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The Identity of Kudzu and Its Invasive in the USA—The Lesson Learned from Deliberately Introducing an Aggressive Plant


全 文 :武汉植物学研究 2008,26(2):158~162
Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research
(布鲁克林植物园,布鲁克林,纽约 11225—1099,美国)
摘 要:?~(Pueraria montana),豆科多年生藤本 ,原产东亚、南亚和东南亚,热带和温带广泛栽培并逸为野生;不仅
中图分类号:Q948.12 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1000—470X(2008)02—0158—05
The Identity of Kudzu and Its Invasive in the USA— The Lesson Learned
from Deliberately Introducing an Aggressive Plant
MA Jin—Shuang
(Brooklyn Botanw Garden,1000 Washington Avenue,Brooklyn,NY,USA 1 1225—1099)
Abstract:Kudzu,Pueraria montana,a native of eastern
, southern and southeastern Asian sDecies of
Legumes,is also a serious invasive species in the United States.However
. its scientific name is much
confused in the history,both in its native area and in the rest of the world
. This paper is to provide it with
the correct name,along with its synonyms,an d a brief introduction of its invasive history in the USA
. a
lesson of deliberately introducing a notoriously aggressive plant we can all learn from

Key words:Kudzu(Pueraria montana);Scientifc name;Invasive;United States
Kuzdu(originated from Japanese word‘kuzu’),
Pueraria montana(Leguminosa/Fabaceae),perennial
vine(woody at base),up to 20—3o m long,deciduous,
alternate,trifoliate,petiole 10—20 cm,leaflets 14—
18 cm long an d 10 cm wide,entire or 2—3 lobed,
pubescent underneath ;panicles,lO一25 cm long with
about 30—80 flowers,each 1—1.5 cm long,purple,
fragrant;pod,brown,hairy ,flatened,with several
seeds;tuberous roots fleshy and thicken,reaching
depths of up to 3-4 m ,up to 1.5 m long an d 20—
30 cm or more in diameter,and weighing as much as
180 kg.
Flowering in late sulnnler and fruiting in late autumn.
Once established,kudzu grows rapidly,extending as
much as 20—-30 m per season at a rate of 30 cm per
day⋯ ,and extending and scrambling extensively over
various vegetations,with basal stems 1—10 cm in
diameter,an d as many as 30 stems from a single root.
Kudzu grows wel under a wide range of conditions and
in most soil types,but prefers forest edges,abandoned
fields,roadsides,an d undisturbed areas,or where sunlight
is abundant.Drought and shade tolerant,damaged by
frost only above ground ’ .It forms new perennial
roots from stem nodes touching the ground,and it can
take 3—-10 years of repeated herbicide treatment to
deplete root reserves .Seeds dispersed by mammals
and birds[

Native to Asia,from east,south to southeast,including
,China(except Heilongjiang,Inner Mongolia,
and Qinghai ),northeast India,Indo—China,Japan,
northern Th ailand,Indonesia,Malaysia an d Philippines,
Pacifc Oceania Islands[ 一
. However.since it was
cultivated for a long time,its native origin is uncertain,
but around warin tropical Asia,including south China,
northeast India,Indo—China,an d Myanmar.
Widely naturalized in the United States,throughout
the southeast.north to Illinois【 and New England and
west to Texas and Oklahoma,including Hawai(Kudzu
收稿日期 :20o7—08—30,修回日期:20o7—11—29。
作者简介 :马金双(1955一),男,博士,研究方向为种子植物分类(E—mail:jinshuangma@bbg.org)。
1)Not al teference listed,see nomenclature citation for detail.
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第2期 马金双等:葛的学名及其在美国的入侵~iJJl(英) l59
has been invaded in 28 states in USA) ,and s0me
reports even to Nova Scotia,Canada[ 一
。also invaded
in east,south[11]and west A衔ca

central America[12]

