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Relationships within the Lonicera macrantha Complex Based on Morphological and Molecular Data


全 文 :基于形态和分子证据的大花忍冬复合群的种间关系
董洪进1ꎬ2ꎬ 彭  华1∗
(1 中国科学院昆明植物研究所东亚植物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室ꎬ 云南 昆明  650201ꎻ
2 中国科学院大学ꎬ 北京  100049)
摘要: 大花忍冬复合群主要分布在中国南部及周边地区ꎬ 是忍冬属的主要疑难类群之一ꎬ 包含大花忍冬、
灰毡毛忍冬、 细毡毛忍冬、 菰腺忍冬和锈毛忍冬 5种ꎮ 该复合群是中国南部金银花的重要野生替代资源ꎮ
本研究通过形态和生境观察、 叶表皮微形态扫描和分子系统学分析相结合的方法ꎬ 探讨了大花忍冬复合群
的种间关系ꎮ 结果表明ꎬ 分子系统学方法没有解决该复合群之间的关系ꎬ 仅灰毡毛忍冬的区分较为明显ꎬ
基于形态学证据大致可将大花忍冬复合群分为以下 3小群: 菰腺忍冬以其独有的蘑菇状腺体与其他 4种显
著不同ꎬ 毛被长度也明显长于其他种类ꎻ 锈毛忍冬与大花忍冬的毛被较稀疏ꎬ 但锈毛忍冬的花冠筒较短ꎬ
气孔特征独特ꎻ 灰毡毛忍冬与细毡毛忍冬的叶背密覆柔毛ꎬ 二者的上表皮角质膜结构有差异ꎮ 该复合群的
关键词: 忍冬属ꎻ 复合群ꎻ 叶表皮ꎻ 分子系统学ꎻ 分类
中图分类号: Q 949            文献标识码: A                文章编号: 2095-0845(2014)02-133-09
Relationships within the Lonicera macrantha Complex
Based on Morphological and Molecular Data
DONG Hong ̄Jin1ꎬ2ꎬ PENG Hua1∗
(1 Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asiaꎬ Kunming Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ
Kunming 650201ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100049ꎬ China)
Abstract: Being one of the most complicated groups in Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae) and distributed mainly in southern
Chinaꎬ the Lonicera macrantha complex comprises five speciesꎬ i􀆰 e. L􀆰 macranthaꎬ L􀆰 macranthoidesꎬ L􀆰 similisꎬ
L􀆰 hypoglauca and L􀆰 ferruginea. The complex is also found to be the main substitute of Ljaponica for Jin Yin Hua in
southern China. To clarify the relationships within the complexꎬ investigation of morphology and habitat of each spe ̄
ciesꎬ observation of microfeatures of leaf epidermisꎬ and molecular phylogenetic analysis were carried out. The re ̄
sults show that only L. macranthoides can be easily distinguished by phylogenetic methodsꎬ and that the complex can
be roughly divided into three groups based on morphological characters: L􀆰 hypoglauca is distinct in its mushroom ̄
shaped glands and long trichomes on leaf epidermisꎻ L􀆰 ferruginea is close to L􀆰 macrantha in the thin trichomesꎬ but
they differ in length of corolla tube and stomatal structureꎻ L􀆰 macranthoides is morphologically similar to L􀆰 similis in
the dense trichomesꎬ but they can be distinguished by characters of cuticular membrane. Further studies on resolving
the speciation and species dispersal within the complex are still needed.
