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Analysis of QTLs with Main, Epistasis and G×E Interaction Effects of Starch Paste Viscosity in Rice


用珍汕97B/密阳46构建RIL群体及其遗传图谱,经海南和杭州两地遗传试验,以精米粉RVA谱5个参数特征值PKV、HPV、CPV、BDV和SBV作为研究稻米淀粉黏滞性的指标,运用检测QTL主效应、上位性效应和G×E互作效应的遗传分析方法,进行QTL联合分析。结果表明, (1)在检测到涉及5个性状的9个主效应QTL中,除PKV位于第5染色体qPKV5外,其余8个QTL均位于第6染色体上;(2)5个性状均检测到位于第6染色体RM197-RZ516区间的主效应QTL,很可能它们为同一基因,该基因还与Wx基因处于相同区域;(3)检测到与PKV、HPV、CPV、BDV等4个性状有关的QTL主效基因均表现有G×E互作,且方向一致,在海南试验中有增效作用;(4)还检测到涉及5个性状的10对上位性互作效应,但均未发现有显著的上位性×环境互作效应。

The rice starch viscosity profile, also termed the RVA profile, is a paste curve of rice flour when the paste is subjected to a standard temperature- programmed heat-hold-cool-hold protocol. The RVA profile has proved to be useful for the evaluation of eating and cooking quality in rice breeding program. In order to understand the genetic basis of the paste viscosity characteristics, the recombinant inbred line populations derived from Zhenshan 97B/ Milyang 46(ZM-RIL)and its genetic linkage map were used to map the QTLs controlling starch pasteviscosity which could be expressed by five parameters: peak viscosity (PKV), hot paste viscosity (HPV), cool paste viscosity (CPV), breakdown viscosity (BDV) and setback viscosity (SBV) in two environments, Hainan and Hangzhou. The results indicated that among 9 QTLs with significant main effects for the five traits the qPKV5 was located on chromosome 5 while all others were located on chromosome 6. For each trait, a QTL flanking RM197-RZ516 on chromosome 6 with which Wx gene was in the same region was detected. QTLs at RM197-RZ516 for PKV, HPV, CPV and BDV were detected to show positive significant G×E interaction effects in Hainan environment. 10 pairs of epistatic effects involving QTLs for the five traits were detected, but no epistasis×environment interaction effect was found.

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