Australia and New Zealand[13]and
. introduced int0
southern Ukraine and the Caucasus
, naturalized in
Black Sea Coast Real"Batumi
,Georgia,and planted in
Russian Far East[ ,

The tuberous root of kudzu is very rich in starch
with a long traditional use in history by local people in
native area[59’ o’ 6一 引
. It is not only a kind of
food[916一 引
, but also a kind of important traditional
medicine in east Asia I9-21]
. Kudzu.known as‘Ge’or
‘Ko’in Chinese,is stil used and available not on1v in
China and man y other countries in Asia
. but a1s0 in
most markets of the Chinatown in the United States

such as in New York City[16]

1 Invasive history in the USA
Introduced in 1 876 at the Centennial Exposition in
Philadelphia as an ornamental vine from Japan[8,22]

kudzu was developed for use as forage in the 1920s
in Florida and promoted by the Unit:ed Stares Soil
Conservation Service(USDA)for erosion control in the
1930sf89,I61 P
. since its fast growing with good
quantity of production and the forage has been greatly
enjoyed by livestock【引.During the first half of the
20th century ,c.1 34 760 hm of kudzu was planted
throughout the southeast United States as forage and for
erosion controls[23-25]
. Its c0verage was about 3 milion
hm in 1950.but due to its rapid growth it smothered
trees,houses and telephone poles,and further use as
covers were discouraged【 .In 1954. kudzu was removed
from the list of acceptable cover crops and eradicatio”
became the focus of research[
. Th e USDA declared
kudzu a weed in 1981【驯
,and listed as Federal Noxious
Weed in 1998 by the United Stares Congress[ 一引

Forming large impenetrable masses,growing over woody
vegetation and being able to completely engulf unwoded
areas ,kudzu can completely envelop a tree,killing it
by shutting out all light【
. as a serious and widespread
invader of semi.natural or natural hab itats【 ,
. Today.
kudzu has become one of the most aggressive and
invasive species in the United States,an d dominates an
estimated 8 10 000 hm of mesic forest communities in
the eastern United States even the eradication.of kudzu
has been attempted on a large scale by various controls
since 1950s[ ’28,
. It costs millions an d milions of
dollars for the American forestry
and nature heritage as well as many other fields[13,24,.~1

The lesson of introducing kudzu as a useful plant and it
becoming a notoriously invasive plant in the USA is
really a great case in the
over and again[

invasive world to be thought
2 Taxonomic treatment
The nomenclature of kudzu is very complex
. It
was given to P_hirsuta Mastum. in Japan[ 引
. but it
was widely known as P.thunbgeriana[8,91
. Van der
Maesen revised the genus.but recognized it as P.
1obata vaF.montana,which was followed by many works
both locally and worldwide.and even until very
. A few years later.the name for kudzu was
changed to P.montana(Lour。)Merr.var.1obata[31].
but P.1obata var.montana has been used worldwide

and the late change published in a local journal was
given no attention to the world until ten years laterI