Key words: Loniceraꎻ Species complexꎻ Epidermisꎻ Molecular phylogenyꎻ Taxonomy
  A great deal of molecular phylogenetic studies
suggest that Caprifoliaceae s􀆰 l. is not monophyleticꎬ
but should be separated into several small families
(Donoghue et al.ꎬ 1992ꎬ 2001aꎬ bꎬ 2003ꎻ Angio ̄
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报  2014ꎬ 36 (2): 133~141
Plant Diversity and Resources                                    DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201413094
∗ Author for correspondenceꎻ E ̄mail: hpeng@mail􀆰 kib􀆰 ac􀆰 cn
Received date: 2013-04-19ꎬ Accepted date: 2013-07-12
作者简介: 董洪进 (1985-) 男ꎬ 博士研究生ꎬ 主要从事植物分类和植物地理学研究ꎮ
sperm Phylogeny Groupꎬ 1998ꎻ Kim and Kimꎬ
1999ꎻ Pyck et al.ꎬ 1999ꎻ Zhang et al.ꎬ 2003ꎻ Ja ̄
cobs et al.ꎬ 2010ꎻ Tank and Donoghueꎬ 2010ꎻ
Howarth et al.ꎬ 2011ꎻ Landrein et al.ꎬ 2012) or ex ̄
panded to a much bigger family combining with Dip ̄
sacaceae Juss.ꎬ Valerianaceae Batsch and Morinace ̄
ae Raf. (Judd et al.ꎬ 2007ꎻ Mabberleyꎬ 2008ꎻ Bre ̄
mer et al.ꎬ 2009). Caprifoliaceae s􀆰 s. consists of
Lonicera Linn. and four small generaꎬ i􀆰 e. Leyces ̄
teria Wall.ꎬ Triosteum Linn.ꎬ Heptacodium Rehder
and Symphoricarpos Duhamel (Yang et al.ꎬ 2011).
The genus Lonicera contains about 180 species
distributed in North Africaꎬ Asiaꎬ Europe and North
Americaꎬ of which 57 can be found in China (Yang
et al.ꎬ 2011). Traditionallyꎬ Lonicera was dvided in ̄
to subgen. Lonicera ( ca. 155 species) and subgen.
Caprifolium (ca. 25 species) according to morpholo ̄
gy of flowers (paired or not) and top leaves (associ ̄
ated or not) ( Rehderꎬ 1903). Subgenus Lonicera
was further separated into four sectionsꎬ i􀆰 e. sects.
Isoxylosteum Rehd.ꎬ Isika DC. ex Rehd.ꎬ Coeloxy ̄
losteum Rehd. and Nintooa DC.ꎬ according to their
habitatꎬ branches ( hollow or solid ) and corolla
tubes (gibbous or not at the base). The two subgen ̄
era were supported by phylogenetic analysesꎬ but not
with the sections and subsections ( Theis et al.ꎬ
2008ꎻ Smithꎬ 2009). For exampleꎬ the two subsec ̄
tions of Lonicera sect. Nintooa were embedded within
different clades (Theis et al.ꎬ 2008).
The Lonicera macrantha complex ( Lonicera
sect. Nintooa )ꎬ is one of the most complicated
groups in genus Lonicera. Five species are included
within the complexꎬ i􀆰 e. L􀆰 macrantha ( D. Don)
Sprengꎬ L􀆰 macranthoides Hand.  ̄Mazz.ꎬ L􀆰 similis
Hemsl.ꎬ L􀆰 hypoglauca Miq. and L􀆰 ferruginea Re ̄
hd.ꎬ sharing similar floral structureꎬ various leaf
shapesꎬ habitat and sympatric distribution. They are
distributed in southern China and adjacent areaꎬ and
mainly grow at the edge of forests or roadside. Two
obvious distribution centersꎬ Nanling and Wuling
Mountainsꎬ of L􀆰 hypoglauca and L􀆰 similisꎬ respec ̄
tivelyꎬ have been recognized. All the five species are
large woody climbers with hollow branches and 2 ̄
lipped corollaꎬ and their buds are made into the tra ̄
ditional Chinese medicine Jin Yin Hua. They can be
distinguished from each other mainly by trichomes on
abaxial leaf epidermis.
To clarify the relationships among the five spe ̄
cies of the complex and further contribute to a better
use of themꎬ investigation of morphology and habitat
of each speciesꎬ observation of microfeatures of leaf
epidermisꎬ and molecular phylogenetic analysis were
carried out in this study.
