Abstract:As the relationship between the crop (wheat) yields and the microclimatic factors has been investigated, a multivariate regression equation of yield with these factors is established.The main points of analysis are as follows:(1) A reduction of 1m/s of wind speed at a given plot caused by the shelterbelts may increase the crop yield by 18.75gm/m2 (25 in/mu) and raise the average weight of a thousand grains by 0.74gm/1000grains at that plot.(2) A reduction of the saturation deficit of the air by 1 mb caused by the shelterbelts may increase the crop yield by 6.81gm/m2 (9.1jin/mu) and raise the average weight of a thousand grains by 0.17gm/1000 grains.(3) A reduction of 1% of solar radiation caused by the shadow of the shelterbelts may decrease the crop yield by 5.47gm/m2 (7.4jin/mu) and decrease the average weight of a thousand grains by 0.07gm/1000 grains.(4) An increase in moisture content of soil by 1% (wt w. r. t. dry soil) due to the reduction of evaporation caused by shelterbclts will increase the crop yield by 17.27gm/m2 (23 jin/mu) and the average weight of a thoundsnad grains by 0.42gin/1000 grains.