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Research on Seed Germination Ecology


全 文 :第 17 卷  第 1 期
Vol. 17  No . 1
草  地  学  报
   2009 年  1 月
 Jan.  2009
博士生:张红香1  导师:周道玮2
( 1.中国科学院植物研究所植被数量生态学重点实验室, 北京  100093;
2.中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 长春  130020)
而种子发芽是植物生活史的重要阶段, 因此, 研究种
象,主要研究种子对恒温和变温的发芽响应, 比较变
温梯度模拟的全球增温对 C3、C4 植物种子发芽的
根据恒温对种子发芽影响的结果, 在积温模型
的基础上提出了修正积温模型 ( modif ied thermal
time model) , 补充了发芽速率恒定部分的拟合公
式。C3 植物的发芽速率明显低于 C4 植物。根据积
温模型预测的发芽最低温和积温常数, C3 植物的平
均发芽最低温低于 C4 植物,平均积温需要明显高于
C4 植物。本研究指出, 种子发芽类型可以分为五
多数一年生植物属速萌型, 分布于草甸草原的多年
在模拟全球增温的变温梯度条件下, C3、C4 植
物的发芽特点均发生改变。C3 植物对高温敏感, C4
植物对低温敏感。根据几个变温梯度的比较, 全球
响种子发芽。野外条件下, 松嫩草原区更多的植物
季温度范围( 5~ 10  和 10~ 15  )内, 日温递增时
发芽显著高于递减时, 植物春季发芽是自然选择的
虎尾草( Chlori s v ir gata Sw artz) 和马唐( Dig-
i taria sanguinal is )在不同温度下发芽速率和盐度
之间成曲线关系, 认为可能存在生理机制,使得中间
盐度和高盐浓度下的渗透胁迫降低, 发芽速率明显
明, PEG和 N aCl两种水势处理相比,两个物种在更
低的 NaCl引起的水势下发芽, 且比在等渗的 PEG
中快。实验用植物种子的干重随时间降低, NaCl处
浓度显著高于 PEG处理。NaCl处理中发芽种子和
未发芽种子钠离子浓度, 种子溶液钠浓度均随水势
根据实验结果提出盐度模型: S = ( S m- S ) t ,其
中 S 是盐度常数, Sm 是种子能够发芽的最高盐度
值, S 是外界盐浓度, t是某个盐浓度下的发芽时间。
将种子对盐浓度的响应划分为四个阶段:第 阶段
主要是渗透效应起负作用; 第 阶段是渗透效应和
离子效应共同作用, 离子效用的正作用强于渗透效
应的负作用; 第 阶段等渗的 PEG 中已无种子发
和发芽出土的影响, 开发利用野生植物资源策略均
关键词: 种子; 发芽;温度; 积温模型;盐; 渗透效应;离子效应
中图分类号: Q948. 1    文献标识码 : A     文章编号: 1007-0435( 2009) 01-0131-03
完成时间: 2008 年 6 月
收稿日期: 2008-12-05; 修回日期: 2008-12-08
基金项目:国家 973项目( 2007CB106801)
作者简介:张红香 ( 1981-) ,女,汉族,辽宁省大连人,博士,研究方向为恢复生态和种子生态学, E- mail: z han ghongxiang8@ hotmail. com
导师简介:周道玮( 1963- ) ,男,汉族,山东青岛人,研究员,主要从事草地饲养及草地管理研究, E-mail: choudaow ei@ yahoo. com. cn
草  地  学  报 第 17卷
Research on Seed Germination Ecology
Candidate: ZHANG Hong-x iang
1  Supervisor: ZHOU Dao-w ei2
( 1. Laboratory of Quant itat ive Vegetation Ecology, Inst itute of Botan y, Chines e Academy of Sciences, Beijin g 100093, China;
2. Northeas t Inst itute of Geography an d Agroecology, Chinese Academ y of S cien ces , Ch angchun, Jilin Province 130012, China)
Life history st rategy is an important resear ch area of plant populat ion ecolog y and seed germ inat ion is
the crit ical stag e of plant life history. T herefore, researches on seed germination r ule and st rateg y help to
know and elucidate the evolut ion and eco logical adaptation t rait s of plant species. P lants in Songnen g rass-
land ar ea w ere t reated as the targ et to invest igate the seed germ inat ion responses to constant temperature
and diurnal increasing o r decreasing temperature, the effect o f global w arm ing simulated by alternat ing
temperature regimes on seed germinat ion of C3 and C4 species, and the germ inat ion pat terns and their dy-
namics under dif ferent temperatures. The germ inat ion response mechanisms of plants to NaCl and PEG
and their interact ion w er e also studied.
