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Thermal Effect and Adjusting Mechanism of Rural Landscape Patterns


利用Quickbird和ETM影像对浙江省绍兴县北部平原220 km2区域内50个村庄景观格局热效应进行研究。通过5种地类斑块共45个景观指数之间、景观指数与环境亮温之间的数量关系分析表明: 在核心区,各景观指数与环境亮温间具有良好的线性关系,相关性大小受地类斑块相对面积的影响明显; 众多景观指数可分为破碎度类指数、覆盖率类指数、形状指数、核心区规模指数、100 m缓冲区相关指数等几类,其中优势斑块和景观总体的破碎度类指数、覆盖率类指数是环境亮温的主要作用因子; 该区景观复杂,景观结构指数对亮温的贡献约占总量的25%,数量结构指数对亮温的贡献约占75%。建立2个亮温多元线性模型,筛选出相应的亮温预测及调控因子组,结果显示在景观斑块数量结构一定的情况下,地类斑块边界稠密、众多小斑块均匀分布、增温斑块形状狭长、降温斑块形状圆满的村庄更有助于环境降温。在核心区+100,+200,+300 m缓冲区,环境亮温的主导因子变为绿地水体覆盖率,村庄景观格局热效应问题的研究尺度以核心区+100 m缓冲区范围为佳。

A thermal effect of landscape patterns from 50 villages within a 220 km2 plain region in northern Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province was studied based on Quickbird and ETM images data. A total 45 landscape pattern indices (LPI) from 5 land-use types of patches were calculated, and the quantity relationship among LPI and between LPI and environment brightness temperature (EBT) were analyzed. The result showed that in the core area (built-up area) of villages, there was a close linear relationship between LPI and BET; and the correlation was evidently affected by the patch area. the 45 LPI could be classified into 6 groups, i.e. fragmentation indices, coverage indices, shape indices, core area size, indices of 100 m wide buffer ring around core area and others, of which the index type of fragmentation, coverage of dominant patches and whole landscape had more significant correlations with BET. Contribution of landscape patterns indices to environment temperature, up to around 25% of total, was not able to be ignored in village built-up area with complex landscape structure. Two empirical models were established (R2>0.9) referring to 2 groups of LPI for predicting and adjusting the EBT being selected out too. Analysis result with the models and indices showed that the villages with high density in patch edges, large amount, small size and even disperse of patches, narrow shape in core area and buildings but rounded shape in green-water tent to reduce environment temperature. In the areas composed of core area respectively plus 100 m, 200 m and 300 m buffer ring(+100 m, +200 m, +300 m buffer), the leading EBT index turned into green-water coverage. The +100 m buffer was the best scale for studies on thermal effect of landscape patterns.