Abstract:In this paper, collection time,processing method,techniques soaking and hastening germination of walnut seed were studied. Physiological analyses of seed were made to verify the causes of walnut seed rotting and its germination conditions.The result shows that early collection and long time piling of seeds with green skin always cause seed rotting, but insufficient water absorbed by sceds is the main reason for seed rotting during stratification or after seeding.It has been established that mechanical restrain of the walnut shell is the principal cause making seeds germinating slowly, and that high environmental temperature and sufficient water content in seed are suitable conditions for germination of walnut seeds. Such measures as late collection,rational processing,soaking in water before stratification,sunning the seeds to shell crack before sowing,raising the soil temperature after seeding, can be taken to decrease seed rotting,accelerate the speed of seed germination and increase the rate of seedlings emergence.