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Chromosome Pairing Behavior and Reproduction in the Hybrid Developed by the Interaction of Different Pollen Sterile Genes in Autotetraploid Rice


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赵明辉等:花粉不育基因互作的同源四倍体水稻杂种染色体行为和生殖特性 图版Ⅰ
ZHAO Ming-Hui et al.: Chromosome Pairing Behavior and Reproduction in the Hybrid Developed by
the Interaction of Different Pollen Sterile Genes in Autotetraploid Rice PlateⅠ

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赵明辉等:花粉不育基因互作的同源四倍体水稻杂种染色体行为和生殖特性 图版Ⅱ
ZHAO Ming-Hui et al.: Chromosome Pairing Behavior and Reproduction in the Hybrid Developed by
the Interaction of Different Pollen Sterile Genes in Autotetraploid Rice PlateⅡ

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