Based on the results of constant temperature ef fect, w e pr opo sed the modified thermal t ime model ac-
cording to the basis of thermal t ime model and recruited an equation describing the constant g erminat ion
rate. Germination rate of C3 species w as obviously low er than that of C4 species. Accor ding to thermal t ime
model, the average base germ inat ion temperature o f C3 species w as low er than that of C4 species, but not
significant ly. T he average thermal time constant of C3 species w as higher than that of C4 species and the
dif ference approached to significant level. In this study, plant seed germ inat ion pat tern w as divided into
five categ ories: quick germination, delay ed germination, steady germ inat ion, normal germ inat ion, and de-
layed-quick germinat ion. M ost annual species belonged to the quick germ inat ion pat ter n, w hile the peren-
nial C3 species in meadow belonged to the delayed-quick germinat ion pattern, normal germinat ion pat tern,
or steady germination pat tern. Being an adapt ive st rategy to environments, the seed germinat ion pat tern of
most species changed along w ith different temperatur es. Under global w arming condit ions simulated by a-l
ternat ing temperature reg ime, the germination t rait s o f C3 and C4 species changed. C3 species w as sensit ive
to high temper ature and C4 species sensitive to low temperature. By the germinat ion comparison of all the
alternating temperature reg imes, w e found that sect ional high or low temperature, not the dif ference of
temperature, play ed an impo rtant role in the impacts of g lobal w arm ing on seed germ ination. F ield exper-i
ment results indicate that more plants g erminated in spring in stead of autumn in Songnen grassland. In-
door germination experiment results proved that the germinat ion rate under diurnal incr easing temperature
w as signif icant ly higher than that o f diurnal decreasing temperature w ithin the small temperature range of
spring ( 5~ 10  ) and autumn ( 10~ 15  ) . Germ inat ion in spring could be an adapt ive st rateg y of plants
from natural select ion.
The relat ionship betw een germ inat ion rate and salinity under dif ferent temperatures w as cur vilinear
fo r Chlor is vi rgata Sw artz. and Dig itar ia sanguinal i s ( L. ) Scop. Some physio logical mechanisms might
be employed by plants to reduce the o smo tic st ress under the m iddle and high salinity conditions leading to
the obviously increase of the germ inat ion r ate. Further experiments show that these tw o species could ger-
m inate and germ inate faster in low er w ater potent ial condition induced by NaCl in comparison w ith PEG
tr eatment . The dry w eight of seeds decreased w ith the t ime pr oceeding . The water content , seed sodium
concentrat ion, and seed solut ion sodium concentrat ion of g erm inated seeds t reated by NaCl w ere signif-i
cant ly higher than those t reated by the iso tonic PEG. Seed sodium concentrat ion and seed solut ion sodium
concentrat ion o f germinated and non-germinated seeds in NaCl t reatments increased along w ith the decrea-
sing of w ater potent ial. Seed w ater content , seed sodium concentrat ion, and seed so lut ion sodium concen-
第 1期 张红香:种子发芽生态研究
t rat ion increased linearly along w ith the t ime pr oceeding .
According to the results, w e proposed a salinity model: S = ( Sm- S) t, in w hich S is a salinity con-
stant , Sm is the max imum salinity allow ing the seed germination, S is the external salinity, and t is the ger-
m inat ion t ime fo r a given salinity. Seed germination response to salt w as div ided into four stag es. T he f ir st
stage w as mainly involv ed the negat ive o smo tic effect ; at the second stag e, ionic effect and osmot ic effect
ex isted to gether w ith the ionic ef fect st ronger; at the third stage, no seed germinated in PEG treatment
and ionic posit ive effect w as signif icant ly higher than o smo tic negat ive ef fect; at the fourth stag e, the ionic
ef fect began to harm the seed gr adually .
In summary , the results of this study has the theoret ical signif icances and pract ical v alue for the pre-
dict ion of plant germination and emer gence and g lobal w arm ing impacts on plant g row th and dist ribut ion
character ist ics as w ell as the exploitat ion and utilizat ion of w ild plant r esources.
Key words: Seed; Germ inat ion; Temper ature; Thermal time model; Salt ; Osmot ic ef fect; Ionic effect
(责任编辑  李  扬  李  平)
(上接第 127页)
  细切捆包青贮与常规捆包青贮一样, 具有作业
商品更易流通; 细切捆包更容易解体,解体后不再需
要切短,比常规捆包省时省力; 细切打捆机能捆包
TMR等长度较小的饲料, 用途较广。由于具有上
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(责任编辑  才  杰)