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Mapping of Loci for Pollen Sterility of Indica-Japonica Hybrids in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)


以IR36(indica)和热研2号(japonica,广亲和品种)为亲本,构建了包含180个单株的F2群体及包括110个标记的分子连锁图谱。利用该F2群体,进行了水稻花粉不育数量性状基因座(quantitative trait locus, QTL)的检测和遗传效应分析,共检测到3个花粉不育QTL,分别位于第3、5、7染色体上,此外,共检测到9个由雄配子引起的偏分离QTL,其中7个与ga-14ga-11位点的配子败育类型相同。与花粉形态鉴定相比,偏分离的数据对检测F1杂种花粉败育基因更为敏感。在第5、6染色体上控制偏分离的2个QTL位点,其杂合基因型出现的频率偏高。在qHPS-5位点,粳型纯合子表现出比杂合子和籼型纯合子更低的育性水平。本研究获得的分子标记将有助于聚合尽可能多的中性亲和基因以解决亚种间F1杂种的花粉不育性问题。

To estimate QTL for the pollen sterility, an F2 population of 180 plants from an indica / japonica hybrid was tested with 110 molecular markers. By the genome wide screening, three QTLs were identified for the pollen sterility on chromosomes 3, 5, 7, respectively. In addition, a total of nine QTL for segregation distortion via male gametes were mapped on rice chromosomes, of which seven QTLs were suggested to be the same type of gamete abortion as found at ga-14 and ga-11. The distortion data seemed to be more sensitive to detection of pollen abortion genes in the F1 hybrid than the morphological inspection of pollen. Two QTLs for the segregation distortion on chromosomes 5 and 6 indicated an abnormally high frequency of heterozygous genotype. At a locus indicated by qHPS-5, japonica-type homozygote showed a lower fertility level than the heterozygotes and indica-type homozygote. The molecular markers identified here would be useful in introducing a set of new and known sterility-neutral alleles to solve the pollen sterility problem in subspecific F1 hybrids. Further, the present results could be helpful to combine as many neutral alleles for distortion as possible on whole genome basis to stabilize the pollen fertility as a whole.

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