摘 要 :报道了红豆杉属 Taxus 3种 1变种及白豆杉属 Pseudotaxus l种的核形态结构。红豆杉属3种1变种和白豆杉的间期核构形都为复杂染色中心型,前期染色体属于中间型,体细胞中期染色体分别为:(1)红豆杉 Taxus chinensis(Pilger)Rehd.K(2n)=24=20m+2sm+2T,着丝点端化值(T.C.%)为 58.22%;(2)南方红豆杉 T.chinensis(Pilger)Rehd var.mairei(Lemee et Levl)Cheng et L.K.Fu,K(2n)=24=20m+2sm+2T,T.C.%值为55.75%;(3)东北红豆杉 T.cuspidata Sieb.et Zucc.K(2n)= 24=18m+4sm+2T,T.C.%值为 57.05%;(4)云南红豆杉 T.yunnanensis Cheng et L.K.Fu,K(2n)=24=21m+lsm+2T,T.C.%值为55.79%;(5)白豆杉 Pseudotaxus chienii(Cheng)Cheng,K(2n)=24=20m+2sm+2T,T.C.%值为56.43%。上述几种植物有相同类型的问期核和前期染色体,中期染色体中都有2条T染色体和20条左右的m染色体,核型不对称性都属于2B型。其中红豆杉和云南红豆杉的核型为首次报道。根据它们具有相似的核形态结构和形态学特征,建议红豆杉属的这几个种合并为1种,并在种下设立地理变种。
Abstract:In the present paper, karyomorphology were investigated with the materials of 3 species, 1 variety in Taxus and Pseudotaxus chienii in China. The interphase nuclei and prophase chromosomes of these species or variety were commonly found to be the complex chromocenter type and the interstitial type respectively according to Tanaka‘ s catalogue. And the karyotypes of metaphase chromosomes were formulated to be K2n = 24 = 20m + 2sm + 2T for Taxus chinensis, T. chinensis var. mairei and Pseudotaxus chienii, K2n = 24 = 18m + 4sm + 2T for T. cuspidata, and K2n = 24 = 21m + Ism + 2T for T. yunnanensis. The centromeric terminalization value (T. C. %) was 58.22 for T. chinensis, 55.75 for T. chinensis var. mairei, 57.05 for T. cuspidata, 55.79 for T. yunnanensis and 56.43 for P. chienii respectively. Generally, the karyomorphology of these taxa were similar to each other, which they commonly have 2T - chromosomes, about 20 m - chromosomes at metaphase stage .