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Male Sterility Induced by Chemical Hybridizing Agent SQ-1 in Common Millet


采用裂区试验设计, 以喷药时期为主区, 喷药剂量为副区, 探讨了用SQ-1诱导产生的雄性不育率、杂交率及自然授粉结实率3项指标评价应用效果。结果表明, 喷药时期、喷药剂量及时期与剂量一级互作显著或极显著影响不育率和杂交率。在雌雄蕊原基分化期, 喷药剂量为4.0和5.0 kg hm-2时诱导雄性不育率、杂交率都在95%以上; 花粉粒分化形成初期, 喷药剂量为5.0 kg hm-2时诱导雄性不育率和杂交率都在95%以上。喷药时期对自然授粉结实率影响不显著, 剂量及时期与剂量一级互作影响显著, 自然授粉结实率随着剂量的增加呈降低趋势。SQ-1用于糜子的最佳时期为雌雄蕊原基分化期, 最适剂量4.0 kg hm-2

Effect of chemical hybridizing agent SQ-1 on common millet was studied with the split plot design. The different treatment stages and dosages of SQ-1 were designed as main plot and sub-plot respectively. Male sterility induced by SQ-1 was evaluated according to the three indexes: male sterile rate, crossing rate, and seed-setting rate of natural pollination. The results showed that treatment stages, dosages of SQ-1 and the interaction between them affected male sterile rate and crossing rate significantly or highly significantly. The induced male sterile rate and crossing rate were both over 95% with treatments of different dosages (4.0 and 5.0 kg ha-1) in the differentiation stage of the anlage of gynoecium and stamen, and also under the dosage of 5.0 kg ha-1 at the primary stage of forming pollen. The seed-setting rate of natural pollination was not affected significantly by the treatment stages, but affected significantly by the dosages and interaction between the treatment stages and dosages, and decreased with the dosage. Considering all the three indexes and the cost of production of hybrid seed, the optimum treatment stage is the differentiation stage of the anlage of gynoecium and stamen and the optimal dosage is 4.0 kg ha-1.

全 文 : ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2008, 34(1): 106−110 http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/
ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9 E-mail: xbzw@chinajournal.net.cn


(1963−), ,  , , , 
Received( !): 2006-12-06; Accepted(#$!): 2007-06-14.
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.00106

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 :  , , ,  SQ-1  !# $%
&()* 3+,-./0123)245, ! $ 6789:;<=>;# 3BCDEFGH,  4.0A 5.0 kg hm−2  !# IB 95J K; L(MGHNO
P,  5.0 kg hm−2  A# IB 95J K3 Q%&()* ?@;<, 
$ 6789:?@;<, %&()* RSTUVWXYZ3SQ-1 [\]^_ CDEF
GH, ^` 4.0 kg hm−23
: Ha#; \]; ; bcZ
Male Sterility Induced by Chemical Hybridizing Agent SQ-1 in Common
CUI Xiu-Hui
(Nenjiang Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qiqihaer 161041, Heilongjiang, China)
Abstract: Effect of chemical hybridizing agent SQ-1 on common millet was studied with the split plot design. The different
treatment stages and dosages of SQ-1 were designed as main plot and sub-plot respectively. Male sterility induced by SQ-1 was
evaluated according to the three indexes: male sterile rate, crossing rate, and seed-setting rate of natural pollination. The results
showed that treatment stages, dosages of SQ-1 and the interaction between them affected male sterile rate and crossing rate sig-
nificantly or highly significantly. The induced male sterile rate and crossing rate were both over 95% with treatments of different
dosages (4.0 and 5.0 kg ha−1) in the differentiation stage of the anlage of gynoecium and stamen, and also under the dosage of 5.0
kg ha−1 at the primary stage of forming pollen. The seed-setting rate of natural pollination was not affected significantly by the
treatment stages, but affected significantly by the dosages and interaction between the treatment stages and dosages, and decreased
with the dosage. Considering all the three indexes and the cost of production of hybrid seed, the optimum treatment stage is the
differentiation stage of the anlage of gynoecium and stamen and the optimal dosage is 4.0 kg ha−1.
Keywords: Chemical hybridizing agent; Common millet; Male sterility; Heterosis
(chemical hybridizing agent, CHA)
 50 , Moore  !#$%
(MH)&, 50 (#)*+,-. /012
3456789[2]SQ-1 :+ ;2
3<=>?@ABCDEF, G
MUV 85Q, EF WXY, SQ-1 :+Z[!
_]`a)b_cdef ,N&8g
hi< j9 ja
_]`k;lmnob, pq<=>rs>tu
vwxyWk SQ-1 z{(Panicum mi-
laceum L.), |}~ =€‚ƒ„…,
W 2005Œ 2006 € SQ-1
Ž+,‘ ’i‡ , z{“_“” 5
 1 :  SQ-1  107

