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A Preliminary Study on Yield and Quality of Rice and Their Relationship with Panicle Characters in Northeast Region


以2004年辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省水稻区域试验品种(品系)为试材,在栽培管理水平高、有代表性的沈阳、公主岭、佳木斯区试点,研究穗部性状及其与产量和品质关系的结果表明,东北三省各自产量及其构成因素的品种间差异均达到极显著水平,辽宁产量极显著高于另两省,后两省间差异不显著;辽宁穗数和每穗粒数分别极显著低于和高于另两省,其他产量构成因素省份间差异不显著;除一次枝梗结实率外,三省各自穗部性状的品种间差异都达到显著或极显著水平;辽宁穗部性状特点一是穗长较另两省短2 cm左右,接近显著水平,着粒密度极显著高于另两省,二是一次枝梗数和一次枝梗粒数极显著高于另两省;糙米率是吉林>辽宁>黑龙江,精米率是吉林>辽宁、黑龙江,整精米率有黑龙江>吉林>辽宁的趋势,长宽比是辽宁、黑龙江>吉林,垩白率是吉林>辽宁、黑龙江,食味值是黑龙江>吉林>辽宁;每穗粒数及其密切相关的着粒密度、一次枝梗数、一次枝梗粒数、二次枝梗粒数、二次粒率与加工品质均呈负相关趋势,而结实率及其组成部分一、二次枝梗结实率与加工品质均呈正相关趋势,食味值与穗部性状的关系也表现类似趋势。

Forty-six rice cultivars and lines attended regional trials in Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces in 2004 were used to study panicle characteristics and it relationship with yield and quality in Shenyang city, Gongzhuling city and Jiamusi city with higher cultivated level. The results indicated that there was significant difference in grain yield and yield components between different cultivars and lines, and grain yield of Liaoning province was significantly higher than that of Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces, but there was no significant grain yield difference between Jilin and Heilongjiang. The number of panicle per unit area and grains per panicle in Liaoning were very significantly lower than those in Jilin and Heilongjiang, and other yield components were not significantly different among different provinces. Difference of panicle traits was significantly different among all the materials in these provinces, except seed-setting rate of primary branch. The panicle length of Liaoning was 2 cm shorter than that of Jilin and Heilongjiang, and grains density, the number of primary branch and primary branch grains in Liaoning were very significantly larger than those in Jilin and Heilongjiang. Brown rice percentage was in order of Jilin>Liaoning>Heilongjiang, milled rice percentage was in order of Jilin>Liaoning and Heilongjiang, head rice percentage was in order of Heilongjiang >Jilin>Liaoning, the ratio of grain length to width in Liaoning and Heilongjiang was higher than that in Jilin. Chalky grain rate in Jilin was higher than that in Liaoning and Heilongjiang, the taste value was the highest in Heilongjiang, and followed by in Jilin and Liaoning. The processing quality was negatively correlated to grains per panicle, grain density, primary branches, the number of primary branch, secondary branches, ratio of secondary branch grains/total grains, but positively correlated with seed setting rate, seed-setting rate of primary branch and secondary branch, and the relationship between eating quality and panicle character appeared the similar trend.

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