Today,its nomenclature is still confused:f0r
example,a recent industrial monograph of Pueraria[ ]
treated kudzu as P.montana var.1obata in the botanical
section,but in other chapters in the SaBle work.P.1obata
vaF.mo ntana was used instead.More trouble is that the
three varieties(var.thomsoni,lobata and montana)。
either under尸./obat口[26]or montana [ ]ale ambiguous
and continuous in characters,and it is impossible to
separate in the field or identify in the herbarium .I“
fact,they have never been accepted by recent
works[ 一 , ,
.but 0nly a few local cheek lists .
There are more scientific names for kudzu if one
checked modern literature.For example,it is represented
by 188 P.1obata,45 P.thunbergiana,17 P.montana,6
P.thomsonii.and 3 P_hirsuta under kudzu in BIOSIS
2)LI,Zhenyu(PE),personal communication by email of March 13.2006
3)See nomenclature citation for detail.
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l60 武 汉 植 物 学 研 究 第 26卷
Only the earliest scientific nalne for kudzu,Pueraria
montana(Lour.)Mer.,is legally available according
to the nomenclatural code(Article 23,Vienna Code,
2006).Moreover,no further division within species is
necessary,either as variety or subspecies,because
overlapping characters and continuous in distribution.
Since it was complex in history and in literatures,
following citations of synonyms,apparently,is useful
and necessary.
3 Pueraria montana(Lour.)Merr.
In .Amer.Philos.Soc.,n.s.24(2):210.
1935,Chun,F1.Haina n.2:319,1965,Anon,Icon.
Cormoph.Sin.2:501,1972,Tanaka,Tana ka’s Eyclop.
Edib.P1.% 602,1976,Huang& Ohashi in Li, .
Taiwan.3:367,1977& in Huang, .Taiwan ed.2,3:
356,1993,Lackey,Synops.Phaseo1.72,& 74,1977,
Thuan in .Camb.,Laos et Vietn.17:8O一82,1979,
He in Lin,F1.Fujian.3:84,1987,Maesen& Almeida
in Bombay Nat.Hist.Soc.85(1):234,1988,Xiao&
Xie,in Ye,F1.Guizhou.7:586,1989, ck & Heald,
1 196/3407 & 1:948/3799,1991/1999,Singh et a1.,
. Manip.1:313,2000,Singh & Karthikeyan,F1.
Mahar.1:730,2000,Ohashi, .Jap.274,2001,Maesen
in Keung,Pueraria in Genus Pueraria,1 2,2002,Kumar
& Sane,Leg.South Asia,363,2003,lock& Ford,Leg.
Males,212,2004.Basionym :Dolichos montanus lo ur.
. Cochinchin.2:440—441.1790(Holotype:Vietnam,
habitat in sylvis montanis Cochinchinae,Loureiro s.n.
4 Synonyms
P.thunbergiana (Sieb.& Zucc.)Benth.in J.
1866—1867。Franch.& Savat.,Enum.P1.Jap.1:109,
Franch.。P1.Delavay.181。1889—1890,Taubert in
Eng1.& Prant1.Nat.eflan~enfam.3—3:37,1894,
1894。Prain in J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 66:419,1897,
Pottinger& Prain。Rec.Bot.Surv.India 1一l1:239,
Col1.Sci.Imp.Univ.tokyo 12—4:1900。Matsum.&
Hayata,Enum.P/.Fon/los.1l1,1906.Lev.in BulZ.
Soc.Bot.France ser 4,8—55:425,1908, Merr.in
