摘 要 :用差热分析(Differential thermal analysis: DTA)研究了山桃(Prunus davidiana)、杏(P. armeniaca)、青岛“粉红梅”(P.mume cv.‘Fenhong Mei,)、“小绿萼”(P.mume cv.‘Small Green Calyx‘)及其种问杂种“小绿萼”梅×山桃、青岛“粉红梅”×杏和杏×青岛“粉红梅”的低温放热(Low temperature exotherm)与冻害关系,以及皮部和木质部的冰冻类型(Freezing pattern)。在差热分析中,观察到亲本和杂种的木质部都有二次放热现象。低温放热后,引起木质部和髓射线薄壁细胞死亡,原生质膜透性急剧增加。在杂种与亲本之间,存在着明显的差异。分离的皮部却只出现一次高温放热(High temperature exotherm)。高温放热是与冻害无关的。文末讨论了梅花及其杂种在北京越冬的主要障碍及有关栽培措施。
Abstract:Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was utilized to investigate the relationship of temperature freezing points or exotherm and cold injury of David‘s peach(Prunus davidiana), apricot (P.armeniaca), mei flower cultivars(P.mume cv.‘Fenhong Mei‘and P.mume cv.‘Small Green Calyx‘) and their interspecific hybrids‘Small Green Calyx‘mei×David‘s peach, apricotבFenhong Mei‘and‘Fenhong Mei‘×apricot, and freezing patterns of their xylem and bark. Two exotherms were observed in the xylem of these parents and their hybrids. Low temperature exotherms coincided with the killing temperature of xylem ray and parenchyma. There were differences between the parents and their hybrids. Only one high temperature exotherm occurred in the bark of the parents and their hybrids. There was no apparent correlation between these high temperature exotherms and freezing injury.