1  Materials and methods
1􀆰 1  Materials
Materials of all five species of L􀆰 macrantha
complex and five other close taxa from Lonicera sect.
Nintooa [L􀆰 calcarata Hemsl.ꎬ L􀆰 nubium (Hand. ̄Mazz.)
Hand. ̄Mazz.ꎬ L􀆰 confus DC.ꎬ L􀆰 pampaninii H. Lévl.
and L􀆰 japonica Thunb.] were collected from Guang ̄
dongꎬ Guangxiꎬ Guizhouꎬ Jiangxiꎬ Sichuanꎬ Yun ̄
nan and Zhejiang Provinceꎬ China. In total of 27
populations and 81 individuals were included in this
study with 1-5 individuals in each population. Sam ̄
bucus chinensis Lindl. was selected as outgroup in
molecular phylogenetic analysis. Voucher information
of these taxa is listed in the Appendix.
1􀆰 2  Epidermal observation
Micromorphology of leaf epidermis was investiga ̄
ted using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Leaves
from the five species of L􀆰 macrantha complex at vari ̄
ous stages of development were fixed for 2 h at 41 ℃
with 2% glutaraldehyde in 0􀆰 1mol􀅰L-1 sodium cacody ̄
late buffer (pH = 7􀆰 2). After washing with the same
buffer and dehydrating in acetoneꎬ the material was
mounted onto stubsꎬ and coated with gold ̄palladium
(Ascensao et al.ꎬ 1997). Observations were conducted
using a Hitachi ̄S4800 scanning electronic microscope
(Hitachi Ltd.ꎬ Tokyoꎬ Japan) with 10 kV voltage.
1􀆰 3  DNA extractionꎬ PCR amplification and se ̄
Total DNA was extracted from silica ̄gel ̄dried
leaves using a modified CTAB extraction protocol
431                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 36卷
(Doyle and Doyleꎬ 1987). Extracts were used as
template for amplification of two plastid DNA regions
( trnS ̄trnG intergenic spacer and psbA ̄trnH inter ̄
genic region).
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification
of trnS ̄trnG region was performed with primers trnS
(GSU) and trnG (UCC) (Hamiltonꎬ 1999)ꎬ while
that of psbA ̄trnH was carried out using primers psbA
and trnH (Hamiltonꎬ 1999). The 25 μL volume reac ̄
tion mixtures contained 2 μL of sample DNAꎬ 0􀆰 3 μL
of Taq DNA polymerase (Tiangen Biotech Co.ꎬ Ltd.ꎬ
Beijingꎬ China)ꎬ 2􀆰 5 μL of 10 × reaction bufferꎬ 1􀆰 5
μL of MgCl2ꎬ 2􀆰 5 μL of dNTPsꎬ 1 μL of bovine ser ̄
um albumin (BSAꎬ 20 mg􀅰mL-1 ) and 0􀆰 5 μL of
each primer. Amplifications were performed using a
program consisting of an initial denaturation at 80 ℃
for 5 min followed by 30 cycles of 45 s denaturation
(94 ℃)ꎬ 45 s annealing (52 ℃) and 50 s extension
(65 ℃)ꎬ ending with a final extension at 65 ℃ for 7
min. The PCR reaction system and amplification pro ̄
tocol were identical for above two regions.
PCR amplifications were performed with a Bi ̄
ometra T1 thermocycler (Biometraꎬ Göttingenꎬ Ger ̄
many). The amplified products were checked on 1%
TAE agarose gels and sequenced by an ABI ̄PRISM3730
sequencer after purification in Shanghai Sangon Bio ̄
technology Co.ꎬ Ltd. (Shanghaiꎬ China). The same
primers described above for PCR amplifications were
also used for the sequencing reactions.
Sequences were edited and assembled using Se ̄
qman (DNASTARꎬ Madisonꎬ WIꎬ USA)ꎬ and aligned
by MEGA5􀆰 05 (Tamura et al.ꎬ 2011). For each in ̄
dividualꎬ two fragments ( forward and reverse) were
aligned to obtain a full ̄length sequence for each re ̄
gion. Poly ̄A / T index that seemed to be caused by
DNA polymerase error was removed from the dataset.
