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Identification of S-Genotypes of 13 Progenies of‘Shinseiki’Pear


‘Shinseiki’pear,a superior cuhivars of pyrus pyrifolia,was bred from a cross of‘Nijisseiki’בChojuro’in Japan.In China,many excellent pear cultivars have been released using‘Shinseiki’as a parent.In this study,the S-genotypes of 13 progenies of‘Shinseiki’were identified by PCR-RFLP analysis,DNA sequencing and bioinformatic method.As a control, ‘Shinseiki’was also included.PCR amplification showed that a common fragment of about 370 bp was generated in all the 13 cultivars. Restriction digestion analysis showed that PCR product amplified from ten cuhivars ‘Huangguan’, ‘Yaqing’,‘Bishanerhao’,‘Xinya’,‘Cuilv’,‘Xizilv’,‘Zhonglierhao’,‘Zhongliyihao’,‘Qingxiang’and‘Qinghua’could be cut by s4-allele-specific endonuclease, and that from‘Xinhang’, ‘Cuiguan’ and ‘Zaomeisu’ could be cut by S3-allele-specific endonuclease.DNA sequencing and bioinformatic analysis revealed that the undigested PCR fragment of ‘Huangguan’,‘Cuiguan’,‘Zaomeisu’, ‘Yaqing’, ‘Bishanerhao’, ‘Xinhang’, ‘Cuilv’, ‘Xizilv’, ‘Zhonglierhao’, ‘Zhongliyihao’,‘Qingxiang’,‘Xinya’and‘Qinghua’was identical to S16,S5,S35,S17,S16,S1,S3,S1,S31,S35,S7,S17 and Sl,respectively.Consequently,the S-genotypes of 13 cuhivars were as follows:‘Huangguan’(S4 S16),‘Yaqing’(S4 S17),‘Xinhang’(S1S3),‘Bishanerhao’(S4S16),‘Xinya’(S4S17),‘Cuilv’(S3 S4>/sub>),‘Xizilv’(Sl S4),‘Zhonglierhao’(S4S31),‘Zhongliyihao’(S4 S35),‘Zaomeisu’(S3S35),‘Cuiguan’(S3 S5),‘Qingxiang’(S4 S7) and‘Qinghua’(Sl S4).

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