Noni "Wanwei No. 1" of noni that was introduced from the Big Island of Hawaii, USA and has been selected through series of selective breeding measures including seedling propagation and regional screening to select for superior growth, excellent fruition, strong resistant to diseases and wind, and well-adapted to new climate conditions. It has such bears the desired features of early maturity, high fruit yield with large fruits and high quality, and resilience to harsh growth condition; thus it is especially suitable for growing in tropical region of south and west of Hainan island and Yongxing Island, along the shoreline and coastal saline areas both as windbreaks and orchard. The fruits can be processed as healthy supplement.
全 文 :第 50 卷 第 10 期
2 0 1 4 年 10 月
林 业 科 学
Vol. 50,No. 10
Oct.,2 0 1 4
doi:10.11707 / j.1001-7488.20141027
收稿日期: 2014 - 05 - 30。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31360066) ; 国家农业成果转化基金项目(2013GB2E200392) ; 海南大学中西部计划学科重点领域建
设项目(ZXBJH - XK008)。
* 符文英为通讯作者。
海巴戟良种‘万维 1 号’*
邢诒旺1 符传贤2 林道哲1 李琼义2 符文英1
(1. 海南大学 海口 570228; 2. 海南万维生物制药技术有限公司 海口 570125)
摘 要: ‘万维 1 号’是从美国夏威夷大岛引种,采用选择育种方法经选株、选果、选种、选苗、实生苗繁殖测定和
关键词: 海巴戟; 果用; 海防林; 新品种
品种名称: 万维 1 号 品种权人: 海南大学 海南万维生物制药技术有限公司 品种编号: 琼认海巴戟 2013001 授权
日期: 2014 - 01 - 10
中图分类号: S727. 34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 7488(2014)10 - 0189 - 01
An Elite Variety of Noni(Morinda citrifolia ) ‘Wanwei No. 1’
Xing Yiwang1 Fu Chuanxian2 Lin Daozhe1 Li Qiongyi2 Fu Wenying1
(1. Hainan University Haikou 570228; 2. Hainan Marveltech Biopharmaceuticals. lnc Haikou 570125)
Abstract: Noni“Wanwei No. 1”of noni that was introduced from the Big Island of Hawaii,USA and has been
selected through series of selective breeding measures including seedling propagation and regional screening to select for
superior growth,excellent fruition,strong resistant to diseases and wind,and well-adapted to new climate conditions. It
has such bears the desired features of early maturity,high fruit yield with large fruits and high quality,and resilience to
harsh growth condition; thus it is especially suitable for growing in tropical region of south and west of Hainan island and
Yongxing Island,along the shoreline and coastal saline areas both as windbreaks and orchard. The fruits can be processed
as healthy supplement.
Key words: noni; fruit used; coastal forests; new variety
海巴戟‘万维 1 号’(Morinda citrifolia‘Wanwei
No. 1’)是海南大学和海南万维生物制药技术有限
公司采用引种选育方法培育出的我国第 1 个海巴戟
良种。2003 年 6 月从美国夏威夷引进海巴戟种子,
果、选种、选苗的方法,用 10 年时间,经实生苗繁殖、
头状花序,小花白色、两性花,总花梗长 3 ~ 4 cm,花
多数(50 ~ 80 朵小花),雄蕊 5 枚,一个头状花序开
花时间约 60 天,从始花至果实成熟约 120 天;果为
绿色,成熟后乳黄色,聚花果的每个小果含种子 4
粒,种子为红棕色,扁平梭形,实生苗 12 片叶(约 6
对生连续开花结果。终年生长而全年结果,平均 20
天可收获 1 次,又称四季果。栽植 1 年后开始有收
获,3 ~ 5年进入盛果期,盛果期年产果量每株 25 kg、
37. 5 t·hm - 2。抗风、耐盐碱、没有落花落果现象。
采用实生苗繁殖,苗高 30 cm 以上营建果园,密
度 2 m × 3 m。适宜栽植在阳光充足、排水良好的地
方。栽植时每穴施农家肥 15 kg,全年做好肥水管
疏散分层型,控制树高 2. 5 ~ 3. 5 m。
(责任编辑 王艳娜)