Review of plant biogeographic studies in Brazil Research on the Floristic Characteristics,Geographical Distributions and Life-forms of Plants Endemic to Jiangxi Province Studies on the endemism in the flora of Shandong province STUDY ON THE ENDEMIC PLANTS FROM SHANDONG PROVINCE Endemism in the Flora of China—Studies on the Endemic Genera Endemism in the Flora of China—Studies on the Endemic Genera Distribution Change of Craspedolobium schochii and Unacceptability of Its Endemism to China THE ENDEMISM IN THE FLORA OF SEED PLANTS IN MT. WULIANGSHAN THE ENDEMISM OF CHINESE SEED PLANTS IN THREE GORGE RESERVOIR AREA,CHANGJIANG RIVER,CHINA Floristic endemism of seed plants in the southern Gaoligong Mountains Features and distribution patterns of Chinese endemic seed plant species The Endemism in the Flora of Seed Plants in Napo County Endemism in the Flora of Seed Plants in Nu River Valley of Yunnan Province On endemic genera to China of spermatophytic flora from Mt.Wulingshan region Morphometric approach to address taxonomic problems: The case of Utricularia sect. Foliosa (Lentibulariaceae) Diversity of Bamboo in Brazil