利用生物测定和高效液相色谱方法研究紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)自毒性现象,并评价不同品种苜蓿自毒性差异。结果显示,苜蓿叶浸提物抑制受体苜蓿vector的胚根生长,对照与所有处理的差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。50个苜蓿品种按自毒性强度可分为3大类9个小组,自毒性最弱的组只有一个品种,为Key;最强的组有GS20001X、超级阿波罗、射手、NS00-32、牧野、WL232HQ共5个;其余品种分布在上述两组之间。在苜蓿叶浸提物中检测到香豆素、邻香豆酸、间香豆酸和对香豆酸4种目标酚类物质。
Autotoxicity restricts the development of alfalfa industry. In North America researchers did some work on this field, but in China little work has been done about it. The objective of this research was to evaluate the differences of autotoxic compounds content in different alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars by bioassay and high performance liquid chromatography. The results indicated that alfalfa leaf extracts inhibited the radicel growth of ‘vector’, and the treated radicels of ‘vector’ were shorter than that of control significantly (P<0.01). Fifty cultivars of alfalfa showed difference in aotutoxicity, and were divided into three categories based on the autotoxicity of their leaf extracts. Alfalfa ‘Key’ exhibited the least aotutoxicity, while ‘GS2001X’, ‘Super Apollo’, ‘Archer’, ‘NS00-32’, ‘Muye’, and ‘WL232HQ’ showed strong autotoxicity. Coumarine, o-coumaric acid, m-coumaric acid, and p-coumaric acid were detected in leaf extracts of alfalfa by high performance liquid chromatography.
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