All other indices were coded manually using the sim ̄
ple indel coding method of Simmons and Ochoterena
(2000) as binary characters.
1􀆰 4  Phylogenetic analyses
1􀆰 4􀆰 1  Maximum Parsimony (MP) analysis
The combined trnS ̄trnG and psbA ̄trnH dataset
was analyzed under a maximum parsimony criterion
implemented by PAUP∗ version 4􀆰 0b10 (Swoffordꎬ
2002). Only one sequence representing each haplo ̄
type was used in the phylogenetic analysis. Heuristic
searches were performed with 100 replicates of ran ̄
dom stepwise additionsꎬ holding 10 trees at each
step with tree ̄bisection ̄reconnection (TBR) branch
swapping and unlimited MaxTrees. Bootstrap support
value (BS) was estimated with 100 bootstrap repli ̄
cates using full heuristic search with TBR and Mul ̄
trees in effect.
1􀆰 4􀆰 2  Bayesian Inference (BI) analysis
The model GTR+I+G was chosen as the best fit
for the combined dataset by Modeltest 3􀆰 6 (Posada
and Crandallꎬ 1998). Based on the model selectedꎬ
the dataset was analyzed using MrBayes 3􀆰 2􀆰 1
(Ronquist and Huelsenbeckꎬ 2003). Markov chain
Monte Carlo (MCMC) iterations were carried out with
four chains (one coldꎬ three heated) for 10 000 000
generationsꎬ sampling a tree every 1 000 generations.
Convergence of runs was accepted when the standard
deviation of split frequencies ( SDSF) fell below
0􀆰 01. The first 25% of the sampled generations were
discarded as burn ̄in and the posterior probabilities
(PP) values were determined from the remaining
2  Results
2􀆰 1  Morphological data
The main morphological characters of the com ̄
plex are listed in Table 1. The leaf texture of L􀆰 macr ̄
antha and L􀆰 macranthoides is leatheryꎬ while that of
other three is papery. The inflorescences of two spe ̄
cies are corymbose and cone ̄shapedꎬ while those of
L􀆰 similisꎬ L􀆰 hypoglauca and L􀆰 ferruginea are short
racemose to racemose. Proportion of length of corolla
tube and lip in L􀆰 macrantha is much higher than
that of the others. Length of corolla of L􀆰 ferruginea is
shortꎬ while bract length of which is longꎬ and that
of the rest four species are similar. The peduncle
length of L􀆰 similis is much longer than that of other
four taxa. Fruits of all five species are black to
5312期      DONG and PENG: Relationships within the Lonicera macrantha Complex Based on Morphological 􀆺       
blue ̄blackꎬ but only those of L􀆰 macranthoides and
L􀆰 hypoglauca have powder on the surface.
Most of the characters are quantitativeꎬ but
there is no obvious gap among them. The most signif ̄
icant difference between the five species is the type
of trichome on abaxial leaf epidermis. Therefore we
observed the trichomes using SEM in order to get
more detailed informative (Table 2 and Fig􀆰 1). At
the same timeꎬ characteristics of cuticular membrane
and stomata were also observed. It has been proved
that trichomes can be used for identification of some
species and medicine materials (Huang and Chenꎬ
2005)ꎬ and may be results of adaption to different
habitats (Li et al.ꎬ 2007).
2􀆰 2  Micromorphological data
2􀆰 2􀆰 1  Cuticular ornamentation
Only the cuticula of L􀆰 macrantha is nearly
smoothꎬ others swell into different types: cuticular
ornamentation of L􀆰 similis is striatedꎬ while that of
L􀆰 hypoglauca and L􀆰 ferruginea is ridgedꎬ and irreg ̄
ular cuticula is found in L􀆰 macranthoides (Figs􀆰 1:
Aꎬ Dꎬ Gꎬ Jꎬ M).
