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Identification of the Hybrid Bamboo F1 by SSR Markers


摘 要: 利用从GenBank中毛竹GSS序列开发出来的在多个竹种中有高通用性的10多个SSR标记,鉴别部分杂交竹种的杂种真实性。结果表明: 3个杂交竹种(Pleioblastus simonii × Phyllostachys violascens, Sasa tokugawana × S. borealisSinobambusa tootsik × Pl. distichus),在其中的3个SSR位点(PBM014, PBM018和PBM025)上扩增产物的电泳条带分别为其父母本条带的组合; 进一步对相应的扩增条带测序,结果表明杂种和亲本之间的相对应的序列具有同源性,进而确定杂种的真实性。研究证明利用在竹类植物中有较高通用性的SSR标记可以对杂交竹种的真实性进行早期鉴定。

Abstract: Three hybrid bamboo candidates (Pleioblastus simonii × Phyllostachys violascens, Sasa tokugawana × S. borealisand Sinobambus a tootsik × Pl. distichus) were identified using 10 SSR markers developed from GSS of Ph. pubescens in GenBank which were used for amplifying the cross species. DNA fingerprinting of the 3 hybrid bamboo candidates showed complementary pattern from ♀ and ♂ parents at PBM014, PBM025 and (or) PBM018 locus. The sequencing and alignment of fragment DNA bands at the mentioned\|above loci approved homology between the hybrid bamboo candidate and their parents, indicating the validity of hybrid bamboo results. This is the first report for identification of bamboo hybrid using DNA markers.

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