Abstract:There are 2 540 species in 1 026 genera and 207 families of seed plants in Mt. Wuliangshan which is located in the south-central part of Yunnan province, Southwest China. Among them, 10 families are endemic to East Asia, 27 genera to China and 67 species to Mt. Wuliangshan. The region is rich in plant taxa and more or less evident in endemism. After making a careful study on the endemism of the,familial rank, we have the conclusion that the fact that the region has more taxonomically isolated endemic families to East Asia reflects that this flora is a part of the older one of East Asia, and that its geological history is in accordance with that of East Asia and is closely linked with the origin place of East Asia. The endemism in the generic rank indicates that Mt. Wuliangshan has no relatively high percentage of endemism as the hinterland of Yunnan which is located in the high percentage area of endemic genera to China.