pedunculata
— — 1. 67 0. 17 0. 59 66. 91 30. 39 0. 11 — 0. 15 —
在长柄扁桃坚果核仁油脂中检测出的 7 种脂肪
棕榈油酸、硬脂酸、亚麻酸和顺 - 11 -二十碳烯酸的
含量均较小,其变异系数从大到小依次为亚麻酸 >
顺 - 11 - 二十碳烯酸 > 硬脂酸 > 棕榈油酸 > 亚油
酸 >棕榈酸 >油酸。由此可见,毛乌素沙地长柄扁
桃油脂中不饱和脂肪酸 (油酸、亚油酸)不但含量
合样 检 测表明,其不饱 和脂肪酸含 量 分 别 为
96. 88%,96. 88%和 97. 04%,李聪等(2010)分析表
明长叶扁桃油脂不饱和脂肪酸含量为 98. 1%,本研
饱和脂肪酸含量为 96. 49% ~ 98. 31%。检测结果
物,其脂肪酸组成和含量也类似(García-López et al.,
1996; Abdallah et al.,1998; Maguire et al.,2004;
Kodad et al.,2008)(表 4),都是以油酸和亚油酸为
主(Sathe et al.,2008),油酸含量最高,高达 60%以
上,巴旦杏亚油酸含量相比长柄扁桃偏低; 饱和脂
量显著高于长柄扁桃的饱和脂肪酸含量; 长柄扁桃
顺 - 11 -二十碳烯酸含量略高于巴旦杏含量; 长柄
亚麻酸含量低,在 0. 1%左右,其中月桂酸等在长柄
著负相关,相关系数为 - 0. 99,而毛乌素沙地长柄扁
关性也存在不同程度的差异 ( Sathe et al.,2008)。
第 7 期 许新桥等: 毛乌素沙地长柄扁桃 31 个优良单株坚果核仁脂肪酸组成变异分析
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(责任编辑 王艳娜)