AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity Among Lespedeza bicolor Populations Optimized AFLP System and Study of Cluster Analysis for Peach Construction and Analysis of the AFLP Reaction System of Dipteronia Oliv. Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Bacterial Wilt and Identification of an Associated AFLP Marker in Eggplant ( Solanum melongena ) Phylogenetics Analysis of the Chinese Orchids in Yunnan Province Using AFLP Technique Phylogenetics Analysis of the Chinese Orchids in Yunnan Province Using AFLP Technique Genetic Relationships of Strawberry Cultivars by AFLP Analysis Genetic Diversity Analysis of Some Chinese Cultivated Potato Varieties Using AFLP Markers cDNA-AFLP Analysis on Genes Associated with Vernalization in Vitro inBrassica campestris ssp. chinensis Genetic Diversity Analysis of Some Chinese Cultivated Potato Varieties Using AFLP Markers cDNA-AFLP Analysis on Genes Associated with Vernalization in Vitro inBrassica campestris ssp. chinensis Isolation of Cold Stress Genes through cDNA-AFLP from Volvariella volvacea Identification of Candidate Expressed Sequences Associated with Race-specific Avirulence Genes by cDNA-Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Identification of AFLP and SCAR Molecular Markers Linked to Gynoecious Loci in Cucumis sativus L. AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Taro Germplasm s in Yunnan Province An AFLP-based Genetic Linkage Map of Chinese Cabbage Using DoubleHaploid (DH) Population Application of AFLP Markers for Identification of Hybrids from Open Pollinated Dongzao (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. ) Progenies AFLP Analysis of the Origin of Malus toringoides Hughes Preliminary Studies on Early Genomic Changes of a Synthetic Allotetraploidin Cucumis Genetic Diversity Analysis of 118 Sugarcane Germplasm with AFLP Markers AFLP and MSAP Analysis on Genetic Variation in Early Generations of Artificially Synthesized Brassica napus Genetic differentiation of Wolffia globosa in China AFLP Markers and Sequence Analysis in Rice Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Line, Zhenshan 97A,and Its Maintainer Line Use of AFLP Marker to Predict the Hybrid Yield and Yield Heterosis in Maize AFLP Variation Analysis on the Germplasm Resources of Leymus chinensis AFLP Analysis of Genetic Variability Among Stylosanthes guianensis Accessions Resistant and Susceptible to the Stylo Anthracnose Screening of different AFLP fragments between near-isogenic lines of male sterile and fertile Salvia miltiorrhiza and their comparison analysis Establishment and optimization of AFLP reaction system for Akebia trifoliata Establishment and optimization of AFLP reaction system in Asarum sieboldii AFLP Analysis of genetic diversity of Leonurus japonicus germplasm resources Identification and Cloning of S600 cDNA Fragment That Is Differentially Expressed in a Rice Hybrid and Its Parents Genomic DNA Extraction Method and AFLP Amplification Reaction System of Ageratina adenophora Spreng. The Establishment of AFLP Molecule Labeling Technique System of the Wintersweet Cultivars Population Genetic Structure and Variation of Endangered Cercidiphyllum japonicum in Shennongjia Area: The Mountain Barrier to Gene Flow A test on competition in nodulation ability of peanut bradyrhizobia by AFLP fingerprinting method AFLP analysis in Cryptocarya concinna,a dominant population in lower subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests at Heishiding Natural Reserve AFLP analysis on genetic structure of planted Acacia auriculiformis population in Heshan Phylogeographic insights of the lowland species Cheirolophus sempervirens in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula Effects of domestication on genetic diversity in Chimonanthus praecox: Evidence from chloroplast DNA and amplified fragment length polymorphism data Population genetics and breeding system of Tupistra pingbianensis (Liliaceae), a naturally rare plant endemic to SW China Molecular bases for parallel evolution of translucent bracts in an alpine “glasshouse” plant Rheum alexandrae (Polygonaceae) Phylogeographic analysis and environmental niche modeling of widespread shrub Rhododendron simsii in China reveals multiple glacial refugia during the last glacial maximum Mating system and genetic diversity of a rare desert legume Ammopiptanthus nanus (Leguminosae) The Analysis of Differential Rxpression of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Root Gene by Nitrogen Ions Implantationbased on cDNA-AFLP Method Studies on Genetic Diversity for Specialty Kiwifruits from Southwestern Regions of China Using AFLP System AFLP analysis of Broussonetia papyrifera Distributed in Jinsha River Dry-hot Valley Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Five Pines Using cpSSR and AFLP Markers cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Fertility-alteration Genes in a Thermo-sensitive Male Sterile Line of YS Wheat Identification of Corn Germplasms by AFLP Markers Establishment of FISH-AFLP System in Larix chinensis Genetic diversity in Medicago ruthenica (L.) Trautv. populations using AFLP Genetic Structure Analyses Based on Fluorescent-AFLP Markers of Wild Populations of Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim in Heilongjiang Provinc Populations Genetic Diversity Analysis of Staphylea bumalda Based on AFLP Markers The Genetic and Morphological Evidence for Sympatric Speciation Pattern of Paris from Emei Mountain
cDNA-AFLP Analysis Reveals Differential Gene Expression in Wheat Adult-Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust
Genetic Effects and Heterosis Prediction Model of Sorghum  bicolor × S.sudanense Grass ISOLATION OF mtDNA FRAGMENTS ASSOCIATED TO CMS IN HOT PEPPER BY AFLP TECHNIQUE Genome Fingerprinting Analysis in Populus deltoides Distribution of Simple Sequence Repeat and AFLP Markers in Molecular Linkage Map of Rice AFLP Fingerprinting Analysis of Elite Hevea brasiliensis Germplasm Analysis of genetic diversity of three geographic populations of Pomacea canaliculata by AFLP Differential Gene Expression in Sugarcane Leaves Regulated by Ethephon During Early Growth Stage Isolation and Analysis of MADS-box Gene from Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line Molecular Ecology of Lower Subtropical Species, Schima superba and Castanopsis chinensis in Three Succession Series Communities AFLP analysis on genetic diversity of Haloxylon ammodendron in China Genetic diversity analysis of germplasm resources of Psammosilene tunicoides Changes of endogenous hormone and gene expression during process of somatic embryogenesis in Panax ginseng Genetic diversity analysis with AFLP on fresh Chinese olive cultivars resources in Guangdong Province cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Cold-induced Genes in Medicago ruthenica Construction of a Dense Genetic Linkage Map and QTL Analysis of Trunk Diameter in Chinese Jujube Analysis on the Phylogenetic Relationship of Elite Cultivars in Chaenomeles Using AFLP Identification and Molecular Mapping of a Stripe Rust Resistance Gene from a Common Wheat Line Qz180 Gene expression profiling in response to allelopathic autotoxicityin melon by cDNA-AFLP Gene expression profiling in response to copper stress in Brassica rapa L. Chinensis by cDNA-AFLP Genetic diversity of Eupatorium adenophorum determined by AFLP marker Phylogenetic and pathogenic analyses of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum isolates in Hebei Province by AFLP technique Population structure of Phytophthora infestans from Ningxia Genetic diversity of Sporisorium reilianumby UP-PCR, ISSR and AFLP analysis Genetic diversity of the wheat powdery mildew populations in the west of Henan Province Identification of physiological races and AFLP analysis in F1 generation of sexual hybridization between isolates of Setosphaeria turcica

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