165,1909,MelF.in Philipp.J.Sci.Bot.5:123,1910,&
. Manila 253,1912。Lev.,F1.Kouy—Tcheou 241,
1914;Gagn., .Ge n.Indo—Chin.2:249,1916,& in
Lec.Not..s £.3:205,1916,Crevost& Lemarie,Cat.
Prod.Indochin.133—135,1917,Brandis,Ind ian Trees
228,1921,MelF.,Enum.Philipp. .P/.312,1923,
Hosokawa in J.Soc.Trop.Agr . 4:309,1932,
Hand.一Mazz.,Symb.Sinicae 7:582,1933,Degener,
F1.Hawai.2:10—12,1934,Melf.in .Am.
Philos.Soc.n.s.24—2:211。1935。Ohwi in Acta
Phytotax.Geobot.5:62,1936。Melf.in J.Arn. r6.
19:348,1938,Kanjila et a1.,F1.Asam.2:81,1938,
Rehder。Manual Cult at.Trees& Shrubs。522,1 940。
Li,% o F1. Taiwan,359,1963,Maheswari,F1.
Delh ,13O,1963,Hutchinson,Gen. .P/.1:426,
1964。Rao& Joseph in BulZ.Bot.Surv.India 7:44,
1965。 Chun, F/. Haina n. 2: 319—320, 1965.
Basionym :Pachyrhizus thunbergianus Sieb.& Zucc.。
Abh.Acad.Munchen 4—3:237,1846.
P.chinensis(Benth.)Ohwi in Acta Phytotax.
Geobot.5(1):63,1936& in Bul1.tokyo Sci.Mus.18:
16,1947.Basionym :Neustanthus chinensis Benth.F1.
P.thomsoni Benth.in Linn.Soc.Bot.9:122。
l867,Baker in Hooker, .Brit.Ind.2:198,1876,
Taubert in Engler,Nat.eflan~enfam.3—3:371,1894,
Prain,J.Asit.Soc.Bengal 66—2:419—420,1897,
Gagn., .Ge n.Indo—Chin.2:251,1916,& in Lec.,
Nat. £.3:203。1916,Craib, .Siam.Enum.1—3:
2ll,1935,Chun,F1.Haina n.2:320,1965,Anon.,
Cyclop. P2. ,0r2d 602,1976,Thuan,F1.Camb.,
aaos et Vietn.17:79—8O,1979,Wu, .X~ang.2:
752。1985。Xiao & Xie,in Ye,F1.Guizhou.7:587—
588,1989;Wu et a1.,J.Trop.& Subtrop.Bot.2(3):
l6—17,1994,Sun & Zhou,Seed P1.Big Bend Gorge
Yalu Tsangpo in SE Tibet,E Himalayas,155,2001,
Chaudhuri,191.Darjeeling&Jalpaiguri For.184,2004.
P.hirsuta(Thunb.)Matsum.in Bot.Mag.Tokyo
16:33,1902,& C.K.Schneid.Il1.Handb.Laubho~k.
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第 2期 马金双等 :葛的学名及其在美国的入侵教训(英) l6l
2: ll4一l15. 1907. Basionym :Dolichos hirsutus
Thunb.in .Linn.Soc.2:339,1794.Merr.in
Kurz in Asiat.Soc.Bengal,pt.2,Nat.Hist.42:254.
1873,Kimura in Jap.Bot.8:ll5—123,1932.
P.1obata(Willd.)Ohwi in BulZ.Tokyo Sci.Mus.
18:16,1947,Paterson in Castanea 41(2):177—18O,
1976,Huang& Ohashi in Li,F1.Taiwan 3:367,1977
Huang,F/.Taiwan ed.2,3:354,1993,Naithani in
lnd. For.1(3):245—246,1978,Zhang in Fu, .
1981,Maesen in Agr.Univ.Wagen.Pap.85(1):
37—45,1985,Jiang in He,F/.Hebei.1:782,1986,
Grierson& Long,F1.Bhut.1(3):692,1987,He in
Zhiwuzhi 2:328—329.1988,Fu & Chen in Li,F1.
Liaoning 2:984,1988,Sortie & Perkins in Rhodora
90,}≠863,341—343,1988,wu in Qian,Anhui
Zhiwuzhi 3:145—146,1988,Burows in Veld& ra
75(4):ll6—117,1989,Frankel in BulZ.Torrey Bot.
CZ幻 116(4):390—394,1989,Xiao&Xie in Ye, .
Gu~hou 7:586—587,1989,Mabberley,P1.Book,487,
1 990.Maxwell in Dassanayake,Rev/s.Handb. F1.
Ceylon 7:290,1991,Jiang in He, . ng.2ed.,1:
