全 文 :植物科学学报 2014ꎬ 32(1): 24~26
Plant Science Journal
DOI:10 3724 / SP J 1142 2014 10024
(中国科学院植物研究所ꎬ 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100093)
摘 要: 描述了自西藏发现的荨麻科二新种: 拉格艾麻(Laportea lageensis)和拉格冷水花(Pilea lageensis)ꎬ
关键词: 荨麻科ꎻ 艾麻属ꎻ 冷水花属ꎻ 新种ꎻ 西藏
中图分类号: Q949 737 5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095 ̄0837(2014)01 ̄0024 ̄03
收稿日期: 2013 ̄08 ̄22ꎬ 修回日期: 2013 ̄12 ̄30ꎮ
作者简介: 王文采(1926-)ꎬ 男ꎬ 研究员ꎬ 中国科学院院士ꎬ 从事有花植物分类学研究ꎮ
Two New Species of Urticaceae from Tibet
WANG Wen ̄Tsai
(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of Botanyꎬ
Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ China)
Abstract: Two new species of the family Urticaceaeꎬ Laportea lageensis and Pilea lageensisꎬ
are described from southeastern Tibet. Laportea lageensis is related to L medogensis
C J Chenꎬ but differs from the latter by its stemsꎬ petioles and peduncles with sparse short
stinging hairsꎬ broadly cuneate or obtuse leaf basesꎬ and glabrous pistillate tepals. Pilea
lageensis is related to P monilifera Hand.  ̄Mazz.ꎬ but differs from the latter by its lowerꎬ
puberulous stemsꎬ smaller leavesꎬ smaller leaf cystolithsꎬ and broadly ovate smaller pistillate
Key words: Urticaceaeꎻ Laporteaꎻ Pileaꎻ New speciesꎻ Tibet
1 拉格艾麻 (图 1: A~D)
Laportea lageensis W. T. Wangꎬ sp. nov.
Fig. 1: A-D.
Species nova haec est affinis L. medogensi
C. J. Chenꎬ quae caulibus petiolis peduncu ̄
lisque pilis urentibus longioribus densis obtectisꎬ
foliis basi subcordatis vel truncatisꎬ tepalis pistil ̄
latis pilosis differt. Perennial herbs. Pistillate
stem ca. 25 cm tallꎬ near base 4 mm acrossꎬ
with sparse short stinging hairs (0 8 -1 2 mm
long)ꎬ simple. Leaves alternateꎻ blades mem ̄
branousꎬ ovateꎬ rarely narrowly ovateꎬ (2 3-)
3 8-13 cm longꎬ 1 7-8 cm broadꎬ apex acu ̄
minateꎬ with acumens 1 ̄2 ̄dentate at base
broadly cuneate or obtuseꎬ margins dentateꎻ
surfaces adaxially and abaxially with sparse short
stinging hairs 0 8 -1 5 mm longꎻ nervation tri ̄
nervedꎬ with 3 - 5 pairs of secondary nervesꎻ
cystoliths inconspicuousꎬ minutely punctiformꎻ
petioles 0 3-6 4 cm longꎬ glabrous or with 1-3
short stinging hairsꎻ stipules lanceolate ̄linearꎬ
ca. 3 5 mm longꎬ 0 9 mm broadꎬ glabrous.
Pistillate thyrses 2ꎬ singly arising from axils of 2
apical leavesꎬ 2 8 - 3 2 cm longꎬ 1 2 - 2 cm
broadꎻ peduncles 2 3 - 4 2 cm longꎬ with
sparse short stinging hairs 0 8 - 1 mm longꎻ
pedicels 0 -0 5 mm longꎬ glabrousꎬ at fruiting
time not winged. Pistillate flower: tepals 4ꎬ
strongly unequal in sizeꎬ glabrousꎬ 2 larger ovateꎬ
ca. 0 45 mm longꎬ 0 4 - 0 6 mm broadꎬ the
smaller one deltoidꎬ ca. 0 25 mm longꎬ 0 4 mm
broadꎬ the smallest one subulateꎬ ca 0 25 mm
longꎬ 0 1 mm broadꎻ pistil ca 4 mm longꎬ ova ̄
ry greenishꎬ ovateꎬ ca. 0 5 mm longꎬ 0 3 mm
broadꎬ glabrousꎬ stigma redꎬ slenderꎬ tail ̄likeꎬ
ca 3 5 mm long. Achene suborbicularꎬ ca.
2 mm in diam.ꎬ smoothꎬ glabrousꎻ gynophore
ca 0 5 mm long. 西藏(Tibet): 墨脱 (Motuo)ꎬ
拉格之东4公里处(4 km to the east fo Latge)ꎬ alt.
A~D. 拉格艾麻: A. 开花雌茎顶部ꎻ B. 雌花ꎻ C. 宿存花被和瘦果ꎻ D. 瘦果ꎮ E~G. 拉格冷水花: E. 植株全形ꎻ F. 果
簇ꎻ G. 宿存花被和瘦果ꎮ
A-D. Laportea lageensis: A. Apical part of flowering pistillate stemꎻ B. Pistillate flowerꎻ C. Persistent perianth and
acheneꎻ D. Achene ( from holotype) . E-G. Pilea lageensis: E. Habitꎻ F. Fruit glomeruleꎻ G. Persistent perianth and
achene ( from holotype)
图 1 拉格艾麻和拉格冷水花
Fig 1 Laportea lageensis and Pilea lageensis
52 第 1期 王文采: 西藏荨麻科二新种
3000 mꎬ 常绿阔叶林下(under evergreen broad ̄
leaved forest)ꎬ 草本高 45 cmꎬ 花绿色ꎬ 柱头红
色( herb 45 cm tallꎬ fls. greenꎬ stigmas red)ꎬ
2012- 10 - 17ꎬ 杨永ꎬ 刘冰ꎬ 林秦文ꎬ 赖阳均
(Y Yangꎬ B Liouꎬ Q. W. Lin & Y. J. Lai) 900
(♀ꎬ holotypeꎬ PE) .
