摘 要 :测定了141个玉米自交系对雄性不育胞质的育性反应,其中有33个系同时测定了对 C 型和 S 型(M 型)的反应。结果得出,自330、白自330、多黄15、525、D 729等5系为两型的共同恢复系,大多数自交系对不育类型呈专效作用,表明两类不育型的遗传基础有差异。M 型与 S 型的育性反应基本一致。育性稳定性研究表明,C 型很稳定,不易受环境
Abstract:141 inbred lines of maize were tested for their fertility reaction to cytoplasmic malesterility(CMS),33 of them were tested with both the C-type and the S-type ofCMS simultaneously.5 lines,i.e.,Zi330,Baizi330,Duohuangl5,525 andD729,were found to be restorers to both types of CMS,whereas the fertilit