2􀆰 2􀆰 2  Trichome
All the five species have single hairs on both
leaf surfacesꎬ but most trichomes appear on abaxial
epidermisꎬ except for L􀆰 hypoglauca and L􀆰 ferruginea.
Hairs of L􀆰 hypoglauca and L􀆰 ferruginea are straightꎬ
but others are pubescent. Only L􀆰 hypoglauca has ca.
1 000 μm long trichomesꎬ while that of others are
200 μm in average. Hairs of L􀆰 macranthaꎬ L􀆰 hypog ̄
lauca and L􀆰 ferruginea are relatively thinꎬ in parti ̄
cular of L􀆰 hypoglauca for the abaxial leaf surface of
the species is occupied by mushroom ̄shaped glands
instead ( Fig􀆰 1: I)ꎻ trichomes of L􀆰 macranthoides
and L􀆰 similis are so dense that stomata are covered
and hard for observation (Figs􀆰 1: Bꎬ Eꎬ Hꎬ Kꎬ N).
2􀆰 2􀆰 3  Stomatal characters
Stomatal apparatuses can only be found on aba ̄
xial surface of leaves. All the stomata observed are
elliptic and 120 - 220 μm long in average with a
stomatal index (number of stomata divided by num ̄
ber of epidermal cells per field) of 0􀆰 20. The inner
margin of outer stomatal rim of all the five species is
smooth. Stomata of L􀆰 macrantha and L􀆰 hypoglauca
are surrounded with wax grainsꎬ while those of L􀆰 fer ̄
ruginea are nearly clean (Figs􀆰 1: Cꎬ Fꎬ Lꎬ O).
Table 1  Key morphological characters of the Lonicera macrantha complex
L􀆰 similis L􀆰 macrantha L􀆰 macranthoides L􀆰 hypoglauca L􀆰 ferruginea
leaf texture papery leathery leathery papery thick ̄papery
petiole length / mm 3-12 3-10 6-10 5-12 10
abaxial trichome densely tomentose strigose densely tomentose pubescent brown strigose
inflorescence racemose corymbose paniculate racemose short racemose
bract length / mm 2-4􀆰 5 2-5 2-4 3-4 6-12
peduncle length / mm 10-40 1-8 0􀆰 5-3 4-15 2-7
corolla length / cm 4-6 3􀆰 5-9 3􀆰 5-6 3􀆰 5-4 2-2􀆰 5
tube∶ lip 1􀆰 5 ∶ 1 2􀆰 5 ∶ 1 1∶ 1 1∶ 1 1∶ 1
fruit color blue ̄black black black black black
powder on fruit not observed not observed blue ̄white white not observed
Table 2  Epidermal characters of Lonicera macrantha complex based on SEM
L􀆰 similis L􀆰 macrantha L􀆰 macranthoides L􀆰 hypoglauca L􀆰 ferruginea
cuticular ornamentation striate smooth irregular ridged ridged
abaxial trichome pubescent pubescent pubescent straight straight
length of trichome / μm 200 200 200 1000 200
density of trichome dense thin dense sparse thin
length of stomata / μm not observed 220 not observed 220 120
adjunct of stomata not observed wax grains not observed wax grains nearly clean
631                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 36卷
2􀆰 3  Molecular data
The combined matrix of trnS ̄trnG and psbA ̄
trnH consist of 1 103 characters ( aligned lengths
were 699 for trnS ̄trnG and 404 for psbA ̄trnH)ꎬ
98 of which were potentially parsimony ̄informative.
