Abstract:In the present article, the writer tries to demonstrate the criteria for classifying vegetation within the region of Hubei Province.The principles and bases for classifying vegetation in Hubei Province are discussed. A typological system of 5 categories is made. It is given below in sequence:Vegetation-type groupVegetation-type (Vegetation-subtype)formation-groupformationassociationAmong all these taxonomic units mentioned in above system, vegetationtype, formation and association are the principal classification units, the others are secondary. By analysing and treating the materials obtained by my own field survey, 13 vegetation-types, 66 formation-groups, 152 formations, 10 associations are enumerated. The 13 vegetation-types may be arranged into two classes as follows:Zonal vegetation-typeevergreen broad-leaved forestevergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forestdeciduous broad-leaved foresthardleaved and evergreen broad-leaved forestevergreen acicular-leaved forestacicular-leaved and broad-leaved mixed forestdeciduous acicular-leaved forestbamboo forestbush-wood herbosaIntrazonal vegetation-typemeadowswamp vegetationaguatic vegetation.