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The Identity of Codonopsis draco Pamp. (Campanulaceae)  with Special Reference to Its Endangered State

Codonopsis draco Ramp. (桔梗科) 的身份鉴定,特别提及它的濒危状态

全 文 :Codonopsis draco Ramp. (桔梗科) 的身份鉴定ꎬ
(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京  100093)
摘要: Pampanini于 1910年发表了桔梗科采自湖北西部的一个新种 Codonopsis dracoꎮ 此后 100年无人提起它ꎮ
最近作者在进行党参属及其近缘类群的专著研究中发现它就是 1984年发表的刺萼参 Echinocodon lobophyllus
D􀆰 Y. Hongꎬ 也采自湖北西部ꎮ 本文作了新组合ꎮ 刺萼参在湖北郧西的分布点已经消失ꎬ 至今仅知道陕西东
南部两个地点有少量植株ꎬ 可见刺萼参已处于濒危状态ꎮ 因为它是单种属ꎬ 对其保护应予特别关注ꎮ
关键词: 刺萼参ꎻ 新组合ꎻ 单种属ꎻ 濒危状态
中图分类号: Q 949            文献标识码: A                文章编号: 2095-0845(2014)03-301-02
The Identity of Codonopsis draco Pamp. (Campanulaceae)
with Special Reference to Its Endangered State
HONG De ̄Yuan
(State Key Laboratory of Systematic & Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ China)
Abstract: Codonopsis draco was described by Pampanini as new from NW Hubei [Hu ̄Peh] Provinceꎬ China. This
species has been ignored since then by all late authorsꎻ even Lammers failed in mentioning it. Recently when the
present author traced the name of C􀆰 draco Pamp.ꎬ he found from the figure provided by Pampanini that it is a dis ̄
tinct species but not in Codonopsis. By comparing it with species of Codonopsis and its allies it was found conspecific
with Echinocodon lobophyllus D􀆰 Y. Hongꎬ which was described based on a collection also from W Hubei (Fig􀆰 1). A
new combination is made here in the present paper.
Key words: Echinocodon dracoꎻ New combinationꎻ Endangered state
  Echinocodon draco (Pamp.) D􀆰 Y. Hongꎬ comb.
nov.ꎬ basionym: Codonopsis draco Pamp.ꎬ Nuov.
Giorn. Bot. Ital. 17: 733. fig. 19. 1910. Type: Pam ̄
panini’ s figure cited ( lectotype here designated).
≡Echinocodon lobophyllus D􀆰 Y. Hongꎬ Acta Phyto ̄
tax. Sin. 22 (3): 183. pl. 1. 1984. Type: Chinaꎬ
Hubeiꎬ Yunxi COꎬ near the townꎬ 300 mꎬ 01. Jul.
1983ꎬ Y􀆰 J. Ma & D􀆰 Y. Hong PB 83006 (holotype:
The genus Echinocodon D􀆰 Y. Hong was de ̄
scribed as new by Hong (1984). It has been recog ̄
nized by all the relevant authors as a good genus
(Lammersꎬ 2007ꎻ Mabberleyꎬ 2008). Our recent
molecular analysis revealed that Echinocodon is not
closely related to Codonopsis as Hong (1984) indi ̄
catedꎬ but instead the closest relative of Echinocodon
is Cyclocodon (Wang et al.ꎬ 2013).
The genus is monospecificꎬ and found only in a
small area of NW Hubei and SE Shaanxiꎬ China.
The type specimen of Echinocodon lobophyllus D􀆰 Y.
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报  2014ꎬ 36 (3): 301~302
Plant Diversity and Resources                                    DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201413153
∗ Funding: National Natural Science Foundation of China (31170175)ꎻ the National Science Infrastructure Platform Foundation of China
(Grant No. 2013FY112100)
Received date: 2013-07-19ꎬ Accepted date: 2013-11-22
作者简介: 洪德元 (1937-) 男ꎬ 中国科学院院士ꎬ 主要从事植物分类与进化研究ꎮ E ̄mail: hongdy@ibcas􀆰 ac􀆰 cn
Fig􀆰 1  Echinocodon draco (Pamp.) D􀆰 Y. Hong. A & B. Codonopsis draco Pamp.ꎬ from Pampanini (1910ꎬ Fig. 19)ꎻ
C-F. Echinocodon lobophyllus D􀆰 Y. Hongꎬ from Hong (1984ꎬ pl. 1)
Hong was collected from the suburb of Yunxi Town
in 1983ꎬ when it was locally rather abundant. How ̄
everꎬ Dr. YANG Fu ̄Sheng could not be able to find
any there in 2012 though he searched for it hard.
Luckily Dr. LI Bing found several individuals in SE
Shaanxi in 2012ꎬ and Prof. REN Yi found a few in ̄
dividuals in 2013 in Ankangꎬ also SE Shaanxi. Ap ̄
parentlyꎬ the plant is extremely endangered though
not extinct. Thereforeꎬ we should pay a special at ̄
tention on the conservation of this plant as the only
species of Echinocodon.
Acknowledgements: I should thank Prof. Ren Yiꎬ Dr. LI
Bing and Dr. YANG Fu ̄Sheng for their field work.
Hong DYꎬ 1984. Echinocodon Hongꎬ a new genus of Campanulaceae
and its systematic position [ J] . Acta Phytotax Sinꎬ 22 (3):
181—184. pl. 1&2
Lammers TGꎬ 2007. World Checkl. Bibliogr. Campanulaceae [M].
London: Kew Publisherꎬ 262—273
Mabberley DJꎬ 2008. Mabberley’s Plant ̄Book. 3 ed [M]. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
Wang Qꎬ Zhou SLꎬ Hong DYꎬ 2013. Molecular Phylogeny of the
Platycodonoid group (Campanulaceae s. str.) with special ref ̄
erence to the circumscription of Codonopsis [ J] . Taxonꎬ 62
(3): 498—504
203                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 36卷