MP analysis identified 1 000 trees [tree length=571ꎻ
Fig􀆰 1  Epidermal characters of Lonicera macrantha complex based on SEM
A-Cꎬ Fꎬ Iꎬ L􀆰 hypoglaucaꎻ Dꎬ Eꎬ L􀆰 macranthoidesꎻ Gꎬ Hꎬ L􀆰 similisꎻ J-Lꎬ L􀆰 macranthaꎻ Mꎬ Nꎬ Oꎬ L􀆰 ferruginea
7312期      DONG and PENG: Relationships within the Lonicera macrantha Complex Based on Morphological 􀆺       
consistency index ( CI) = 0􀆰 855ꎻ retention index
(RI) = 0􀆰 7787]. Bootstrap values ( BS) greater
than 50% are shown in Fig􀆰 2ꎬ species names with
population numbers are labeled at the tip of each
branch. Analyses of the combined datasets using MP
and BI methods yield trees with similar topologyꎬ
thereforeꎬ only the MP tree is shown here with PP
greater than 50% being marked after the slash of the
tree (Fig􀆰 2).
The monophyletic of the complex is only modera ̄
tely supported in MP tree (BS = 56%)ꎬ but is not
supported by BI analysis (PP = 86%)ꎬ and relation ̄
ship among the five species is not resolved. All the
eight individuals from two populations of the
L􀆰 macranthoides group together ( BS = 72%ꎬ PP =
99%) and show high variations within the species.
But individuals of other four species of the complex
can’t be distinguished from each other at all from
the MP tree.
3  Discussion
The five species of Lonicera macrantha complex
are similar in morphology and habitat. Shapes and
sizes of their leaves vary greatly in different growing
Fig􀆰 2  Phylogram obtained from parsimony analysis based on combined plastid DNA dataset. Bootstrap values higher than 50% are
indicated above branches before the slash and the Bayesian posterior probabilities higher than 50% are set after the slash
831                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 36卷
periods and habitats. After a great deal of field work
and specimens examinationꎬ we find out that some of
the morphological and micromorphological characters
to be useful for identification of the five speciesꎬ tri ̄
chomes on abaxial leaf surface being the most dis ̄
Currentlyꎬ plastid DNA variations have been
frequently used for phylogenetic studies on plants
(Shaw et al.ꎬ 2007)ꎬ for substitution rate of cpDNA
is moderate for intergeneric or intrageneric phyloge ̄
netic reconstruction and suitable universal primers
have been developed for many higher plants (Taber ̄
let et al.ꎬ 1991ꎻ Soltis and Soltisꎬ 1998ꎻ Shaw et
al.ꎬ 2007). In our phylogenetic analysisꎬ two plastid
DNA regionsꎬ i􀆰 e. psbA ̄trnH intergenic spacer and
trnS ̄trnG intergenic spacerꎬ were combined to look
into the relationships of the five species. Sun et al.
(2011) used seven candidate DNA barcodes (psbA ̄
trnHꎬ matKꎬ rbcLꎬ trnL intron trnL ̄trnF spacerꎬ
ITS2 and ITS) for identification of L􀆰 japonica and
its related speciesꎬ and their results showed that the
highest interspecific divergence was provided by
psbA ̄trnH region. The trnS ̄trnG intergenic spacer
contributed even more variable loci than psbA ̄trnH
in our study. Howeverꎬ only the eight individuals of
L􀆰 macranthoides can be well recognized from the
phylogenetic resultsꎬ while individuals of other four
species and relationships between the five species
are still not resolved.
The explanation for this unresolved phylogeny
may be incomplete lineage sorting of ancestral poly ̄
morphisms before the rapid divergence of these spe ̄
ciesꎬ making plastid DNA sequences insufficient to
resolve the phylogenetic relationships. To further
look into the relationships among these species and
their relationships with other related taxa of Lonice ̄
raꎬ an expanded sampling within the genus as well
as more available DNA markersꎬ such as single copy
nuclear genes which contain more lociꎬ will surely
be helpful for the phylogenetic reconstruction (Whit ̄
tall et al.ꎬ 2006).