  5 × 5¡¢£¢¤¥¦, 3§¨©;¤†ª
«¬­, ¥ 5 ®¯°, ‚±† A1: E²E³´µ‚
­ (¶·¸¹† 0.59~0.61); A2: º»´µ‚­
(¶·¸¹† 0.70~0.72); A3: º»´µ‚¼­; A4:
³½¾‚¿œ­(¶·¸¹†0.87~0.89); A5: ³½
¾‚¿œ¼­À¤†ª«9, ¥ 5®¯°, ‚±
† D1: 1.0 kg hm−2>D2: 2.0 kg hm−2>D3: 3.0 kg hm−2>
D4: 4.0 kg hm−24D5: 5.0 kg hm−2; &ª¯†ÁÂ}Ã
«ÄÅÆÇÈEÉ9ªÊËWE¤Ì 5 m, 
Í 0.65 m, 2¤, E¤ÎÏ 6.5 m2 ÐÄÑÒ, Ó
.ÔÕ, Õ9† 7.5 kg hm−2
ª«Öˆ , ×®ª«E¤Ø (ÙÚ}à ),
۲ѳ[6ÜÝÞbßàá 10 ²€Ó
.âã , Pœä¬åæâã² , ç¬åæ׮ֈ
èéêâã² 10², ëØìí~ST¾¹
M(Q)î(1−B/K) × 100
M(Q)î(1−B/W) × 100
ïð½STM(Q)î(W−B)/K × 100
£Ž, B†Öˆâã²°ñST¾¹, K†êÖ
ˆ(CK)âã²°ñST¾¹, W †çbֈêâã

}æòW¹‹óôõö÷ø(arcsin−1 P )
€ùú‚ƒX 1XY, 笭«ֈ, “” 5
•”M>MûüýþúR, ïð½S
TMþ; 窫9ֈK, W“_
M>M4 ïð½STMûüýþúR
M =¨l¸
M8 95Q, 3_h
X 2 XY ª«9 8, Mi<,
D4 (4.0 kg hm−2)4 D5 (5.0 kg hm−2)9 °ñ
MO 95.7Q4 98.8Q, ¡/úRýþ; A3>
A2 ®¬­ª«= , °ñM‚±†
97.0Q4 96.1Q, ¡/úRþ
ùú‚ƒSXY, ª«9ª«¬­o
ýþ =!, †@SQ-1ª«¬­4
ª«9, ‚±} ja<M D3>D4>D5
9Kª«¬­þ@(X 3)X 3N&
9¬­ M 95Q& ‚± D3>D4>
D5 A3>A4>A24 D5 A5}×®¬­K*9
M ( 1), N&, ×®¬­ØM
« 8Ai<, \SQ-1 ?@ z{M 95Q& ª«
9‚±† 4.04 5.0 kg hm−2, ª«¬­‚±† A2>A3
(º»´µ‚­)4 A4 (³½¾¿œ­)
1  SQ-1   
Table 1 Variance analysis of sterile rate, hybridization rate and natural
pollinate fertility under the different doses of SQ-1 at different stages

Sterile rate

Hybridization rate
Seed-setting rate for natural

Source of variance
SS MS F value

SS MS F value

SS MS F value
 Main plot

 Block 2 0.65 0.33 0.62 2.81 1.40 1.73 0.89 0.45 0.71
 Stage (A) 4 1893.86 473.47 893.34** 4229.34 1057.34 1305.36** 40.56 10.14 2.47
 Ea 8 4.20 0.53 6.48 0.81 32.88 4.11

 Dosage (D) 4 2900.48 725.12 496.66** 4010.06 1002.52 276.94** 1607.98 402.00 204.06**
 A×D 16 527.96 33.00 22.60** 1356.66 84.79 23.42** 213.93 13.37 6.79**
 Eb 40 58.24 1.46 144.90 3.62 78.86 1.97
  Total variation 74 5385.39 9750.24 1975.10
0.05 ; **: 0.01 !*: significant at 0.05 probability level; **: significant at 0.01 probability level.

