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Genetic Mapping and Gene Localization of Main Agronomic Characters of Sorghum×Sudan Grass


全 文 :文章编号: 1007-0435( 2005) 03-0262-02 ·博士论文摘要·
博士生:逯晓萍1 导师:云锦凤2
( 1. 内蒙古农业大学农学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010019; 2. 内蒙古农业大学生态环境学院, 内蒙古呼和浩特 010019)
  本文以高丹草 ( So rghum× Sudan g rass )
( 314A×ZKSD)的 F 2∶3家系作为构图群体, 构建
了高丹草 AFLP 和 RAPD 遗传图谱。将 248 个
F2∶3家系按随机区组重复 3次的田间设计在两个
试验点种植, 考察了包括产量在内的 10个重要农
艺性状。利用复合区间作图法分析 10个性状的数
量性状基因座位( QT L)以及基因效应值和基因
合分析, 主要结果如下:
1. 构建了包含 158个 AFLP、8个 RAPD 标
记的高丹草连锁图, 覆盖高丹草基因组 836cM ,
标记间平均间距为 5. 03cM。
2. 在定位的 166个标记位点( 158个 AFLP
和 8个 RAPD)中,有 136个标记卡平方检验结果
显著,其中符合 3∶1的分离比例占 81. 9% ,偏分
离比例的为 18. 1%。
3. 10个农艺性状共检测到 48个 QTLs, 其
中, 控制株高的 QT Ls 5 个、分蘖数的 QT Ls 5
个、茎粗的 QTLs 5个、叶片数的 QTLs 4个、叶
长的 QT Ls 6 个、叶宽的 QT Ls 5 个、穗长的
QT Ls 4个、单株鲜重的 QT Ls 5个、单株干重的
QT Ls 5个、茎/叶的QT Ls 4个。并分别被定位到
4. 在两个试验点所检测的 98个(第 1 试验
点 48个,第 2试验点 50个) QT Ls 中, 表现加性
效应的 QT Ls有 6个,占 6. 1% ;部分显性效应的
QT Ls 有 36个, 占 36. 8% ;显性效应的 QTLs 有
17个,占 17. 3% ;超显性效应的 QT Ls有 39个,
占 39. 8%。超显性效应和显性效应在高丹草杂种
5. 对 10个农艺性状的遗传参数以及相关性
6. 应用数量性状主基因+ 多基因混合遗传
模型对各性状的 5个世代群体进行分析,结果表
状的遗传符合两对主基因+ 多基因混合遗传模
型;分蘖数、叶宽和茎/叶遗传为 1对主基因+ 多
关键词: AFLP; RAPD;遗传图谱; QT L;农艺性状;高丹草
中图分类号: S812; Q943 文献标识码: A
论文完成时间: 2005年 5月
收稿时间: 2005-07-13;修回日期: 2005-08-16
基金项目:教育部“春晖计划”项目“高丹草杂种优势遗传成因的分子标记分析”( Z2004-2-15018)
作者简介:逯晓萍( 1960-) ,女,内蒙古呼和浩特人,博士,教授,主要从事饲用植物遗传育种及分子生物学方面研究,已发表论文 30多篇,主编著
作 1部,分别获得国家农业部丰收二等奖及教育部科技进步二等奖, E -m ail : lxp1960@ 163. con
导师简介:云锦凤( 1941-) ,女,蒙古族,内蒙古土默特左旗人,教授,主要从事牧草遗传育种和种质资源研究, 发表论文 70余篇,专著 4部,编写
教材 2部, E-mail: csgrass@public. hh. nm . cn
第 13卷 第 3期
 Vo l. 13  No. 3
草 地 学 报
  2005年  9 月
 Sept.   2005
Genetic Mapping and Gene Localization of Main Agronomic
Characters of Sorghum×Sudan Grass
Candidate: LU Xiao-ping1 Adv isor: YUN Jing-feng 2
( 1. College of Agronomy, Inn er Mongolia Agricu lture Un iversity, Huhh ot , Inner M on golia Autonomous Region 010019, China;
2. Col lege of Ecology and Environment , Inner Mongolia Ag ricul tu re University, Huhhot , In ner Mongol ia Autonomous Region 010019, C hina)
Genet ic map of sorghum×sudan grass( 314A×ZKSD) w ere const ructed based on AFLP and RAPD mark-
er s w ith F 2∶3 populat ions. T he field experiments w ere designed w ith random ized blocks o f 3 replicat ions in 2
areas and involv ed 248 families o f F2∶3 . T en main agronom ic char acter s ( including yield) w ere tested. T he
quant itat ive t rait loci ( QT L) and gene effects of 10 characters w er e analy zed w ith composite interval mapping
( CIM ) based on the genet ic sergeants analysis. T he main results w er e as follow s:
1. T he linkage map of sorghum×sudan g rass of 158 AFLP markers and 8 RAPD mar kers was produced. It
co vered 836 cm of the genome. T he average space betw een markers w as 5. 03 cm.
2. Fr om the 166 loci ( 158 loci based on AFLP markers and 8 loci based on RAPD markers) , 136 lo ci sig-
nif icantly expressed the seg regat ion ratio of 3∶1 through X-square test . T he f itness was 81. 9%, and the devi-
ation rate 18. 1%.
3. Of the 10 ag ronomic characters, 48 QTLs were determined. Among them , 5 Q TLs related to the plant
height , 5 QTLs to the t il ler number , 5 QT Ls to the stem diameter, 4 QTLs related to leaf number , 6 QT Ls to
leaf leng th, 5 QTLs to leaf width, 4 QT Ls to the length of a spike, 5 QT Ls to fr esh w eight o f the individual,
5 QTLs to dry w eight of the indiv idual , and 4 QT Ls to the w eight ratio of stem/ leaf . The loci w ere lo cated on
10 linkage populat ions separ ately .
4. From the 98 QTLs detected in the materials of 2 dif ferent ar eas ( 48 QT Ls from one, and 50 QTLs from
the other) , 6. 1% QTLs ( o r 6 lo ci) expr essed addit ive ef fect; 36. 8% QT Ls ( or 36 loci) show ed part ly domi-
nance ef fect ; 17. 3% QTLs ( or 17 loci) , dom inance ef fect ; and 39. 8% QT Ls ( or 39 lo ci) , super dom inance ef-
fect . T he super dominance ef fect and the dominance ef fect fulf illed the main funct ion in the genet ic basis of het-
er osis of sorghum×sudan grass.
5. Est imat ion of g enetic parameters and corr elat ion of 10 agronom ic char acter s proved that the dif ferences
among the F 2∶3 families w er e ex t remely signif icant . The co rrelat ions among most characters w ere significant
( P = 0. 05 or P = 0. 01) .
6. T he 10 characters of 5 pro geny populat ions w ere analyzed w ith the quant itative character main gene+
po lyg ene mixed genet ic model. T he genet ics of such char acter s like yield o f the indiv idual , plant height , stem
diameter , leaf number , leaf leng th and ear length, tall ied w ith double-gene style of main gene + poly gene
mixed genet ic model; other characters such as t il ler number , leaf w idth and w eight rat io of stem/ leaf , con-
fo rmed to one-gene style o f main gene + polyg ene m ixed genet ic model .
Key words : AFLP; RAPD; Genetic map; QT L; Agr onomic character; Sorghum×Sudan g rass
263第 3期 逯晓萍:高丹草遗传图谱构建及重要农艺性状的基因定位研究