Abstract:A four-year survey (1999-2002) was conducted of the atmosphere CO2 concentration above the Inner Mongolia grassland and its variations during the grass growing season. The result shows that the grass growing season witnessed significant changes of both CO2 concentration at large,and CO2 concentration above the grassland surface in vertical gradient,within a day and one day from another, The 4-year daily mean CO2 concentration in the atmosphere averaged 361.6 μL/L;and the annual variation fluctuated around 13.5 μL/L. The daily CO2 concentration above the grassland could be diagrammed in the shape of a saddle,oscillating between 27-37 μL/L,with some particular days reaching as high as 80 μL/L. During the grass growing season,the Iarther the vertical distance away from the ground surface,the thinner the atmosphere CO2 concentration becomes,with a decreasing rate of 0.94 μL/L per meter.
全 文 :文章编号: 1007-0435( 2004) 02-0145-05 内蒙古草原生长季节大气中 CO 2浓度 及其变化特征研究 王庚辰,孔琴心,杜 睿,万小伟 (中国科学院大气物理研究所,北京 100029) 第 12卷 第 2期 Vo l. 12 No. 2 草 地 学 报 ACT A AGRESTIA SIN ICA 2004 年 6月 June 2004 146 草 地 学 报 第 12卷 147第 2期 王庚辰等:内蒙古草原生长季节大气中 CO 2 浓度及其变化特征研究 148 草 地 学 报 第 12卷 149第 2期 王庚辰等:内蒙古草原生长季节大气中 CO 2 浓度及其变化特征研究