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GGE Biplot Analysis of Diallel Cross of B. napus L.


用GGE双标图法对甘蓝型油菜5×4双列杂交试验进行分析,显示了以下结果: (1)GCA较高的亲本为不育系S2、S3和恢复系R2、R3,而SCA较高的亲本是不育系S3、S1和恢复系R2、R4,不育系S5和恢复系R2是区分能力和代表性最好的亲本,SCA较高的组合为S4×R4、S3×R1、S2×R2、S5×R3和S1×R3;(2)对不育系而言,单株角果数和角粒数的GCA与产量GCA呈正相关,株高、千粒重和有效分枝部位的GCA与产量GCA呈负相关。对恢复系而言,单株角果数、主花序角果数、一次分枝数、主花序长度和株高等性状的GCA与产量GCA呈正相关,呈负相关的有千粒重和有效分枝部位。对于杂交种而言,与产量呈正相关的性状为单株角果数和角粒数,呈负相关的为千粒重和有效分枝部位。表明虽然好的不育系和恢复系具有不同的特点,但相同之处为单株角果数较多,千粒重较小和有效分枝部位较低。同时在亲本选配中应注意优势性状互补。

This paper reports analysis of a 5×4 diallel cross of B. napus L. using GGE biplot. The following patterns were visualized from the biplots. (1) Male sterile lines S2 and S3 had high general combining ability (GCA), and S3 and S1 had high specific combining ability (SCA). Restorer lines R2 and R3 had high GCA, while R2 and R4 had high SCA. The male sterile lines S5 and the restorer R2 were the best parents in terms of both discriminating ability and representativeness. The combinations with high SCA included S4×R4, S3×R1, S3×R2, S5×R3 and S1×R3. (2) Across the sterile lines, the GCA of pods per plant and seeds per pod was positively correlated with the GCA of yield, and the GCA of plant height, 1000-seed weight, and effective branch height was negatively correlated with the GCA of yield. Across the restorer lines, the GCA of pods per plant, pods of main raceme, primary branches, length of main raceme, and plant height were positively correlated with the GCA of yield, whereas 1000-seed weight and effective branch height were negatively correlated with the GCA of yield. Across the hybrids, pods per plant and seeds per pod were positively correlated with yield, while 1000-seed weight and effective branch height were negatively correlated with yield. These results suggest that although good male sterile lines and the restorer lines have different characteristics, more pods per plant, smaller 1000-seed weight, and lower effective branch height are desirable for both. The trait profiles should be complementary between parents to generate superior hybrids.

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