本种与墨脱艾麻 Laportea medogensis C. J.
Chen近缘ꎬ 与后者的区别在于本种的茎、 叶柄和
花序梗均被稀疏的短刺毛ꎬ 叶基部宽楔形或钝ꎬ 雌
花被片无毛ꎮ 墨脱艾麻ꎬ 茎、 叶柄和花序梗均密被
长刺毛ꎬ 叶基部浅心形或楔形ꎬ 雌花被片被短毛
(陈家瑞ꎬ 1995)ꎮ
2 拉格冷水花 (图 1: E~G)
Pilea lageensis W T Wangꎬ sp nov. Fig 1:
E-G (Sect Urticella Miq. ser. Moniliferae C. J.
Chen) .
Ob inflorescentias pistillatas moniliformes et
florem pistillatum tepalis tribus praeditum species
nova haec est affinis P. moniliferae Hand.  ̄Mazz.ꎬ
quae caulibus altioribus 50-150 cm altis glabrisꎬ
foliis majoribus usque ad 13 cm longis et ad 7 cm
latisꎬ eorum cystolithis etiam majoribus 0 3 mm
longisꎬ tepalis pistillatis minoribus triangularibus
facile distinguitur.
Small perennial herbs. Pistillate stems 10 -
17 cm tallꎬ near base 0 8 - 1 2 mm acrossꎬ
above puberulous ( hairs 0 1 -015 mm long)ꎬ
simple. Leaves oppositeꎬ those of the same pair
slightly unequal in sizeꎻ blades membranousꎬ
ovate or narrowly or broadly ovateꎬ 0 8 -6 cm
longꎬ 0 9 -3 4 cm broadꎬ apex acuminate or
slightly acuteꎬ base roundedꎬ broadly cuneate
or truncateꎬ margin dentateꎻ surfaces adaxially
and abaxially glabrousꎻ venation trinervedꎬ with
3-7 pairs of lateral nervesꎻ cystoliths sparseꎬ
bacilliform or punctiformꎬ 002 - 01 mm longꎻ
petioles 1 -12 mm longꎬ sparsely puberulousꎻ
stipules whiteꎬ narrowly ovate or linear ̄ovateꎬ
2-2 5 mm longꎬ ca. 0 8 mm broadꎬ glabrous.
Infructescences singly axillaryꎬ 1 - 2 cm longꎻ
peduncles 2-5 mm longꎬ puberulousꎻ rachises
glabrous or below puberulousꎻ glomerules 2-4ꎬ
2 - 3 mm in diam.ꎬ along rachis moniliformly ̄
arranged. Achenes greenishꎬ ovateꎬ ca. 1 mm
longꎬ 0 6 -0 8 mm broadꎬ smoothꎬ glabrousꎻ
persistent tepals 3ꎬ unequal in sizeꎬ glarousꎬ
one largerꎬ purple. navicularꎬ ca. 1 mm longꎬ
0 4 mm broadꎬ abaxially below apex with a
short and thick projectionꎬ the other two smallerꎬ
whiteꎬ broadly ovateꎬ 0 4-0 5 mm longꎬ 0 5-
0 6 mm broad.
西藏(Tibet): 墨脱(Motuo)ꎬ 多雄拉山口至
拉格途中(on the way from Duoxiongla Shan Pass
to Lage)ꎬ alt. 3200 mꎬ 冷杉林下( under Abies
forest)ꎬ 植物高15 cmꎬ 花紫色 (pl. 15 cm tallꎬ
fls. purple)ꎬ 2012-10 -16ꎬ 杨永、 刘冰、 林秦
文、 赖阳均(Y. Yangꎬ B. Liouꎬ Q. W. Lin & Y.
J. Lai) 859 (♀ꎬ holotypeꎬ PE)ꎮ
本种的雌花序念珠状ꎬ 雌花具 3枚花被片ꎬ 因
此与也具此二特征的念珠冷水花 Pilea monilifera
Hand.  ̄Mazz. 在亲缘关系上相近ꎬ 与后者的区别
在于本种的茎低矮ꎬ 被短柔毛ꎬ 叶较小ꎬ 叶的钟乳
体也较小ꎬ 较小雌花被片宽卵形ꎮ 念珠冷水花ꎬ 茎
高大ꎬ 高 50 ~ 150 cmꎬ 无毛ꎬ 叶较大ꎬ 长达
13 cmꎬ 宽达 7 cmꎬ 叶的钟乳体也较大ꎬ 长
3 mmꎬ 较小雌花被片呈三角形(陈家瑞ꎬ 1995)ꎮ
致谢: 深切感谢杨永博士和刘冰博士提供标本ꎬ 孙英
[ 1 ] 陈家瑞. Laportea[M] / /中国植物志: 第 23 卷ꎬ 第
2分册. 北京: 科学出版社ꎬ 1995: 31-43.
[ 2 ] 陈家瑞. Pilea. [M] / /中国植物志: 第 23 卷ꎬ 第 2
分册. 北京: 科学出版社ꎬ 1995: 57-156.
(责任编辑: 王豫鄂)
62 植 物 科 学 学 报 第 32卷