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LRP Transgenic Indica Rice Restorer Line without Resistance Selection Marker


将四棱豆中高赖氨酸含量蛋白基因转移到水稻恢复系R893中,获得了较好表达高赖氨酸含量蛋白基因、且无抗生素选择标记的籼稻恢复系C28。赖氨酸分析结果表明,C28为3.752 mg/g,对照R893为3.503 mg/g;杂交组合准S/C28为3.338 mg/g,对照准S/R893为3.175 mg/g。转基因水稻的赖氨酸含量都有所提高。但C28的结实率为76.37%,而R893为78.56%,转基因恢复系略低于对照;准S/C28为76.63%,对照准S/R893为89.35%,转基因的杂种极显著地低于对照。

The gene encoding a lysine-rich protein from the edible winged bean has been cloned and transferred into R893 and a transgenic line C28 has been generated, which expresses the lysine rich protein well and is resistance selectable marker-free. The transgenic R line or hybrid is numerically higher than the normal ones in lysine content, which is 3.752 mg/g for C28, 3.503 mg/g for R893, 3.338 for Zhun-S/C28 and 3.175 for Zhun-S/R893, respectively. The transgenic R line is numerically lower than the normal in seed setting rate, which is 76.37% for C28 and 78.56% for R893, while the transgenic hybrid is highly significantly lower than the normal, which is 76.63% for Zhun-S/C28 and 89.35% for Zhun-S/R893.

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