Based on morphological and micromorphological
evidenceꎬ the complex could be roughly divided into
three groups: Lonicera hypoglauca is a relatively dis ̄
tinctive species for its mushroom ̄shaped glands and
extremely long trichomes on abaxial leaf epidermisꎻ
L􀆰 macranthoides and L􀆰 similis are similar to each
other in character of trichomes that both of them
have dense pubescent hairs on abaxial surfaceꎬ but
they differ in types of cuticular ornamentationꎻ Loni ̄
cera macrantha and L􀆰 ferruginea are characterized
with thin hairs on abaxial surface of leavesꎬ while
stomatal structure and corolla length of L􀆰 ferruginea
is obviously different from that of the former.
Relationships within the L􀆰 macrantha complex
are still obscure and complicatedꎬ simple merging or
division of the five species is not suggested here.
They could be carefully distinguished by morphology
and micromorphologyꎬ but so far no more effective
information can be required from the phylogenetic
analyses. Further studies on resolving the monophy ̄
letic of the complex and speciation and spreading
mechanism of this complex are still badly needed.
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to Yin Zhijian
and Tang Ying for their help in field collectionꎬ and to Ren
Zhongxin and Ding Bo in the SEM observation.
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041                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 36卷
Appendix: Voucher and locality of species sampled in this study (all deposited in KUN)
No. Taxa Locality Voucher
1-4 Lonicera hypoglauca Longlinꎬ Guangxi Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 211
5-8 L􀆰 hypoglauca Nanchuangꎬ Chongqing Dong H􀆰 J. & Tang Y. 284
9-10 L􀆰 hypoglauca Longlinꎬ Guangxi Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 210
11-15 L􀆰 hypoglauca Lechangꎬ Guangdong Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 180
16-17 L􀆰 hypoglauca Quanzhouꎬ Guangxi Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 205
18-21 L􀆰 hypoglauca Renhuaꎬ Guangdong Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 168
22-25 L􀆰 hypoglauca Dayuꎬ Jiangxi Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 154
26-27 L􀆰 hypoglauca Chengbuꎬ Hunan Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 184
28-29 L􀆰 hypoglauca Chengbuꎬ Hunan Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 185
30-31 L􀆰 hypoglauca Lichuangꎬ Hubei Dong H􀆰 J. & Tang Y. 259
32 L􀆰 hypoglauca Jiangkouꎬ Guizhou Dong H􀆰 J. et al. 931
33-35 L􀆰 similis Emeiꎬ Sichuan Dong H􀆰 J. & Tang Y. 334 ̄A
36-39 L􀆰 similis Lichuangꎬ Hubei Dong H􀆰 J. & Tang Y. 258
40-42 L􀆰 similis Hefengꎬ Hubei Dong H􀆰 J. & Tang Y. 283
43 L􀆰 similis Yuanmouꎬ Yunnan Fang W. 11153
44-46 L􀆰 similis Yuanmouꎬ Yunnan Xiang C􀆰 L. et al. 503
47-48 L􀆰 similis Wudingꎬ Yunnan Xiang C􀆰 L. et al. 511
49-52 L. similis Jiangkouꎬ Guizhou Dong H􀆰 J. et al. 654
53-56 L􀆰 macrantha Quanzhouꎬ Guangxi Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 204
57-60 L􀆰 macranthoides Lechangꎬ Guangdong Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 178
61-64 L􀆰 macranthoides Quanzhouꎬ Guangxi Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 206
65-68 L􀆰 ferruginea Jingdongꎬ Yunnan Dong H􀆰 J. et al. 837
69-72 L􀆰 pampaninii Lechangꎬ Guangdong Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 177
73-77 L􀆰 confusa Guilinꎬ Guangxi Shen X􀆰 L. s􀆰 n.
78 L􀆰 calcurata Xundianꎬ Yunnan Dong H􀆰 J. et al. 841
79 L􀆰 nubium Emeiꎬ Sichuan Dong H􀆰 J. & Tang Y. 334 ̄B
80 L􀆰 japonica Tianmushanꎬ Zhejiang Dong H􀆰 J. & Yin Z􀆰 J. 042
1412期      DONG and PENG: Relationships within the Lonicera macrantha Complex Based on Morphological 􀆺