481,1992,Yang& Shue in Fu,F/.Loess—Plateaus Sin.
2:500,1992,Fang&Luo in Wei&He,F1.Zhejiang.
ed.,365,1995,Lee,Lineam.F1.Kor.594,1996,Fan in
Chen,F/. Shandong 2:412—413,1997,Liu,凡
Shanxi.2:414,1998,Gaur,F/.Dist. Garhwal NW
Himalaya.290,1999.Khanna et a1.,Dicoty1.P1.Utar
Pradesh.109,1999,Qian in Hsu,P1.Shanghai.1:318,
1999,Ohashi,F/.Jap.274,2001,Wu in Fu et a1.,
High.P1.China 7:213,2001,& in Check List Hongk.
P1.,152,2oo1,Fu,F1.Hubei 2:263,1979/2002,Singh
et a1..F1.Mizoram 1:493,2002,Cao & Li,Nat.
Distrib.P1.Changbai Shan China ,107,2003,Kress et
a1.,Checklist trees,shrubs,herbs,& climbers Myanmar,
Smiths.Inst.Contrib.US Nat. r6.45:250,2oo3,
in F/.Yunnan.10:618,2006.Basionym :Dolichos
lobatus Willd.,Sp.P1.3(2):1047.1802.
P.tonkinensis Gagnapain in Le c.,Not.Syst.3:
202.1916.Basionym :P.thunbergiana var. nM
Hosokawa in Soc.Trop.Agric. 4:310,1932.
P.1obata(Wild.)Ohwi var.montana(Lour.)
Maesen in gr.Univ.Wagenin.Pap.85(1):53—58,
1985,Wu et a1.in Trop.&Subtrop.Bot.2(3):16,
1994,in F1. e .Pop.Sin.41:226,1994,& in Fu et
a1.,High.P1.China 7:213,2001,& in Check List
Hongk.P1.152,2001.Li in F/.Yunnan.10:619,2006.
P.1obata(Wild.)Ohwi var.thomsoni(Benth.)
Maesen in Agr.Univ.Wagenin.Pap.85(1):58—6O,
1985,Wu in F/. e .Pop.Sin.41:226—227,1995,
Ho,Ilustr.F1.Vietn.1(2):ll96/3408 & 1:948/
3800,1991/1999,W u in Fu et a1.,High.P1.China 7:
213,2001,& in Check List Hongk.P1.152,2001,Singh
e nZ.,F/.Mizoram 1:493,2oo2.Li in F1.Yunnan.10:
P.montana (L0ur.)Mer.var.1obata(Wild.)
Maesen& Almeida in J.Bombay Nat.Hist.Soc.85
124,1990,Lo ck & Heald,Leg. d0一Chin,117,1994,
Mabberley,P1.Book,2nd ed.,598,1997,Singh &
Karthikeyan,F1.Mahar.1:730,1997,Maesen in
Keung,Pueraria in Genus Pueraria,12—14,2002,
Kumar& Sane,Leg.S.Asia,363,2003,Lo ck& Ford,
P.montana (L0ur.)Mer.var.chinensis (Ohwi)
Maesen& Almeida in J.Bombay Nat.Hist.Soc.85
(1):234,1988,Lock& Heald,Leg. 一Chin,ll7,
1 994,Maesen in Keung,Pueraria Genus Pueraria,
14—15,2002,Kumar& Sane,Leg.S Asia,363,2003.
P. montana (Lour.) Mer. var. thomsoni
(Benth.)Maesen& Almeida in Bombay Nat. t.
Soc.85(1):234,1988,Lock& Ford,Leg.Males.,
P. 1obata (Wild.) Ohwi ssp. thomsoni
(Benth.)Ohashi&Tateishi in Sci.Rep.Tohoku Univ.
4th ser.(Bio1.)39:232,1988,Huang& Ohashi in
Huang,F/.Taiwan ed.2,3:354—356,1993,Ohashi,
P.ome/ensis Wang & Tang.in ,f2u.Chin.Leg.
679.1955,Anon.in Icon.Cormoph.Sin.2:501,1972,
P.elegans Wang& Tang,Fu,F/.Hubei 2:263,
Dolichos trilobus Lo ur.,F/.Cochinchin 2:439,
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l62 武 汉 植 物 学 研 究 第 26卷
1790,non L.1753.
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4)Not al of references have been listed,see nomenclature citation for detail
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