Abstract:This paper describes the sixteen treatments that have been adopted to stimulate the germination of Larix principis-rupprechtii seeds. Three treatments with better promoting effects on the seeds were finally selected:1. Prechilling in snow followed by dehydration and hydration treatments twice;2. 0.1%CaCl2-12hours;3. 0.5%KNO3-12 hours.In the three treatment, the effect of prechilling in snow followed by dehydration and hydration treatment twice was the best.In the process of this study, eight indices such as germination percent (GP) germination energy (GE), absolute germination percent (AGP), mean germination speed (MGS), fresh weight of young plant (FWYP), Ⅰ—Ⅲ plant percent (Ⅰ—Ⅲp%), germination value (GV) and germination index (GV) of each treatment were calculated separately. Finally, GI was adopted to comprehensively evaluate the promoting sole of the sixteen treatments in seed germination.