108     34#

2  SQ-1  
Table 2 Significant difference of sterile and hybridizing rates with SQ-1 dosages at different treatment stages


Sterile rate ($)

Hybridization rate ($)

Dosage (kg hm−2)

Sterile rate ($)

Hybridization rate ($)
A5 84.2±0.42 dD 65.9±0.52 eE 1.0 98.7±0.70 aA 95.4±1.10 aA
A4 94.4±0.42 bB 85.6±0.52 cC 2.0 95.7±0.70 bB 87.8±1.10 bB
A3 97.0±0.42 aA 93.1±0.52 aA 3.0 93.5±0.70 cC 83.1±1.10 cB
A2 96.2±0.42 aA 90.8±0.52 bB 4.0 88.4±0.70 dD 75.4±1.10 dC
A1 89.4±0.42 cC 75.1±0.52 dD 5.0 83.0±0.70 eE 69.9±1.10 eC
%&()*+,-. 0.01  , /&()*+,-. 0.05  !A1: /0/12345; A2: 6
7823459; A3: 6782345:; A4: 1 ;45<=9; A5: 1 ;45<=:!
Values within a column followed by a different capital letter are significantly different at 0.01 probability level. Values within a column
followed by a different lowercase letter are significantly different at 0.05 probability level. A1: differentiation stage of spikelet anlage; A2:
primary differentiation stage of the anlage of gynoecium and stamen; A3: late differentiation stage of the anlage of gynoecium and stamen; A4:
primary differentiation stage of pollen formation A5: late differentiation stage of pollen formation.
3 !  
Table 3 Sterile and hybridizing rates under different dosages of SQ-1 at different stages($)
3.0 kg hm−2

4.0 kg hm−2

5.0 kg hm−2

Sterile rate

Hybridization rate

Sterile rate

Hybridization rate

Sterile rate

Hybridization rate
A1 88.1±0.65 cC 70.7±1.01 cC 90.7±0.65 cC 73.5±1.01 dD 93.5±0.65 dC 85.7±1.01 cC
A2 96.1±0.65 bB 89.8±1.01 bB 98.7±0.65 aA 94.9±1.01 bA 100±0.65 aA 100±1.01 aA
A3 99.4±0.65 aA 98.0±1.01 aA 98.6±0.65 aA 97.1±1.01 aA 100±0.65 aA 100±1.01 aA
A4 96.2±0.65 bB 87.0±1.01 bB 96.8±0.65 bB 90.0±1.01 cB 99.2±0.65 bB 95.2±1.01 bB
A5 79.2±0.65 dD 57.3±1.01 dD 90.4±0.65 cC 75.1±1.01 dD 95.6±0.65 cC 79.8±1.01 dD
%&()*+,-. 0.01 , /&()*+,-. 0.05 !>&+) 2!
Values within a column followed by a different capital letter are significantly different at 0.01 probability level. Values within a column
followed by a different lowercase letter are significantly different at 0.05 probability level. Abbreviations as in Table 2.

1  #
Fig. 1 Sterility and hybridization rate in different stages ×
different doses

!#$, %&()*+,-./
 01, 23()456+789
:;#< =, >?2@A>?,-BCDEF
6;.LMO(P 2)QR, D5SD4SD3SD2SD1, T
U>?,-VW, XYZ[\(] 2); N
>?2@6;.LMOQ, A3SA2SA4SA1S
A5, ]^X_`a^9>?2@>?,-6F
=(P 3, ] 1), b 95%6#c A22@6
D4d D5; A32@6 D3AD4AD5; A42@6 D5, ] 1
ef]^gh, ijk>?2@l3
p (qr,G. 
6HI, istu8Y3(GvwfO6HI9
sk x6qr,yz{|}~Of€,
nz{‚ƒ„*+F …†, p
o9:;#< =, >?2@Gp
6HILM; >?,-d>?2@>?,
 1 :  SQ-1  109

Fig. 2 Hybridization rate influenced by
different doses of SQ-1 in different stages

N>?,-Q(P 4), TU,-6mVp
X‡ˆ[\, ‰ D1SD2SD3SD4SD5, Š,-
p ;.bLM‹KLM9
qr,|}~Of6Œ iŽ `6
, ~w’vw6‘O“, ƒnqr?,”•–
—~w6f9GŽ˜™6qr,, >?š›
œœž, •ŸŽ ¡¢62E>£, •¤Ÿ¥
¦§¨6HI9N|}~Of©=Q, i A2A
A3 (v~wª‚#q@)d A4(/«^¬­@)>£
3.0A4.0d 5.0 kg hm−2 SQ-1®”|}¯° 95.0•
f2@;.’W, ”•¶·VW¸8¹ºs»†
6#µ9i¼½¾e, ) A2AA3AA4 ¿, i A5
4SQ-1 pollenization 
Table 4 Natural rate under different dosages of SQ-1 at different stages()

Seed-setting rate for natural pollination arcsin−1 P

Seed-setting rate for natural pollination
1.0 kg hm−2 38.22 38.3±0.81 aA
2.0 kg hm−2 36.53 35.4±0.81 aA
3.0 kg hm−2 32.41 28.7±0.81 bB
4.0 kg hm−2 30.90 26.4±0.81 bB
5.0 kg hm−2 25.03 17.9±0.81 cC
 0.01 ,  0.05 
Values within a column followed by a different capital letter are significantly different at 0.01 probability level. Values within a column fol-
lowed by a different lowercase letter are significantly different at 0.05 probability level.

2@, >?,- 5.0 kg hm−22À”|} 95.6%6
f; i A12@, >?,- 5.0 kg hm−223”|
} 93.56f9ÁÂÃğ… SQ-1i†Å
Feekes8.0-Feekes9.0 2@>? , |}~OfJ
i 95•Y, ¼½¾ =g9ƿǺ6qr
,e Sc2053d GENESISÈ…É ÊË[5-9]; Ì
ÆǺ6qr,e BAU9403©=gG’ž, &
d GENESIS 3+qr,|}†Å~Of6©
=BG+²OÎHI6ÇÐPÑ, SQ-1 6Ò~©=
ɞ , ÓG++²6Ô«Õ Öo … ;
GENESIS d BAU9403 G++²Ô«Õ u
8‡ˆ … , ×eBAU9403 HIØW ; SQ-1d
Û(>?)ÜLM;., & BAU9403 GÛ LM
;.[3], SQ-1qr, GENESIS>£6 ©@
g [5-8], ˜Ž×Ýqr, , ÏÞߟA
BAU2ABAU9403 Ä[9]9f =gh,
Š>?2@àá A3SA2SA4SA1SA59
i 95•Y6#c A3(v~w#qâ@)6 3.0A
4.0d 5.0 kg hm−2; A2(v~w#q@)6 4.0d 5.0 kg
hm−2; A4(/«^¬­@)6 5.0 kg hm−29>?2@G
p HIã†9
s9½¾e>?,-çfd =g
h, JTU>£,-6mVnÖo9i 4.0d 5.0 kg
hm−2,-2è®fi 95•Y, 3.0 kg hm−2,
-2i A2AA32@>?3”¯° 95•Y6~O
f, éÑ SQ-1ê…,-ë쒝9p
íîo, ïð”0/@ñA/@òñóô
±²÷#qŠ2@, Røù$úù$XaO
ûü(rý0.9425∼0.9760, P<0.01), þ/«^¬@
110      34

ÉsùRø; ù3úù$XaOûü(r
ý0.8874∼0.9996, P<0.01)[12]9ù$”•÷
#q6, Š2@ *+A @HI, •, ù
$ï ±²÷#q u’ 69
qrÒ~, SQ-1 G½±²*+|}~O
f©=ž , iä2@dä,-çÒ~€; Ò
~š› , ?,õO , i/«#q^¬@ ,
ê… 5.0 kg hm−2 À”|}¯° 95•Y6~O
f9SQ-1ä>£,- 4.0 kg hm−2; É>£2
@ v ~ w ª ‚ # q @ ,  @ ù   $
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